• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2013 Less is more

Hello everybody!
This year I will be growing much less than previous season's. I have been reducing my pepper growing for a couple years now. I am germinating under 20 varieties and a month later than last year. I have between 25 and 28 overwintered plants that are out currently, but not to far from the back door. I think I put the first plants in the ground last year late Feb. and early Mar. I do not expect to exceed 50 to 75 new starts this season. Along with my daughter I am growing some veggies, herbs, flowers, and a few fruit trees. I will do my best to keep the grow log lively and entertaining. As always lots of pictures of plants and pods, but also some cool nature, and a few extra distractions from time to time.

Hope everyone has a great season!


All from saved seeds except store pods and Mini Mini from Finland THP member

Cumari do Para iso
Yellow 7 pod (Brain like)
Douglah cross F2 (small red uniform)
Chocolate Hab
Yellow Scorpion CARDI
7 Pot White
7 Pot Barrackpore
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Douglah cross F2 (red)
Douglah cross F3 (Brownish- maroon with bonnett-habish shape)
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion iso
"Funky" orange habs from HEB
Manzano from Fiesta pods
Super Chilli
Trinidad Congo Red
Purple Flash
Smiter Q pequin like pods
Mini Mini

I will list my overwinters soon, can''t remember.

Here are some pics;
Germinating began Feb. 3rd. The three cells in the corner were all up on day 6. Douglah cross F2 small fat red pointy. I might post a pic from last year to show their shape. All my crosses are accidental nature.

Meyer Lemon bloom smells a lot like Jasmin

Coming out of hibernation, overwinters

Found this guy in a Mountain Laurel by my driveway. Western Screech Owl I believe

Owl be back!
Thanks GA!  I liked the White for all reasons except production.  Sometimes an overwintered plant can make a difference, or maybe it was just my growing conditions.
I thought it was tasty and plenty hot.  I've got some pics I'll try to find.
Only one I can find.  Looks more Off White here, but I remember being pleased with the amount of whiteness it acheieved.  I believe this pepper had relatively thick flesh which better explains it's weight.

Good luck with yours!

millworkman said:
Great pictures/plants/wildlife Mike! Love that tepin shot!!
Thanks Noah!  Did you have any luck leaving the Tepin's outside all winter in Tennessee?
It's been fairly hot here lately in the afternoon.  Between 4 and 6pm these plants are getting baked.  I usually put up shade screens a little later on.  I'm going to shuffle some plants around so frontline duty gets spread around.

Cooked alive at 95.  Don't think we've been above 97 so far.  No 100 degree days in May which is a good sign I hope.

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Douglah cross F2 with unknown father

Orange habanero (seeds from grocery store pods pictured on page 2 post #34)

Immature male Blue Dasher.  An adult will have Blue Greenish eye's

See ya tommorrow people of THP
Great shots as always Mike. That hab looks like some bonnets,maybe they got mixed in at the supermarket. I sometimes see bonnet type pods in the orange hab bin. Hope all is well down south.
Thanks Prodigal! I kind of thought so too when I bought them, I just wasn't sure if the seeds would grow the same form which they appear to have done.

The south is hot, but well, Thanks!
Here is an overwinter douglah cross that was very productive last season. I have a few F2's that are also productive and mildly different in shape, color yet to be known


Will post more later

Nice grow you have going on there!
I see you're using quite a bit of your back yard...cool:)
I see you're about 1.5 hours north of me, what did you think about the weird late cold fronts this spring?
Thanks Devv! I used a lot more of it in previous years, but scaled back to have more time with my family instead of my pepper obsession and we would like to move out of this house we've outgrown in the last 18 years. It was out of necessity that we wound up in it and it's served it's purpose. I may not grow to much at all next season except for the raised beds so I can get the house in shape to sell. I've always yearned for some land or a little more out of town for some space, and a work shop.

I had my overwinters out in all those high thirties nights knowing they would survive with only covering up, but I think it did slow down their upswing launch regeneration. I am fairly certain I had a lot of ripe pods in May before so I did not do myself any favors. I did not even germinate until early Feb. I think which is a month behind previous years.

I have an acquaintance musician friend who (in the early 90's) wrote a song about a bus on blocks in front of an old elderly nursing home at Devine Texas. It was called "Gloryland Express".

Thanks for stopping by!

We bought our place in '89 for a song, we were real lucky to get it. It's a little more now to do so...but if you have some decent equity, which you should after 18 years it shouldn't be hard. I built a 32x32 shop 10 years ago (just me), have it rigged as a full blown wood shop. Between that and gardening, hunting, shooting and just taking care of this place...I need to retire so I can do everything I want...LOL
romy6 said:
 Beautiful pics Mike. Your plants look very healthy and those nature shots are outstanding. Just need to update more often  ;)
Thank you Jamie, I appreciate it and will try to keep em going!
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Mike. I'm loving your pictures as always and those pods are looking gnarly!
Matt, Thanks so much for stopping by!  Glad to provide the pics if I can.  Welcome home!
Here is my first egg plant. Listada De Gandia

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Another F2 Douglah cross mentioned in post 128

Mini-Mini with some cross attempts, something I'm not very good at.


More Later, Have a great day folks!
Everything is beautiful, as usual, Mike! You have the style of an old-school naturalist, with the perfect, carefully-composed photos and the fascination with the details of nature....

Don't you love the natural art form of the Zapotec? I could never grow another Jalapeño!

Always a pleasure to browse your glog!
windchicken said:
Everything is beautiful, as usual, Mike! You have the style of an old-school naturalist, with the perfect, carefully-composed photos and the fascination with the details of nature....

Don't you love the natural art form of the Zapotec? I could never grow another Jalapeño!

Always a pleasure to browse your glog!
Thanks for the very kind words Gary! Agreed about the Zapotec!

Week old Tepin shot I forgot to put up.

Morouga Blend pod

Only pic I got of this guy. Believe it is a male Neon Skimmer

Yellow Trinidad Scorpion CARDI pod

A volunteer overwinter 7 Pot Primo getting a late start

A female Blue Dasher

Great day people!
Thanks Devv! The dragonfly's have not been very frequent lately. I did catch this slightly unusual what I believe is a wasp mimic moth on my egg plant.

On a separate side note, I am so bummed that Nasa did not accept me as a new astronaut recruit for the asteroid mission. I had some fresh Tepin seeds ready to go that I am sure could handle the temperature swings.

Where do I sign the petition to get you on that rock?  TRAVESTY! 
The garden is lookin good though, lovin that eggpant shot.  I keep saying I am gonna grow that variety but forget and then have no room...