After having that “Julius” at the Patriots game the other day, I caught “the itch”

I couldn’t help myself, and made the trek up to Tree House for the first time in over a year. Lucky I did too, because they had some absolute BANGERS that day. The only one of those 4 (above) that I’ve had before was King Jjjuliusss, which, to date, has been my favorite beer of all time. I only had it once, 3 or 4 years ago, and it definitely lived up to the hype. I can only imagine what “Emperor Julius” is going to do for me, lol.
“Green Machine” is another one I can’t wait to crack open. From what I’ve read about it, it’s a combination of “Juice Machine” (my 2nd favorite beer of all time) and “Green”, one of my favorite beers that’s in Tree House’s regular rotation (next to “Haze”). That one should be a ridiculously hazy pineapple bomb