• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Brian2112's 2012 Grow

Well my 2012 season has started and i have been growing some strawberries and taking care of my little chili and tomato seedlings, i will try my best to remember my growlog.... haha

Spikey the Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T(from Butch T)
7 pot Brainstrain
7 pot Yellow
Bhut Jolokia
Bhut Jolokia Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Fatalii Red
Aji Lemon
Red Manzano

I'll edit the list I remember more later.
The pictures so far.




Now for the Peppers



Update 5/22/12


Hokkaido Black Watermelon

Giant Watermelon

My weed inffesed hill... :mope: Peppers are not doing so well in the all day sun....
haha, yeah, I can relate... I hate posting pictures of my weeds. With as much land planted as I've done, I can't keep all the weeds out of every part of it all the time without spending (feels like) half my life weeding. I tend to weed the areas that needs it most this week (3 gardens going, one is 24 x 10, one is 40 x 60, and the third is 60 x 60 ). Next week same deal, so each one gets weeded. This week is the small garden, which is ironical the worst, due to crab grass.

Your corn is a bit ahead of mine, but it seems to be growing like crazy... Hoping to have mine in the ground in the next week. lots of hoeing to do first though... Maybe I'll start that tomorrow. ~200 corn plants.

Also I've never heard of that Black melon before, is the flesh black? How is the taste? Sweet?
Thanks for the moss pix, Brian! Now that's a Louisiana garden! Just beautiful!

My brother grew those little round Japanese melons a few years ago. I believe it was the sweetest, juiciest fruit I have ever put in my mouth...amazing...

I feel for you on the weeds, dude. If it will make you feel better, mine is way worse...I'll put some photos up of my little patch of shame later on today... :mope:

Everything is looking great—The Grannie Scorps seem as if they are trying to catch up with the oak trees!

Okay, Ken and Brian, here it is, probably the most depressing sight I can imagine. I am just hard-headed enough, however, to be certain beyond all doubt that I will get this thing cleared and planted, if it takes me until Labor Day :twisted: :

Gary, clean that garden now!
Thanks, Mill. I'm on it!
thats just nuts that those plants came back over winter! kudos to hardwood mounds!
Thanks Guru! You noticed the volunteer Guampinha...Cool! It's easily lost in the profusion of weeds. There's also a Scotch Bonnet and a Scorpion that came back from stumps, but they're obscured by weeds in the photo. This year I will use enough shredded hardwood mulch to prevent being overrun by weeds in 2013. I may have to take out another mortgage on my house, but it will be done right!

Brian, looks like I usurped your thread again. Sorry. I'm done now... :)
Had to clean mine out this weekend. Nowhere near the labor you got ahead of you but it just makes you smile when it is all through. (either that or the booze) so it is a win/win sitch!
Coming along nicely Brian, those Granny Scorps ought to be podding up by now! I'm sure I'll have a good weed shot waiting on me this time...that damn nutsedge was closing in when I left.Great lookin Yellow Pear Toms! Be interesting to see what those Douglahs do in full day full sun, you could always use tall posts and run 1-2' wide strip of netting lengthwise between the post tops, this doesn't provide a lot of shade to the plants directly under the net, but as the sun travels it does break up the light a bit for rows on either side.Used to do that on the tomatoes when I used to grow em-works great, I'll see if I can find an old pic.
Looking good. I was talking to a guy the other day who was looking for scotch bonnets to plant in amongst his grapevines. He said it gives him slightly spicy grapes. Have you noticed anything similar with your tomatoes?
Great stuff...thanks for reminding me its weeding day, ughhhhh! Your granny row is really kicking! How is the "weed" hill doing by the way? They finally liking the sunshine up there?