contest BEGIN! The Ramen Throwdown

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alright off to the store to get stuff

well son of a beeswax

just about to walk out of my house, and i run into the kitchen to see what Ramen packet I bought

Dishwasher overflowed, and there are suds all over the damn place :party:

at least now i dont have to clean the kitchen flore
I guess when you show a teaser with corn husks you're pretty much busted for making tamales. Cory got it right.

Soaked about ten of those bad boys in water for at least a half-hour. Had to use FD's canning equipment for submersion weight.


Threw the pork in the pressure cooker with a couple chipotles & adobo sauce, some chopped onion (a quarter of a hhhhuge one), and a packet of chicken ramen flavoring.


Here's a game I like to play called twirl the weasle.


Grind/chopped two Ramen bricks into rice size. Then add microwaved water to make a doughy paste.


Pulled the pork, mixed it up with all the seasonings and juices. Awesome. Then built the tamales.


Steamed them for the proper half-hour with the top on. (Gratuitous topless shot for your amusement.)


Awesomeness ensued.

Tamales steamed to perfection and plated on some Takis [fuego style]. Takis are the new hotness of bagged snacks in SoFlo.


Whipped up a sauce of sour cream and adobo for topping. And then foo'd it up with some homegrown green onion and chopped jalapeno.


We got all up in this.


Someone hit the BOOM toggle.
Summer - COOL! Can't wait to see the final post.

Wheebz - Who knew you had that non-tater tot in you??? Please make sure you final post follows the rules!
I would totally use chicken ramen with pork. For one, I'm not really sure the chicken "flavor" is even remotely real....

Are seriously taking me seriously?

SERIOUSLY. Those packets don't taste like anything they are labeled as, except salt. Seriously....

Those Brussle sprouts look so friggen yummy, I could eat my own wieght in those things, are they grilled?
C'mon wheebz, No P.O.L., No method, No teasers, No ramen.
Where's your business at? Git-er-dunn.
Tamales de Ramen y Cerdo Pujante

Got busted early by my teaser this time. Made some tamales with ramen and pork.
For some reason ramen just goes well with beer.... or that's what college taught me.

[The making of some fine tamales when you're out of masa.]
Soak corn husks for 30 minutes in water.
Drink beer.
Pressure cook pork cuttlets with chopped onion, 1 packet chiken seasoning, and a couple chipotles w/sauce for 30 minutes.
Drink beer.
Pull pork with forks and stir in with all the juices.
Place two Ramen bricks in food processor with 1 packet of chicken seasoning. Chop to rice consistency.
Add hot water to ramen in small increments while stirring until dough-like consistency is achieved.
Smear some ramen dough on the corn husks, add the pulled pork, wrap it up like a small burrito and tie it closed with a strip of corn husk.
Drink beer.
Steam them for 30 minutes, then let cool for 2. Place atop Takis (fuego), unwrap, top with a sour cream/ adobo mixture, green onion and chopped jalapenos.

[ See my process ]

Crazy delicious.


That's inventive, and... it worked! That's pretty damn amazing.

That's what this challenge is all about right there!
time time time...uhhggg...

The way s weekend shaping up, I'll be makng my entry as a late night snack, after LadyBox (Sweet-Tits), SnakPak (4 year old), Sir Fills-his-pants (the <1 year old) all go to bed. Sould be more entertaining after I'm a little pickled.
Lot of great looking Ramen so far, I&rsquo;m a little behind, was at the Vet ER last night and the vet this morning. Our little dog was having stomach pains and swelling, come to find out that he&rsquo;s been eating our other dog&rsquo;s hair, which is and Afghan hound. So he&rsquo;s got a big ol&rsquo; hair ball in his gut, can&rsquo;t blame him it&rsquo;s probably better than any Ramen I&rsquo;ve ever cooked up.
Anyhow here is my teaser.

I&rsquo;ve one question, if I want a side, say something like a baked potato or veggies, does it have to have Ramen or Ramen spice packet in it?
teaser pics as I am about to pull it out of the oven in 5 minutes

dishwasher disaster


garlic and hab sauteed first before sauce added to skillet


dough rising


sauce before full thickening


you know what this is



before oven picture


more teasers i just realized my phone didnt upload


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