contest BEGIN! The Ramen Throwdown

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OMG - what are you guys making Scovie do?!?!

I take one little shower and Pandemonium ensues......!!!!!!!


SL...out-of-town TDs ALWAYS get x-tra points!!!!!!!!! ;)
CJ, I'll be cookin and posting tomorrow. Boss, my research shows there are many variations of prison ramen. I will be doing none of them.
Sorry Scoville, I wanted a better tasting spice packet. I wouldn't call the spicy shrimp packet that came with this delicious, but its definitely better tasting than anything Maruchan puts out. I guess I'm a sell-out.
My food processor had a hard time powdering the noodles, so I had to finish it off in the coffee grinder.



I used the 'ramen flour' for the tempura batter for the shrimp.

The spicy shrimp flavor packet went into some mayo. After that I added some Sethsquatch Shake and Sriracha to make a nice sauce.

Nearly finished product; final plating and method coming in a bit.
Damn right Wicked!!! You found the JUMBO size bag of Funyuns!!! See that, Sum??!!!!!
I LOVE gas station food!!!

BTW, I smell a SLIM JIM throwdown in the near future!!!

(points for getting the Tabasco of my favorites, but one time I had a huge bone-chunk (no homo) in one)
Teaser, teaser:

Just a FEW ingredients. Much more to come tomorrow.

And a gratuitous pic.
My younger sister stole all the family pics from my mom's house many years ago, and finally managed to return them. My mom sent some to each of us (I have 5 brothers and sisters), and so I have to share one:


Sorry, it's a pic of a pic, but I am just too happy to have SOME momento from my childhood - didin't want to wait to scan!
Ramen Tempura Shrimp Rolls

I cooked some sushi rice and refrigerated it until it got down to room temp. Meanwhile, I tossed shrimp into the tempura batter and fried them in small batches for about 2 minutes. I then set them aside to let them cool. When the rice and the shrimp got back to room temp I laid out a piece of nori onto a sushi roller, lined with wax paper. I covered the nori in sushi rice, flipped it over, and put a couple long, thin pieces of cream cheese on the wrapper. I then put down 4 pieces of tempura shrimp (the two in the middle have the tail removed. I used the sushi roller to wrap it up, then I sprinkled it with sesame seeds before carefully cutting it, (poorly) drizzling it with the 2 sauces and topping it with tempura crumbles. I was originally going to batter the whole roll and fry it, but considering this was only my 2nd attempt ever at making sushi, it didn't go too well; the batter didn't set and the whole roll just got disgusting.

Tempura Batter
1 C Ramen Flour
1 tsp Corn starch
1 1/2 C cold water

Mix all together

Spicy Shrimp Sauce
Spicy Shrimp Flavor Packet
Sethsquatch Shake

Mixed the flavor packet, a pinch of sethsquatch shake and about a tsp of sriracha into 1/4 C mayo.

Wasabi Mayo
'wasabi' powder'

Dissolved 1/2 tsp of sugar into 1tsp of warm water. Added that and 1 tsp of 'wasabi' powder into 1/4 mayo.


Damn right Wicked!!! You found the JUMBO size bag of Funyuns!!! See that, Sum??!!!!!
I LOVE gas station food!!!

BTW, I smell a SLIM JIM throwdown in the near future!!!

(points for getting the Tabasco of my favorites, but one time I had a huge bone-chunk (no homo) in one)

Hell yeah Jumbo Funyuns is how I roll, I figure I had the ramen already and the cheese puffs, just needed to roll down to the Circle K and grab me a slim jim and some funyuns and it would be instant ghetto gourmet :D

oh btw i almost shot beer out my nose when I read "But one time I had a huge bone-chunk" :rofl:

Damn MJ thats some tasty lookin grub I really like the idea of the ramen tempura thats brilliant.
Nice post, MJD!!
My first impression is, "GENIUS IDEA!!!!!"
My second impression is, "Where da Skrimps at?"

My third impression was, "F-it. That stuff looks delicious!!!"

Nice job. Great to see a young sushi master perfecting his craft! Well done!
Thanks so-flos! FD: I wish I set it up so you could see the inside better. The damn camera battery went dead right before the money shot and needed a 5 minute charge before I could take that last picture. I was just lucky I kept myself from downing the roll while I waited, it crossed my mind. By the time the battery got a little charge I was ready to eat and just snapped the first closeup the camera would take.
Ramen Tempura Shrimp Rolls

I cooked some sushi rice and refrigerated it until it got down to room temp. Meanwhile, I tossed shrimp into the tempura batter and fried them in small batches for about 2 minutes. I then set them aside to let them cool. When the rice and the shrimp got back to room temp I laid out a piece of nori onto a sushi roller, lined with wax paper. I covered the nori in sushi rice, flipped it over, and put a couple long, thin pieces of cream cheese on the wrapper. I then put down 4 pieces of tempura shrimp (the two in the middle have the tail removed. I used the sushi roller to wrap it up, then I sprinkled it with sesame seeds before carefully cutting it, (poorly) drizzling it with the 2 sauces and topping it with tempura crumbles. I was originally going to batter the whole roll and fry it, but considering this was only my 2nd attempt ever at making sushi, it didn't go too well; the batter didn't set and the whole roll just got disgusting.

Tempura Batter
1 C Ramen Flour
1 tsp Corn starch
1 1/2 C cold water

Mix all together

Spicy Shrimp Sauce
Spicy Shrimp Flavor Packet
Sethsquatch Shake

Mixed the flavor packet, a pinch of sethsquatch shake and about a tsp of sriracha into 1/4 C mayo.

Wasabi Mayo
'wasabi' powder'

Dissolved 1/2 tsp of sugar into 1tsp of warm water. Added that and 1 tsp of 'wasabi' powder into 1/4 mayo.



I will only say uh-oh to this. I am still not sure if I can do this TD but if I do just know I told you uh-oh..

That is all
What the..???? SERIOUSLY?!?!??? The TIARA???


I didn't even tell you about the broken cutting board that leaked everything onto the counter, and I don't even want to think about the nasties on that thing....

Oh well....I can handle it!

mj~ been there with the dead camera battery!
Scovie's Baby Easter Basket

• 2 Packages of any 'ol ramen
• almost a full dropper bottle of green food color (you don't want too much)
• 4 eggs Devilled'
• ahhhh hell, I got to go pack for Florida.....




SL, to much whinin about lame cutting boards and having to buy your own knife etc. ....

WHILST ON VACATION AT THE BEACH! (Ocean Shores suckkkks, I know, :frownyface:)
Thanks for Easter basket entry SDV, you did not disappoint!
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