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Carnivorous Plants

rainbowberry said:
I have a kiddies 'Grow your Own' Venus Flytrap (Dionaea Muscipula).

Ya, that's easy to use. Just keep the soil moist and spritz (mist) it with distilled water once or twice a day.

Stratifing the seeds helps too.
I tried to grow a kiddies pack of these once before but I don't think the temp. was right and the top of it went mouldy anyway. It says it wants to be kept warm and out of bright sun so I might try the airing cupboard as it's worked for everything else that I went against the instructions for that didn't germinate.
imaguitargod said:
It's starting to come down to the flower as the cause......we'll see what it does when it's not flowering....

well then I'm gonna cut all the flower stems off 2 of the plants & any that grow again, to see if this is the cause.
it just may be the problem, the flowers taking most of the resources from the plant & the traps suffer :think:
cut the stem and plant it in some spagnum moss laying it down, this is a easy way to propogate new plants do a goodle on it "pup" plants will strike from the flower stem if kept moist and warm enough, like a leaf cutting.
stillz - I guess its a little to late for that :doh::lol:
I cut the flowers off 2 of'em & just threw the flowers into the yard not paying much attention to as where they went, I looked some today but couldnt find them (lawn is no kentucky bluegrass just a farm lawn so they blended in good :lol:) plus the hours since I cut it, did that yesterday.

I guess I could try this with the 2 flowers stems left, 1 is in the process of having the flowers open & wilting to spread seeds. the other flower stem is getting close for the flowers to start opening up.
I'd like to allow them to seed & hope the seeds fall into the container & grow, can you have a flower stem sprout new roots & form a new plant after the flowers have died/seeded but the stem part is still a lush green & living.

How is this one doing Igg? Pic time.
I've never done the flower stalk leaf cutting thing, but they do say its easier to propogate with the stalk then a traditional leaf cutting, worth a shot.. nothing lost nothing gained.
ABurningMouth said:

How is this one doing Igg? Pic time.

At first I was like, "Is he asking how his own VFT was doing...wait...he just copied and cropped a pic of mine and said that was his....wait.....he's asking how mines doing...oh....nevermind", lol

It's settled in. Starting to harden it off to the outside. I gave the bug trap it's first meal this weekend...a large live ant. It shut and has been happly munching away on it ever since (there was a leg just hanging outside the trap twitching for a while.....very satisfing kill). Formed a perfect seal within an hour, which is a sign of a very healthy plant.

I'm still on the gimpped computer so I can't post pics. But once the old/new once returns I'll post pics.

I actually mixed in a tiny itsy bit of FoxFarm Ocean Floor soil to the mix just as an experiment. I would say 3-5% compaired to the rest. Experiments are fun!

a shot of the nepenthes only one trap but heaps about to form, I tried to take pics of the VFTs and drosera but the stupif phone can't take a good pic and it all turned out blurry.
Remember, with Nepenthis, you don't have to feed it live food. So you can take the larger bugs that you kill and feed it to him, or smaller animals like baby mice (but only occasionally). I see that you turned the beer label away from us so you don't give the company advertisements (or a chance to heckle you if it's bad beer ;)

I actually had that same type of pitcher plant in the Killing Fields back in LA.

Gave Bitey his first treat about a week ago (an ant) and gave him a fly three days ago. The fly was only head first when the trap closed. Provided me with some sadistic, fun viewing. The fly sruggled constantly for a good day, then gave up. I poked him a few times over the corse of the next day just to see if he was alive, he sort of struggled but was very weak. Today, the fly is dead.

fly with its head in the trap :lol:

alright I'm sure you knew I'd have more questions for ya IGG :)
whats considered over feeding VFT ?
- every trap has a insect in them (those that could at least)
- or so many insects fed in a certain time period

but then what about your pot o' death, I'm sure there was plenty of traps that had insects in them at the same time.

& would it be really bad if you pryed open a trap to feed it if the trap closed w/o the insect inside & ya dont want to wait since you're holding the insect with some tweezers. I havent tried this but just asking ya know.

I almost fogot another question, how do VFT spread/grow (besides seeds). does the clump just keep growing outwards slowly like a hernia forming around the exsisting plant ? because I have some green plant tissue forming alongside 1 of the exsisting plants (no pics now)
chilehunter said:
alright I'm sure you knew I'd have more questions for ya IGG :)
whats considered over feeding VFT ?
- every trap has a insect in them (those that could at least)
- or so many insects fed in a certain time period
Every trap feeding on seomething is definitly over feading. Think of your feeding schedual as somewhat of a fertilization schedual (which techniquly it is. It's how they get their extra nutrients). Feeding them once a week is a good idea. Twice a week is ok too. But every trap closed=bad idea.

chilehunter said:
but then what about your pot o' death, I'm sure there was plenty of traps that had insects in them at the same time.
Yes there were alot of traps eating, but that wasn't just one plant. I had about 20 plants in that thing.

chilehunter said:
& would it be really bad if you pryed open a trap to feed it if the trap closed w/o the insect inside & ya dont want to wait since you're holding the insect with some tweezers. I havent tried this but just asking ya know.
BAD IDEA!!! Never open a trap after it's been shut. This will damage the leaf. If a trap misfires, leave it alone and it will realise that there's nothing in there because the trigger hairs are not being triggered and reopen.

chilehunter said:
I almost fogot another question, how do VFT spread/grow (besides seeds). does the clump just keep growing outwards slowly like a hernia forming around the exsisting plant ? because I have some green plant tissue forming alongside 1 of the exsisting plants (no pics now)
They propagate, mainly, by byfracation. The rootball will split in half and new baby traps will form. Given the right conditions, they do this very quickly.

rainbowberry said:
How many of you grew them from seed?

I've done it before, but not this time around
RB - I bought my 4 VFT already full grown (well they were not any huge clumps)

IGG - well then what about if you have no control over their feeding since they're outside, what would happen if the traps were catching insect often w/o me feeding them. seems like the newer traps now are catching the insects & to me it seems like once a trap is about 2-3 weeks old they take forever to close or just dont close at all.
I'm absolutely blown away by the pygmy drosera my favourite species is D lasanthia

not my pic as my camera is no good. lol
if you can get these guys they are awesome I have about 6 growing now there gemma cups keep starting little pups up.
absolute the coolest cps I own imo