beer Being Crafty

Dessert is a wee heavy scottish ale I brewed back in June. It's a good brew, but not as good as it was a few months ago. The reason is that most of the peat smoked malt I used seem to have lost most it's smokiness. The smokiness was a great counterbalance to the extreme maltiness of this brew. My step dad inspired me to brew this one, and I'm glad he did, but I'm not going to brew any more scottish ales for quite a while.

Grass Snake said:
Why did you edit, I was still eye humpin your dinner. Was that king crab? S&P only spring mix? You torture us sometime.....
Lol! I usually only edit due to spelling errors. I refuse to use auto correct/suggest/capitalize/space on my phone. It helps me remember how to properly write and spell in English, since many of my work days are spent predominantly in Spanish. It was snowcrab, spring mix with a pear vinaigrette dressing, and roasted potatoes.

Starting off the night.