Black Cobra

The pic isn't the greatest and there's no pods yet, just found it at a local nursery. The tag says Black Cobra Mexican pepper. Never heard of 'em. Anyone grown, have any scoop on what the pods are like? Thanks.
I got one too.
I think they are going to be like these guys.




Day I got them


These are 2 different plants.One has upturned pods,one pendulant.
The pods were purple when I got them but outside they are either brown black or purple black.Depending which plant...

They don't even look like the same plants once they got sunlight instead of $.99 store light after being in a closed box for who knows how long in their warehouse.

Plant looks kind of like goat weed but the pods are a lot bigger and taste different.Not as hot and one has a sweet taste before the heat kicks in.

Black Cobra is similar looking so far.
Mine are fuzzier than yours but they might be older.

Tags are the exact same thing on my Black Cobras.
The grower had no idea what they were.
He grows what the Co. tells him to grow.
Yeah, I tried interrogating a few people at the nursery about it. Nobody had anything for me. Thanks for those pics though, that helps satisfy some of my curiosity. It kinda reminds me of your black arbol plant I germed from your seeds. My arbol's pretty small though.

Pretty late post there Smokemaster- pullin' an all-nighter?
chilicutter said:
It's really looks like goats weed but different pods.
Nice plant never see before.
Do you guys got any extra seeds?

No seeds yet. Found the plant as is at the nursery. I'll be saving some though for sure and am always down to trade.
None are Goats weed.
Might be a similar variety though or stable cross.

Goat weed

Pods are different on my plants in shape and size.These are thicker fleshed too.
I've got a collection of goat weed type plants(some are above).
Some have pods that are ornamental looking pods (chile Negro de Arbol)the 2 above(Dollorama Darlings #1+#2-Beth named them for me-Peppermania) are much larger podded than goat weed.3+ inch long pods by 1/4-1/2 inches wide.I'm growing Goat weed too.All these plants are different when placed side by side.
My Warm fuzzy collection. :)

Chile Negro De Arbol



I work from 5pm-7am,7 days a week.Every day is an all nighter.LOL
By the way,I'm thinking of making bonzi plants out of them.Especially the Black Negro De Arbol and pendant dolorama darlin.
Notice how it grows lots of little branches at different angles off the main branches.
I'll try to make it look like a small tree from a haunted forest.

I'm going to try keeping one inside under low light to see if I can get the purple pods back like when I first baught the Dolorama Darlins.
scoville said:
Pretty sharp looking plant,We're gonna miss waterboarding...
Haha yeah, you know.

smokemaster said:
By the way,I'm thinking of making bonzi plants out of them.Especially the Black Negro De Arbol and pendant dolorama darlin.
Notice how it grows lots of little branches at different angles off the main branches.
I'll try to make it look like a small tree from a haunted forest.

I'm going to try keeping one inside under low light to see if I can get the purple pods back like when I first baught the Dolorama Darlins.
Nice pics. Soounds like a cool idea. Hopefully my negro arbol will pick up and get pic worthy soon. Been kinda havin' brisk nights again and a lot of marine layer the past few down here. I'm gonna put the cobra in the ground tomarrow though.
All these peppers overwintered outside last winter just fine (S.F. Valley-Van Nuys area).
I just got the Black Cobra a month or so ago from a grower I know through the Green Arrow/thumb nursery up the street a block.

The negro de arbol will get 4ft. high and wider in a bigger pot pot than I used (3 1/2 gal.) or in the ground.
I had one that big 3 yrs ago.
You guys on the 2nd west coast are doing mighty fine!Props to you both!
I've got some of your Progeny here ,and although I started kinda late on those,they are comming along...I'm Hoping the forces of Mother Nature spare us all...Let me Know if you require anything!
Thanks for the kind words Sco, but I've seen yer pics and know you're blowin' MY doors off, lol. That pic of the Jonah of yours is burned in my brain. Can't wait till I get some pods from those seeds.

Btw- I'm stoked finally got that Cuban Oregano in, so I'll hafta make your Trini Green Seasonin's recipe when my pods show up.
scoville said:
Pretty sharp looking plant,We're gonna miss waterboarding...

What- you broke your waterboard? You moved away from the swimming spot? They won't let you swim there anymore?
I'm sorry but they look like goat's weed crosses to me.