• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

A few members including myself are growing seeds for this variety ASAP. I and a few others here on THP thought it would be fun to have a "community glog" strictly for this variety, a fun thread about the HP22B and growing this pepper for the first time.

I think we should start a community glog like this anytime there is a new pepper with alot of attention and alot of people growing it, possible world record holder or not. It would be fun, and this should be fun! That's why we all love this hobby is it not?

Therefore, this will be a drama-free, controversy-free, fun glog for all of us growers and others to enjoy. If you grow, please chime in. If you're growing this variety, please post pictures and chime in about your observations.

Again.. This thread is ment to be fun and informative, but mostly fun :)
Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.. lol. Keep it drama-free.
I, and many others would really appreciate this thread to stay that way.

Now lets get to growing!


I went with the paper towel method for this guy just like I have with all my mid-season starts. It is far from my favorite way to germinate seeds but I'm in no hurry this time of year which is why I went this route. I've had the seeds in the paper towel for about a week now on top of my HOT5 lighting closet. The seeds should be showing root tips soon, then they will be visiting some real soil :D

How's it going for everyone else?

Pepperlover.com has them, so that's probably the best bet. I've never ordered from Judy, but everyone else says good things about her.
Thanks Stupidjerk! I have looked through her site a couple times, and managed to miss those until just now!

So unless anyone wants to do a trade for some sort of custom glasswork in the next week or so, I think i'll end up ordering them from her. :)
I didn't even notice the custom glass thing before. I'll just send you what I have left over. Don't worry about making anything for me, although that does sound very cool.
Got my first Reaper breaking ground yesterday, so I'm 1/6. Got the seeds Feb 6th and soaked overnight, planted in the AM on the 7th. Got them in a south window with a cheapo 60watt grow light mainly for heat.

Thanks for the response stc3248!
I got some reapers started that I picked up at zestfest recently... I started 6 seeds, and so far out of the 6, 4 have sprouted. It took about 8-10 days for them to come up. They were on a heat mat and covered for humidity as well...

It's funny because out of the 4 sprouts that came up, 2 look "normal" on the leaf sets and 2 look jagged edged. I wonder if I've got 2 different types. I need to get some pics to show the difference.
I've got some extra Primos. If you have a few Reapers I'll trade you or just send me a sase and I'll hook you up.

So, I have a few Reaper plants going, and just sowed 14 more seeds....
They seem to have lower germination rates than the others I have planted.
Also, they are definately growing slower than the Giant Bhuts, Morugas, Butch T's and everything else that were sown at the same time, and under the exact same conditions.

I see that lots of folks in this glog are also growing Primos, and hoping to compare them.
I looked around, just a little bit, but am wondering where you get Primo seeds?
I'm thinking those Primos look like a great pod to grow.
Any help guiding me towards Primo seeds for sale, or trade,would be greatly appreciated.
I don't have any seeds worth trading, but I am a glassblower, and might be able to custom make something to trade.
Thanks for any help!
I may have to c omission you for a piece when I have disposable income again.

No Problem, anytime you are ready. I also love trading for my work. For example, I have traded many glass crochet hooks and knitting needles for Yarn for the gals in my family to knit with.

I've got some extra Primos. If you have a few Reapers I'll trade you or just send me a sase and I'll hook you up.

Wow , thank you for the kind offer, I recently sowed every Reaper seed I had left. But when some of the plants get big enough, I was thinking I would take some cuttings and clone them. So possibly might be able to mail a few Reaper clones to people in a couple months if it all goes well.

Fortunately Stupidjerk has graciously offered to help me out with the Primos, and a few others on my wish list. :)
Nice plants people.

I had decent germination rates on mine...well should I say I planted 2 seeds and got two plants up lol. I don't have room for a massive grow of them here but at my other grow, we just sowed 8 seeds (keeping 4) so we will see how many pop up.

I've got one growing since november...it's nothing special to speak of as I had issues in my home built grow box. The plants were too close to the light and it took me just until the other day to figure it out. I should be seeing some nice growth now. If your plants leaves ever start to curl under from the tip back (not from the sides) and leaves just keep falling off and growing back....prob. means your too close to the light. I moved my plants down and after that, they're leaves have started to straighten out and I'm not having anymore leaf drop.

Good luck with your grows this year guys.
Nice plants people.

I had decent germination rates on mine...well should I say I planted 2 seeds and got two plants up lol. I don't have room for a massive grow of them here but at my other grow, we just sowed 8 seeds (keeping 4) so we will see how many pop up.

I've got one growing since november...it's nothing special to speak of as I had issues in my home built grow box. The plants were too close to the light and it took me just until the other day to figure it out. I should be seeing some nice growth now. If your plants leaves ever start to curl under from the tip back (not from the sides) and leaves just keep falling off and growing back....prob. means your too close to the light. I moved my plants down and after that, they're leaves have started to straighten out and I'm not having anymore leaf drop.

Good luck with your grows this year guys.

I was having that same darn leaf drop issue! Moving the lights up a couple inches seemed to help me too.

Doc.....I sowed mine 4 days after yours, Mine are waaaay shorter due to my weak lighting setup (can't spend $$ on the good ones with teenagers to feed)
But now I am putting some of them outside during the day since the days have warmed up a bit here in the Antelope Valley.
That's a great looking chile plant...
Thanks, Sy!
Doc.....I sowed mine 4 days after yours, Mine are waaaay shorter due to my weak lighting setup (can't spend $$ on the good ones with teenagers to feed)
But now I am putting some of them outside during the day since the days have warmed up a bit here in the Antelope Valley.
I must admit, this plant (and my others) have been loving my greenhouse I got in November. Once yours get some sun, watch out!
Well I'm @ 4/6 with 2 still in hook stage in my 12th day. These Reapers germinated faster than the Habanero's I started 3 weeks ago. It's starting to warm up, 80 here today, but cooling off tonight, so they get some outside time here and there.

Nice plants doc! I'm ready for a small greenhouse myself. Maybe next year...don't laugh, I've been using an old glass display case to help out on cool sunny days.