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Carnivorous Plants

really ? :shocked:
how big do those plants & containers get anyways.
I still cant get over the fact of their size & then the little stem part that keeps them upright, it just looks like the size & weight of the container would bust off the stem connecting to the leaf.
I got to borrow a decent camera and so have some pics of my plants
tommorow I will try and get some pics of my pygmy drosera I took a lot of pics of them today but they didn't turn out.
Now remember its our Winter so most of the plants are either in a dormant stage or just coming out, I'm gonna have a big year chillis and carnivorious plants.
Anyhow heres some pics and hopefully more to come tommorrow.

firstly not carnivorous plants but "air breather"





so there is some I'll keep you posted I have heaps of VFT but they are pretty ordinary yet give them a week or three.


Stuff looks great! I'm glad you can find live sphagnum, I can never find the stuff. That last pic of the twisted "air breather" looks super groovy. Do they usually look at twisted like that?
Mine's turning black in places, leaves and traps. OK it didn't have hardly any light and I committed the ultimate sin by watering it with tap water (left for a day or so). I've changed where I keep it now and I'm changing the water I give it. Do you think I've killed it?
rainbowberry said:
Mine's turning black in places, leaves and traps. OK it didn't have hardly any light and I committed the ultimate sin by watering it with tap water (left for a day or so). I've changed where I keep it now and I'm changing the water I give it. Do you think I've killed it?
Traps are basically just leaves, and leaves die. I would need pics to see for sure if it's nature or you that's doing it....tap water....forshame, RB, for shame. :(
Well I kind of pulled the black bits off so there's not much left :oops: I don't think it's the soil as it has been happy in it, well it was. Here's the photo after picking black bits off, I bet I've killed it now.

It's not dead yet. I would give it a good flush with the distilled water to try to get rid of the crap that the tap water has introduced. The fact that the traps are starting to die off before developing fully or even opening is a sign that there's a major problem. It also need much more sun than it's getting now.

Clip off the leaves that are blackened and are starting to blacken (clip them down to the base). You should be fine if you do the above steps.
this variety is called "royal red" its a deep red purple only just comming out of dormancy

the one in the red pot is a variety called "fang"

air breathers don't have roots (they require a misting evry now and then) they are kinda like a bromiliade kinda like a very hardy orchid they set large flowers very cool plants I have about 7 different types
I'll find the scientific name and a link if I get a chance tommorow
stillmanz said:

this plant looks very cool! what type is it ?
are air breathers native to only australia ?
do you just set them ontop of some rocks in a container for looks since they have no roots & no need for dirt. are they easy to grow & take care of ?
just a quick update

nepenthis going nuts lol

and my Royal red VFT coming on strong, they should be impressive in a month or so

Hows everyone else doing?
