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food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

SmokenFire said:
Grass fed beef, carmelized onions, bacon, white cheddar.  Topped with a dollop of habanero mustard I made based on a recipe found here.  Yummy for the tummy.   :)
bacon, cheddar, caramelized onions is my go to burger! very nice 
Cali Pan-Asian Fusion Burgers ...

Backstory: http://thehotpepper.com/index.php?/topic/51319-%3D%5B-grill-grantmichaels%2C-grill-%5D%3D/page__view__findpost__p__1127682

Here we go ...

Much Benton's bacon fat was used in production ...




Flipped and Searzall'd some cave-aged (lol, yes) gruyere on them ...





I ate them both, and yes, I feel a bit guilty about it ...


I cut the first for a picture, but after eating it, I REALLY wanted to wield a whole-boy ... so I did.



So damn good, but I think I'm only allowed an apple still tonight!
f**k the apple get another burger.
   guilty or not,they look dope.  very nice. Keep them coming. I need some of these burgers./briskets/roast/whatnot. You mkaing me all meat envy.

grantmichaels said:
Cali Pan-Asian Fusion Burgers ...Backstory: http://thehotpepper.com/index.php?/topic/51319-%3D[-grill-grantmichaels%2C-grill-]%3D/page__view__findpost__p__1127682Here we go ...Much Benton's bacon fat was used in production ...
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425600085.504291.jpgFlipped and Searzall'd some cave-aged (lol, yes) gruyere on them ...
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425600231.361289.jpgI ate them both, and yes, I feel a bit guilty about it ...
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425600282.497107.jpgI cut the first for a picture, but after eating it, I REALLY wanted to wield a whole-boy ... so I did.
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1425600355.084924.jpgSo damn good, but I think I'm only allowed an apple still tonight!
Daaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! :) (BURP) excuse me :) ate those with my eyes
Saturday's brisket is kind of the end of the spree ...

I'm about to embark on the Asian cuisine express, and there's going to be a lot of soup and salad once it warms up (which, it seems to have, yeah?) ... have to go back to losing some weight!

Spring's here. Soups and colds salads, beer and cocktails and gardening, I think I'm going to spend more time posting stuff for web stores and garden automation systems for pepper-related businesses, than food ...

I mean, I'm sure I'll still post some grub, but it's time to scratch another itch ...
GM I'd rate that in one of the top ten posts in this thread without a doubt.
Having said that, that burger has some weirdness goin' on what with the panini press et.al.
Sure I'm one to talk right?
That last pic is killin' so no denying its awesomenessesess.
But still I can't put my finger on exactly what the weirdness is.
But its weird.
Like this sheeit.
I can't help it.
GM I'd rate that in one of the top ten posts in this thread without a doubt.
Having said that, that burger has some weirdness goin' on what with the panini press et.al.
Sure I'm one to talk right?
That last pic is killin' so no denying its awesomenessesess.
But still I can't put my finger on exactly what the weirdness is.
But its weird.
Like this sheeit.
I can't help it.

I got you.



Next time.

grantmichaels said:
I have a few lodge, but I never use them ... and I hate maintaining them.
You sir are a SINNER of the highest resort and should be pubichaired with 
extreme prejudice.
You have a panini press for burgers but won't use cast iron?
Guards! Seize him!!!!
You sir are a SINNER of the highest resort and should be pubichaired with 
extreme prejudice.
You have a panini press for burgers but won't use cast iron?
Guards! Seize him!!!!

When I let go, I'll happily send them to you ...

We eat 90% of our food out of the le creuset and the wok ...

The heat retention and ease of care combo is a nice trade-off imho ...

Looking forward to doing some filet in it ;)
texas blues said:
You sir are a SINNER of the highest resort and should be pubichaired with 
extreme prejudice.
You have a panini press for burgers but won't use cast iron?
Guards! Seize him!!!!
What idiot came up with that?
I kinda' like that term but have no fucking idea what it means.
"Pubichaired"... sounds like tarred & feathered, dragged through the streets, and ridiculed relentlessly.
I'm starting a SoFlo Cast Iron Dutch Oven Rescue Klub. GM, if you have one of those... don't be surprised if you are visited by a DORK agent.

We find homes for the unenameled.