• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bodeen's 2013 Grow _-_ Love at First Sting

Not actually starting this yet. Just trying to get my thoughts together on what and how many I will be planting of everything. There is the possibility that there will be no cows here next year and the pastures will be made into corn fields. This would mean the barn lot will be free and empty. It grows some of the best grass on the farm and the barn does have a well and a pump already there. Could it be garden number 3??? Also contemplating enlarging the back garden again.

Seed list so far

Hot Peppers

7 Pod Yellow: One Plant
7 Pod: One Plant
7 Pod Brain Strain: Three Plants
7 Pod Burgandy: Three Plants
7 Pod Chaguanas: One plant
Aji Amarillo: One Plant
Aji Chinchi Amarillo: One Plant
Assam: Three plants
Bhut Jolokia: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Brown: Three Plants.
Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate: Three Plants
Bhut Jolokia, Peach: Three Plants.
Bhut Jokolia, Yellow: Three plants
Big Bomb Hybrid: Three plants
Biggie Chile Hybrid: One plant

Black Hungarian: One Plant
Budapest Hybrid: Three Plants
Cayenne (Thick): One Plant

Cayenne (Chocolate): Six Plants, with one over winter
Cayenne (Orange): One Plant
Chapeu Du Frade (Bishop's Hat): One Plant.
Chenzo Hybrid: One Plant
Cherry Bomb Hybrid: Three Plants

Czechoslovakian Black: One Plant
Fatalii: Three Plant
Fatalii, Red: One Plant
Fatalii x Savina: Three Plants
Fish: One plant.
Fresno: One Plant
Habanero Chocolate: Three plants
Habanero Orange: One plant
Habanero Peach: One Plant
Habanero Red: One plant
Habanero White: One plant

Habanero Yellow: One Plant
Hawaiian Sweet Hot: One Plant
Jalapeno, Biker Billy: One plant
Jalapeno, Goliath: One plant
Jalapeno, Purple: One plant

Jamaican Yellow: One plant
Lemon Drop: One plant.
Paper Lantern: One plant.

Peter Pepper (Orange): One Plant
Rain Forest: One Plant
Red Savina: One plant
Sante Fe Grande: Three plants.
Serrano Tamp: Two to three plants.

Thai Giant: One Plant
Tobago: One plant
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T: One plant

Trinidad Scorpion Green: Three Plants
Trinidad Moruga: Three plants
Trinidad Red Douglah: Three plants
Trinidad Douglah Chocolate: Three plants
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow: One Plant
White Scorpion Tongue: One Plant
Yellow Thai: One plant

Sweet Peppers

Jimmy Nardello: Six plants
Douce D`Espagne: Six plants
Lipstick: Two plants
Sweet Goliath: Three plants
Atris Hybrid: Three plants

Gypsy Hybrid: Three plants
La Rouge Royale: Three plants
Golden Treasure: Three plants

Mini Bell Red: Two Plants
With an 18 pack of pot ups, I needed to have two 4 foot twin bulb fixtures above them to keep the outside row from bending in towards the light. Added the light fixture before work and come home to straight plants tonight. Looks like I will be doing another set of repots this weekend too. Things are starting to pop now!!!!
The pot ups are growing up so fast. Seems like just yesterday I was waiting on their hooks.







The sweets and the annuums are popping like crazy and I will be potting up some more this weekend. Orange, Yellow, and all but one chocolate Cayenne are still not up. But the one chocolate was just peeking this morning and now its full blown up. The only trouble I am having with the sweets are a couple new varieties that just aren't up yet and 4 of my 7 Jimmys aren't up yet.

The supers I am still waiting on some 7 pot yellows, morouga (I did get one up from first planting) Assam, and brain strain. Of course second planting is only 7 days in.

I will try to put together a more comprehensive recap later this week.
I got some time here, so I will list some of the trays that I have popping.

Patio Red 2/2
Dulce Rojo 0/2
Perfume 2/2
Tequila Sunrise 1/2
Orange Lipstick 3/3
Aji Habanero 2/2
Georgia Flame 2/2
Feher Ozon 0/2
Atris 4/4
Aruba 4/4
Sweet Goliath 4/4
Lipstick 2/3
LaRouge 3/4
Gypsy 1/1
Jimmy 4/7
Golden Treasure 4/4
Douce Esp 2/3
Mini Bell Red 1/1

So far 41/52 Sweets are hooking or up 78.8% sure isn't stellar.
Biker Billy 0/2 Just planted
Cyklon 0/1
Chilhuacle Negro 1/1
Costino am 0/1
TFM Scotch 1/1
Condor Beak 1/1
Dulce #2 0/1
Aji Yellow 0/1
Aji Chinchi 0/1
Congo 1/1
Congo Black 1/1
BB Jonah 2/3
Jonah 1/3
Yellow Cardi 0/1
Thai 1/1
Santa Fe 0/1
Cascabella 0/1
Donne Sali 0/1
Tepin 1/1
Peter 0/1
Datil 1/1
Rain Forest 1/1 but coty not looking right
Black Hungarian 1/1
Hawaiian Sweet Hot 0/1
Czech Black 1/1
Primo 0/3
Savina 2/3
Serrano Tamp 2/2
Budapest 3/4
Big Bomb 2/3
Cherry Bomb 2/3
Yellow Jalapeno 1/1
Purple Jalapeno 1/1
Goliath Jalapeno 2/2
Biggie Chile 3/3
Chenzo 1/1
Giant Red Cayenne 1/1
Purple Cayenne 1/1
Yellow Cayenne 0/1
Orange Cayenne 1/1
Chocolate Cayenne 1/6
Fish 1/1
Bishops 1/1
Fatalii 1/1
Savina X Fatalii 0/1
That's one monster list man! How close are the lights? Can you move them in a little closer? May be able to thicken them up some and get a bit of undergrowth going. Kind of lights you using?
That's one monster list man! How close are the lights? Can you move them in a little closer? May be able to thicken them up some and get a bit of undergrowth going. Kind of lights you using?

That's my non chinense lists lol. I can get em closer to the lights. Using daylight and grow bulbs. They are a lot darker green than the pic shows. Looking real good. The one tall one is a white hab and its always been tall.
Got my very first yellow hab to pop up. So happy and it only took two seasons for me to get one up. I think the seeds I had last year were no bueno!! Tried them again this year and same thing. Tried new seed this year and nothing. So today I put the rest of my seeds in a zip lock to see if I could get em to germ first, then stick em in and tonight I notice I have a yellow hab hooking!!! Still going to let the rest germ in case I have continued troubles once it is out of the ground or if I have helmet head.

So far, the only two plants I have lost were helmet heads in which the coty died out on me. Rain forest coty is opened but it isn't looking right. I planted another seed just in case this one doesn't pull through. Not sure of my first plantings grow rate as I have some pulled out and potted up already. Another potting up to happen tomorrow.
More potting up, but first, a minor surgery on some habanero plants.



The 54 pot ups today.




The plants I potted up two weeks ago I believe.


The sweets that I need to pot up yet.


Here are the stats for the season so far.

Patio Red 2/2
Dulce Rojo 0/2
Perfume 2/2
Tequila Sunrise 2/2
Orange Lipstick 3/3
Aji Habanero 2/2
Georgia Flame 2/2
Feher Ozon 0/2
Atris 4/4
Aruba 4/4
Sweet Goliath 4/4
Lipstick 2/3
LaRouge 4/4
Gypsy 1/1
Jimmy 7/7
Golden Treasure 4/4
Douce Esp 3/3
Mini Bell Red 1/1

47/52 for 90%

Biker Billy 1/2
Cyklon 0/1
Chilhuacle Negro 1/1 Potted up
Costino am 0/1
TFM Scotch 1/1
Condor Beak 1/1 Potted up
Dulce #2 0/1
Aji Yellow 0/1
Aji Chinchi 1/1
Congo 1/1 Potted up
Congo Black 1/1 Potted up
BB Jonah 2/3 Potted up (2)
Jonah 1/3 Potted up
Yellow Cardi 0/1
Thai 1/1
Santa Fe 0/1
Cascabella 0/1
Donne Sali 0/1
Tepin 1/1 Potted up
Peter 0/1
Datil 1/1
Rain Forest 1/1 but coty not looking right
Black Hungarian 1/1
Hawaiian Sweet Hot 0/1
Czech Black 1/1 Potted up
Primo 0/3
Savina 2/3 Potted up (2)
Serrano Tamp 2/2 Potted up (2)
Budapest 3/4 Potted up (3)
Big Bomb 2/3 Potted up (2)
Cherry Bomb 2/3 Potted up (2)
Yellow Jalapeno 1/1 Potted up
Purple Jalapeno 1/1 Potted up
Goliath Jalapeno 2/2 Potted up (2)
Biggie Chile 3/3 Potted up (3)
Chenzo 1/1 Potted up
Giant Red Cayenne 1/1 Potted up
Purple Cayenne 1/1 Potted up
Yellow Cayenne 1/1
Orange Cayenne 1/1 Potted up
Chocolate Cayenne 6/6 Potted up (1)
Fish 1/1 Potted up
Bishops 1/1 Potted up
Fatalii 1/1 Potted up
Savina X Fatalii 0/1

48/70 68.5% and that is horrible.
7 Pot Chocolate 3/3 Potted Up (3)
7 Pot Brain Strain 0/3
7 Pot 0/3
7 Pot Yellow 0/3
7 Pot Burgundy 2/3 Potted Up (1)

TS Green 3/3 Potted Up (23)
TS Moruga 2/3 Potted Up (2)
TS 1/3 Potted Up (1)
TS Yellow 0/3

Butch T 1/3 Potted Up (1)
Douglah Red 1/3 Potted Up (1)
Douglah 0/3
Chaguanus 0/3
Chaguanas Chocolate 1/3 Potted Up (1)
White Scorpion Tongue 2/2 Potted Up (2)
Black Scorpion Tongue 2/2 Potted Up (2)

Bhut Yellow 1/3 Potted Up (1)
Bhut Chocolate 1/3
Bhut Peach 1/3 Potted Up (1)
Bhut Assam 0/3
Bhut Brown 0/3
Bhut Red 3/3 Potted Up (2)

Habanero White 2/2 Potted Up (1)
Habanero Peach 1/2 Potted Up (1)
Habanero Chocolate 2/2 Potted Up (2)
Habanero Yellow 1/2
Habanero Orange 2/2 Potted Up (2)
Habanero Red 2/2 Potted Up (2)

Jamaican Yellow Mushroom 3/3 Potted Up (2)
TFM Scotch Bonnet 1/1
Choc Scotch Bonnet 2/2 Potted Up (2)

40/82 for a dismal 48.7%....but I am still fighting these!!!!
I think I am done sowing any more seeds. If they don't come, this is what I will have to work with. Just hope the cutworms leave me alone this summer.
I think I am done sowing any more seeds. If they don't come, this is what I will have to work with. Just hope the cutworms leave me alone this summer.
I've had good luck against cutworms using 1"-2" collars cut from toilet paper or paper towel tubes. If the plants are too large to slide the collar over the top, cut it diagonally and slip it in place. Work it into the ground 1/4" or so.
I've had good luck against cutworms using 1"-2" collars cut from toilet paper or paper towel tubes. If the plants are too large to slide the collar over the top, cut it diagonally and slip it in place. Work it into the ground 1/4" or so.

I don't think I go through enough toilet paper to make all the ones I need lol.

Finally, brain strain is starting to pop. Now if the rest of the supers that are playing hard to get will start to pop, I will have a good start to the season.

Just under two weeks from starting tomatoes and I need the peppers to exit my starting tables lol.
Highalt showed me a trick last year that worked really well for me to stymie cutworms... bamboo skewers.


You put the skewers at least an inch deep in the ground and right up against the pepper stalk. Cutworms apparently can't tell the difference between a bamboo skewer and the green stem of a plant if the two are in contact. Didn't lose a single plant to cutworms last year... a first for me!
Two trays of sweets potted up. Having to use two banks of lights on these short plants so they will grow straight up and not try to turn to the light. Should be able to cut that back once they get a little bigger. Didn't need to do that last year at all.

Need to go out and get two more banks of lights since I still have some plants that need potted up. Hopefully more supers pop up and I will need to get more light. Looks like that third garden might have to happen lol.

Yellow cayenne was up but the coty was still in the ground and not springing up. I guess I waited too long to help it as the coty turned yellow on me. I think this one is shot. Last cayenne to pop up too. Replanted it this morning because I need a rainbow of cayenne colors lol.

Pics tomorrow after shopping.
Things are looking a little better in the last tray to pop up. 2nd Biker Billy is hooking. Also have a Donne Sali, 7 Pot, Chaguanus, peach hab, yellow hab, assam, choc bhut, starting to come. The assam looks like the seed is upside down, but I sure don't want to mess with it.
Didn't get around to taking pictures. Worked on mancave after I got home from shopping. Not sure what is going on with the rainforest. It popped up, coty is open, just not doing anything since.