food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

What are these black spots? 
Remnants seem breadcrumbs before frying or something ... 
French fries should be golden and perfect, but free from other debris, especially so should be
texas blues said:
Now whatchoo' got?
If that translates to what do you got, i got enough hunger (dinner at 11:30 am, now nearly 9pm and i've stil to have lunch) to eat that stuff, the one Siccy posted above with also a backup copy for each.
I don't know that Tillamook but it sure looks a thing i'd eat to the death.
Well done!
Essi Tillamook is an awesome cheese producer in Tillamook, Oregon, USA.
They have other dairy products but their cheddar cheese is world class.
Their extra sharp cheddar is most excellent!
You want it!
An ARGETINIAN telling an AMERICAN how to make FRENCH fries!
No debris!!
Hey, debris is French. I think you are wrong cypress!
I like debris on my fries! Isn't pepper powder debris???
sicman said:
home fries.  it was hard to save any let alone 3 of them to put on my burger. 
burger for national burger day. 
Glorious. and not one comment about lettuce. The anti-lettuce guys are becoming desensitized to it. Right on!
Love fries on my burger. Also lately I been loving making home made baked fries.
Far as I know I'm the only lettuce rayciss' around here.
I've more or less given up the fight against the lettuce lovers.
I reckon the onliest reason the first guy that ever put lettuce on a burger was because he
didna' have any scheeze or baconz.
The Hot Pepper said:
An ARGETINIAN telling an AMERICAN how to make FRENCH fries!
No debris!!
Hey, debris is French. I think you are wrong cypress!
I like debris on my fries! Isn't pepper powder debris???
JAJA!! Is that I think it was something else.   Of course I like pepper on the fries!!!
Sic that burger is t-down winner material senor.
Did you get a new camera?
Your pics look bettern' ever!
And thats my kine-o-burger.
Squishy bun and melty schmelty scheeze with 'peno's.
Goodern' hell!
Killer burger Sic! I bet those candied japs were great on it.
texas blues said:
Far as I know I'm the only lettuce rayciss' around here.
I've more or less given up the fight against the lettuce lovers.
I reckon the onliest reason the first guy that ever put lettuce on a burger was because he
didna' have any scheeze or baconz.
I'm with ya on the lettuce. I like lettuce and salads and such, but not so much when it's served directly on/in hot foods. I'm not a big fan of lettuce on burgers, but the absolute worst IMO is hot, slimy, wilted lettuce inside a burrito...  :sick:
muskymojo said:
Killer burger Sic! I bet those candied japs were great on it.
I'm with ya on the lettuce. I like lettuce and salads and such, but not so much when it's served directly on/in hot foods. I'm not a big fan of lettuce on burgers, but the absolute worst IMO is hot, slimy, wilted lettuce inside a burrito...  :sick:
Thank you sir.
The onliest time I like to be liking lettuce on any kine-o-sammich or other is when its a BLT or an oyster or shrimp po' boy.
Lettuce on any 'thang else other than mentioned or a salad is a SIN!
But I realize I'm in the minority here.
Like chile with beans.
I just won't do it.
And an even greater sin.