beer Being Crafty

Cigar City tasting room.
   Round 1

Round two.
Ya know what pairs great with beer? ...
Watching new anchors lose it over Lochte ...
Who cares if it's old ... what's old is new again ...
Wheebz liked this beer, and thought I should check it out - but it was never around ...


I popped the cork, and it had some added velocity on it ... at least, compared to usual ...

The aroma reminded me of licorice and then became Old Rasputin-like ...


There's something off, though ... for me, at least ...


w00t there 'tis ... champagne yeast ...

It's there in the aftertaste ...

Doesn't dethrone MZ or any of my Top Five stouts or anything, but it is good!
Not a bad beer, not super memorable but not all need to be.

Oh yeah it's real good. Your basic well made IPA. That's why it's not too memorable nothing special or unique but solid as hell.

I feel like they need to work on their label/branding and it will be more memorable. That just hit me but always thought it was plain.

IPA letters are huge, brand is small, basic fonts/colors. Now I know why it was not memorable.

PLUS it has no name so no identity. Just IPA. Name your beer!
I don't know what that has to do with SI. Can you explain? Either way if it's a local thing they need to think bigger imo. That's all.