food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

We are not brothers as far as I know. So to say, we "look like we could be".

What the hell is that on your face? I was suckling Mrs. TB's queso jugglies.

Does this shirt make me look fat? No. well, maybe a little.

Who's next?

Boom whatchu' got compadre?

Looking Good TB!!!!!

Now due to having 6hrs of ink put into my leg the other day, now having no resemblance of an ankle bone and barely able to walk, I missed out on going shopping. Got all the ingredients for some nice burgers, BUT no buns...... looks like the apron is coming out


Ok quite a few pics, made some rolls, a little dense but nonetheless Tasty and Fresh. Roo burgers seasoned with plain ol salt and pepper. SImplistics extras, egg, beetroot, pineapple, cheese and a whole lot of LDHS

Buns ready for the oven


Buns after 20 mins


All the gear bound for the grill


Frying away TB style




3 way burgers, Roo and Pineapple, Roo and Beetroot, Roo and egg, All topped off with one of the LDHS, love the stuff




Booma= WIN.

All of that...

I've seen you use Beets on Burgers a lot. Is that your thing, or an Oz thing? Are they steamed, roasted or pickled?

I just might have to try it. I love Beets, and I love Burgers, (not sure about the roo part).
Beets are a bit of an aussie thing, the usual burger with the lot, comes with beets

I think..... the beets are just boiled then packed in a can Hahaha, but when i have grown them and used them myself, same sort of thins, boiled in a water and vinegar mix, then packed in a container for later use.
Those look spectacular - would love to try the beet burger! Especially the 'roo beet burger. I bet there's a place for 'roo burgers in the SF Bay I need to go eat one. I've had Buffalo, I've had Ostrich - gotta try me some marsupial!

(you had me at grilled pineapple)
Those look spectacular - would love to try the beet burger! Especially the 'roo beet burger. I bet there's a place for 'roo burgers in the SF Bay I need to go eat one. I've had Buffalo, I've had Ostrich - gotta try me some marsupial!

(you had me at grilled pineapple)

Did you see he used your sauces too? Or were you too mesmerized by the grilled pineapple? Nicely done Booma.

Booma, he's not just good at pizzas anymore.
awesome looking burgers . ive been all ninja style reading your food blog. i be digging. i really want to try some roo. can you ship that to the usa? not sure if its legal? if you can p.m. me and ill send you some money for meat,dry ice,and packaging cooler.
Booma = BadAssBeetrootBurgerMan!

Great looking burgers all around.

If you've a mind to Boom, jump back and kiss yosef' 2 times just for sheer badassery.

The money hand shots look exceptionally badassassassassass.
Booma, he's not just good at pizzas anymore.

Slowly honing my skills haha

awesome looking burgers . ive been all ninja style reading your food blog. i be digging. i really want to try some roo. can you ship that to the usa? not sure if its legal? if you can p.m. me and ill send you some money for meat,dry ice,and packaging cooler.

Cheers for the ninjaness.
No idea Sic, .....????? No where in the states imports it??? Might do some research

Cheers TB