food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

I am done with burgers for a while. I am on to tacos, steaks, and spaghetti this week. Made some beer brats with homemade sauerkraut today, but Mrs. JayT dropped the lid to the crockpot and shattered it all in my food before I could take final pics. I did get two of them to eat before the crash though.
So brats were KIA askidently?

I'm lowering the flag to half mast and will be declaring a state of mourning for 3 days.

I'll see you over in TDC.
Yeah, it was a total loss. Took well over an hour to clean up all the glass.

:taps playing for dead soldiers:
JayT, Food Lion has the Mini Burger Press you asked me about but unfortunately,
I cannot find where I wrote down your address. P.M. me and I'll get this sent to you

for real i bet jay t does have all kinds of diffrent hotdog corrals and steamers. anything that has ever popped up on a info commercial and you could put a hotdog in,jay t has bought it. he opens the cuppard and all kinds of broken busted up plastic steam carts for the microwave pour out.
JayT has a cock ring. GET YOUR MIND outta the gutter. It's for his shaping his chicken burgers.
I do not cook chicken burgers. I also do not have any gadgets for cooking hot dogs. Unless you count my microwave. Now leave me to my Mountville Special.
I'm severly hungover and slightly hungry after a long day of festivities yesterday so I thought why not make something to fill the void and also make something a little tasty.

Buns are in the oven

The Pattie is on the BBQ

More pics to come if it all works out :D
I hate all you Aussies.

Ever damn one of ya' is so stankin' cool.

Y'all remind me of Texas.

Merry Christmas to all my Down Under compadres.
I hate all you Aussies.

Ever damn one of ya' is so stankin' cool.

Y'all remind me of Texas.

Merry Christmas to all my Down Under compadres.

:D Merry Christmas Texas blues

AND OMG am I Full I'm sitting in the couch now and I don't think I'm moving anytime soon....





Oh I'm having a BABY!!!