• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2013 Less is more

Hello everybody!
This year I will be growing much less than previous season's. I have been reducing my pepper growing for a couple years now. I am germinating under 20 varieties and a month later than last year. I have between 25 and 28 overwintered plants that are out currently, but not to far from the back door. I think I put the first plants in the ground last year late Feb. and early Mar. I do not expect to exceed 50 to 75 new starts this season. Along with my daughter I am growing some veggies, herbs, flowers, and a few fruit trees. I will do my best to keep the grow log lively and entertaining. As always lots of pictures of plants and pods, but also some cool nature, and a few extra distractions from time to time.

Hope everyone has a great season!


All from saved seeds except store pods and Mini Mini from Finland THP member

Cumari do Para iso
Yellow 7 pod (Brain like)
Douglah cross F2 (small red uniform)
Chocolate Hab
Yellow Scorpion CARDI
7 Pot White
7 Pot Barrackpore
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Douglah cross F2 (red)
Douglah cross F3 (Brownish- maroon with bonnett-habish shape)
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion iso
"Funky" orange habs from HEB
Manzano from Fiesta pods
Super Chilli
Trinidad Congo Red
Purple Flash
Smiter Q pequin like pods
Mini Mini

I will list my overwinters soon, can''t remember.

Here are some pics;
Germinating began Feb. 3rd. The three cells in the corner were all up on day 6. Douglah cross F2 small fat red pointy. I might post a pic from last year to show their shape. All my crosses are accidental nature.

Meyer Lemon bloom smells a lot like Jasmin

Coming out of hibernation, overwinters

Found this guy in a Mountain Laurel by my driveway. Western Screech Owl I believe

Owl be back!
The end of August has arrived and cooler temps are not far away.  Not a whole lot going on lately so I have to make do with inside projects.  I started a ferment last weekend with some of Judy's peach habs.  I put a few less than common ingredients in it, one being cauliflower, which I had read was great fermented but heavy on the O2 and not recommended for mason jars.  I made the assumption that they were not using airlocks when they suggested the ferment crocks.  Five days in and the faint odor, sweet salty musty, is really taking over the house and I was begged to deal with it.  So I took it to work to finish off the start up.  If it still has the smell later I may just leave it there for the duration.  It is not going bad or anything I think its just the ingredients I choose.  The taste was very similar to the first ferment sauce I made earlier in the year.  Pics to follow;
I have been keeping the ripe Tepins picked each day to minimize bird take.

A group of baby assasin's that always show up each season. Plant is Mini Mini C. baccatuum and does not mind the heat

Yellow 7 pot really one of the few chinense that have continued to produce anything right now.

A male Neon Skimmer or a Flame Skimmer,  I've got to look at more photos I took to determine.

Unknown close up

My ingredients for the ferment.  Peach habs, half pint of T. S. Butch T puree from last year, cauliflower, white radishes, onion, garlic, OCA red cherry potatos, Pitaya (dragon Fruit)

More sauce pics with bumpy;
Devv said:
Nice stuff Mike!
Always love the pics too!
Come on cool front and some REAL rains!
Thank you Scott! I actually got a little rain late last night! Sweet morning smell in the air driving to work this morning. Always a good thing.

Well my son performed with his improv troupe,(Four Stories Tall) for the second year in a row at Austin's "Out of Bounds comedy festival" Lots of fun.

My pathetic late August harvest;

A female Common Whitetail dragonfly 2 pics

A new bbq sauce ferment with Trinidad Congo Black and other various dark chinense. Sorry no prep pics.

Good day all
Wow, Mike, I can't believe it's been so long since I stopped by...As always, your photography is spellbinding! And it's so good to see you representin' the Texas Pequin love! I'm drying seeds for a full 20-plant row of them babies next year...As you say, the weather can't get too hot for them!
Right now I'm transfixed by your Meatstrosity....That's really some unfair damn porn, Mike...
I'm intrigued by the comedy troupe...Is there a video?
windchicken said:
Wow, Mike, I can't believe it's been so long since I stopped by...As always, your photography is spellbinding! And it's so good to see you representin' the Texas Pequin love! I'm drying seeds for a full 20-plant row of them babies next year...As you say, the weather can't get too hot for them!
Right now I'm transfixed by your Meatstrosity....That's really some unfair damn porn, Mike...
I'm intrigued by the comedy troupe...Is there a video?
Many thanks Gary! I'll be ready with an early start on those pequin help! I know it's an annuum and thereby fast, but I'd rather put out plants further along and possibly turn over another generation during the back half of the season that will be a mature overwinter 2015 F3.

The meat pie certainly was a beast, although sadly, not my creation. I have to stop and laugh every time I try to reply to this! It can consume your thoughts!

There is not a video right now even though it's been discussed for a couple years. There is a "podcast", which I will try to find out more about. I'm of the opinion that a podcast was the act of throwing an unwanted pepper across the yard toward the compost bin!

See you later
LOL, a podcast is a video clip, in Mac language...which I don't understand..Looking at the kids my first though was "remember when I had that kind of hair"?
Hey you're still pulling and the next wave should set soon!
No rain here yet, but they have a chance although small all week...come on rains....I want to see the cowpies float down the slope!
As usual great pics!
Have a great week!
Thanks Scott for the enlightenment!
I've been thinking about the Tepin ferment/ mash that I plan on making later this season.  Uncertainty over what size the jar would be, either a pint or a quart.  Since I love a good math calculation, I now know that it will be a quart jar ferment for sure.  I will probably only use a pint and a half of tepins with the rest onions, garlic, carrot, and cucumber.
Currently, (Sept. 6th), I have 70.1 grams of tepins.  I'm pulling approx 40+ pods a day(all the more reason to start crossing something larger with these heat indifferent plants).   Over the last 8 days that is 8.7 grams per day.  Assuming that 90 grams will fill a half pint, 180 grams 1 pint, and 360 grams 1 quart, and the pull rate is locked in even though cooler weather approaches, how many days before I can fill the quart? Or what day is my birthday since they are the same.  Carry two places on the decimal.

40 pods

I will post weekly pics of the jar fill but the pods will be spread out on screens indoors to prevent moisture buildup.
Edit;  Today is the day you have feared your whole life, that math would be required!  It's really more bark than bite.
Not sure what any correct answer would win for this, but I will think of something.
Thanks for looking!
Great pics and pod/dragonfly/bug porn … love the look of your ferment, you’ll have to tell us how tasty it is when done. Cool shots of the Tepins too, it’s Saturday and you’re running a math test, lol …
Have a great weekend!
That's around 40 days. right?
I was gifted three texas wilds from a family member from the wife's side. They called them peqins, but i thought they look more like tepins. Said they grew under mesquite trees at the drip line, all over thier property. They look exactly like yours there. Had my first this morning. :)

Correction. 32 to 33 days?
I've been gone all day and have to leave again.  My estimate is 33.32 days.  Scott is the math king!  Thanks for playing along with my ridiculous notions!  I talk more when I get back.
I hated math in school and one day as a young adult the light went on.  If I could just get that accross to my kids now.  Scott you should pm me your address and I'll put something together for next week.
Looking great Mike, sucks about the plant slow down but it looks like the sauces are still kickin!  I am probably gonna start as soon as the pods stop, right now I am just seeding and separating.  Cant wait to see that jar get filled!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Mike, sucks about the plant slow down but it looks like the sauces are still kickin!  I am probably gonna start as soon as the pods stop, right now I am just seeding and separating.  Cant wait to see that jar get filled!
Can't wait to see the creation's Matt! Have fun.

I got a really nice care package of THP goodwill Monday. I'm still tasting and deseeding some pods. Thanks Jason, I'm very excited with them.

Here's a Tepin bloom that is very proud and wants everyone else to know it.

Have a great day THP!