Thanks to all for the compliments!
grantmichaels said:
Sadly I can tell which quartz I'm looking at from the particulates ...

That's not a sad thing. I believe. I don't remember if it's some tech mixture.
tctenten said:
Homemade bread for the garlic bread.
That for sure caught my eye... I need to see the section!

Garlic bread... Sounds so good, the kind of simple stuff i'd choose over fancier and more complex ones!
SL3 said:
Being Italian, Essegi’s Bigoli is bringing me great comfort. I swear I can taste it and already feel it in my belly. And chasing it with a Red Wine only makes sense. Why the frick do I live so far from Italy!
Thanks Steve! That one maybe it's not exactly something you are used, but for once as good as the best southern dishes.
keybrdkid said:
Entry 1:
Rice with Jerked Beef (Majao), Plantains, and Fried Egg
That looks great and a winner for me!
Ashen said:
Essegi.. in your teaser pictures the last picture had the pasta in a spiral shape.. did you spin those on a dowel or piece of wire??
Not really... I spammed pasta on the dish trying to do it well (it's thick and short so it's not like spaghetti). Then i tried to round the shape a bit. Then i start eating putting cheese. After 1 or 2 bites i thought that a photo with grated cheese could have silenced complains especially of bad dudes like THP, Sic and Jay (just joking

) so i added more and took a photo.
Oh, i missed that
sicman said:
Who made that cutting board?
Some idiot i think. That was the cutlery container of the kithcen and there wasn't a single hole of suitable dimension. Or too big or too small to there's was so much waste of space. A new cheap one did the job.
But reversed it's great to knead.