food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Not carrying platypus eggs is a sure sign of bad business.

Fact: Platypus is the only mammal that lay eggs. TRUE STORY

Pretend your not from earth... and the first creature you encounter while visiting planet earth is a goddamn platypus. Tell me that isn't a freaking alien.

Flamingos too. Don't trust em.
Flamingos too. Don't trust em.

Don't worry about flamingos. They are trustworthy. Their knees are just screwed on backwards. Other than that you can treat them the same as you would any waterfowl (except the Cormorant...they'll shart on your children and sexually harass your wife!)

I HIGHLY recommend reading the Wikipedia page on the platypus. Great reading.
Those things are something to behold.
Technically you could make French toast using bread and platypus eggs and milk...and venom!

Sorry. Back to platypus and flamingo burgers!
Back in the big dry ditch of Las Vegas is "Flamingo" as in the street.

We never pronounced it as it is spelled.

We Liberace'd that sheeit up!

Flaming Oh!
I just wanted you to know that I am eating bacon cheddar burgers on onion rolls right now, but I am not posting because I would be breaking several Cooking and Posting on THP rules. I may cook some more tomorrow or the next day and post them if I can follow the rules. That is all.

Oh and shout out to Ann, I put your Chipotle BBQ Sauce on them and they are amazing.
I didn't even take pics. I didn't use the cast iron, I didn't use the grill, I didn't toast the bun, I microwaved the bacon. I am a bad mambajamba! I am watching college basketball and was in a hurry.
K I haz burgers. Please be easy on me....


Double cheeseburger with bacon, lettuce, tomato, sriracha, mayo, and HabbyHeats pineapple sauce.


Single Baconator (six slices) with lettuce, tomato, pickles, jalapenos, mayo, and Texas Creek Chipotle BBQ.

Toasted onion rolls for both.
Nothing to have to be easy on there, that double cheese burger looks goooooooooooooooooood.

AND I'm sayin that after having already stuffed my face and filled my gut with chinese food.