food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Beets on a burger... Just enough oddness to want it.

I looove beets.

I looove burgers.

Throw an egg on there for the full monte win.

Damm creative there Booma. Nice burger!
I get a burger from the burger joint nearby that is made of kobe, a fried egg, sauteed onions, and gruyere ...

it's so rididculously good when cooked med rare that you don't even consider a condiment ...

... now i want.
Beetroot on a burger is common as.

Been eating salads for too long at the minute, losing the holiday weight gain. Time for weekly burgers again now

As they say "You can't Beet a Root"

The meat looks a little tight but dang juicy.

And just look at that cheese ooze factor!!

I'd face plant that burger.

I'd save the mac for later, I just can't eat that much food all at once.

I'd splooge sriracha goo all over that mac and eat it like I just kicked the prison wardens ass and banged his wife!
Jhp, looks perfectly cooked!
Props to the paper plate and box Mac n chac!...a staple round these parts!

Love everything about all of that!!
What's on it?
Thanks gents, sea salt, ground pepper and 15 blend in the meat and triple american cheese with some LDHS on top. I agree the meat looks tight but I barely handled it. Broke a pound in 1/2 slapped it a few times into shape and it hit the grill. Damn thing was sooooo juicy I almost chose the wrong bread for it!
Booma's burger looks quite odd.

Here is my overcooked burger with chopped butch Ts on a wheat bun with cheddar cheese.

uhhh.... So wait. You say there is burger PLUS cheese in there? I see mostly eaten bun. That is confirmed. But burger? Maybe that middle part is burger. I could buy that. But cheese? HA! I see no proof.
More than a month of tumbleweeds n' crickets all up in this mug here.

I've got a boner for a burger bad.

Sliders tonight.

Piccy's you know when...