food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

You won't be so high and mighty after you see jays before and after pics!

(j, make sure to post before and after pics of the guttural and scrotal regions!)
Hey, I mentioned that I had ANOTHER thread about it, that didn't mean you guys had to keep talking about it here. TB, Burgers post haste
are we talking about a 100% Angus Beef Cleanse? I'm down with that. Well as long as I can add condiments, bread, and have some fries on the side.
and maybe a pickle, and some chili and cheese. Otherwise I wish to hear no more of this cleansing talk.
Stupid Photobucket.

Won't load but a portion of my slider piccy's.

Here's a rundown anyhow.

Ground chuck 80/20 using the smash technique over diced onions in cast iron.

I was about 99% in the bag.

It began like this.


And ended this way.

Pepperidge Farm Slider buns. Toasted. Cheap yellow mustard. Plenty of pickled whole 'peno's on the side. I ate 6 in between bites of slider. Pepperjack scheeze for extra sleaze. Notice its barely melted. As I said earlier. 99% in the bag and I was already past my bedtime. Screw the melty schmelty.


Who's next?

Boom whatchu' got compadre?
Looking good, funny you mention PB, I was reminiscing this morning reading the beginning of the Drunken Chef, when you first learned to use PB. That was damn funny. You needin' some more Martin's Potato Rolls? I may fit some burgers in here later next week.
Looking good, funny you mention PB, I was reminiscing this morning reading the beginning of the Drunken Chef, when you first learned to use PB. That was damn funny. You needin' some more Martin's Potato Rolls? I may fit some burgers in here later next week.

What's PB?

Negative on the Martin's. I currently am behind on my care package to you so I'll be gettin' nuthin' until I own up.

What's cookin' tonight?

Oh I get it now...PB = Photobust.

Who's the fat guy in your avatar?
That burger looks good, but I'd elbow you in the face to steal them Peños.

No, not really.

But maybe.

God what a sexy bunch of fellas.
I've not prepared a burger that way yet, and you do it regularly enough that i'm going to have to take a crack at it one of these days ...

You can't see it for the cheese and onions covering it up but there's a beautiful maillard crust on that burger. The technique itself has been around forever as per burgers. The midwest regional chain SteakNShake comes to mind.

Here's George Motz big pimpin' at SmashBurger using the technique.
You know I have never actually done that myself either! I might just have to break out the CI, throw caution to the wind and cook it up. Does it work as well with regular sized burgers, or better with sliders?