• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

A few members including myself are growing seeds for this variety ASAP. I and a few others here on THP thought it would be fun to have a "community glog" strictly for this variety, a fun thread about the HP22B and growing this pepper for the first time.

I think we should start a community glog like this anytime there is a new pepper with alot of attention and alot of people growing it, possible world record holder or not. It would be fun, and this should be fun! That's why we all love this hobby is it not?

Therefore, this will be a drama-free, controversy-free, fun glog for all of us growers and others to enjoy. If you grow, please chime in. If you're growing this variety, please post pictures and chime in about your observations.

Again.. This thread is ment to be fun and informative, but mostly fun :)
Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.. lol. Keep it drama-free.
I, and many others would really appreciate this thread to stay that way.

Now lets get to growing!


I went with the paper towel method for this guy just like I have with all my mid-season starts. It is far from my favorite way to germinate seeds but I'm in no hurry this time of year which is why I went this route. I've had the seeds in the paper towel for about a week now on top of my HOT5 lighting closet. The seeds should be showing root tips soon, then they will be visiting some real soil :D

How's it going for everyone else?

Ed did not personally say anything about suing as previously stated but also as previously stated he allows his lawyers to handle those affairs and provided contact information. 
that I agree with..but I dont know how that equates to people saying ed currie threatened to sue them because he did not. I dont think people realize how big ed is. Trust me, he doesnt deal with the day to day legal issues of his biz. He is in the fields about 15 hours a day, sometimes more.
If I say I have a protected item and I do not want it reproduced and you come along with questions and purported intentions of reproducing my product, why would I put you in touch with my lawyer unless iI was looking to use legal means to protect my.product?
For whatever reason PBPC, LLC did not seek a Plant Patent or Federal Plant Variety Protection for the Reaper.

PBPC, LLC does however have a Trademark on the phrase "Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper". But there Trademark has a Disclaimer which reads: "NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE "CAROLINA REAPER" APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN"


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    Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS)_Page_1.jpg
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PepperRich said:
For whatever reason PBPC, LLC did not seek a Plant Patent or Federal Plant Variety Protection for the Reaper.

PBPC, LLC does however have a Trademark on the phrase "Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper". But there Trademark has a Disclaimer which reads: "NO CLAIM IS MADE TO THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE "CAROLINA REAPER" APART FROM THE MARK AS SHOWN"
So if I am to understand the wording of that (and please by all means correct me if I'm wrong as I am by no means a lawyer), we can just use "Carolina Reaper", we just can't use "Smokin' Ed's Carolina Reaper"
The owner of a registered trademark must mark the trademark with ®, if he doesn´t, any legal steps will be ineffective.
It would have been fair to inform all customers that the company has applied for a trademark, then all customers with any commercial interest  could have decided very early,
if they would grow and invest time and money under this conditions.
This now looks like a trap.
I don´t know if there has been any case where a grower has received a cease and desist letter.
Phone calls of lawyers sounds very strange, sounds as if they don´t have the nuts.
Man this thread has really took a turn. I haven't popped in for a while and this place is like a Novela or something. :)

Sounds like Dale and Puckerbutt had a falling out. I guess you regret all that free advertising you did huh?

Anyway stable or not there are some badass pods on here. I prefer the gnarly ones with the blunt stingers. That helps distinguish them from Primos. Looks cool too.

Here's a nice lookin Primo I've got cooking.
And PR you've ha your panties on a knot since that Facebook thread. Have you actually bothered to call and talk to Ed? Your a fairly large grower. Have you bothered to talk to him and say "hey do you have any issues with me selling"?
I am done, when people imply action, following through with legal contact, I think I understand their intent.

Let me apologize to Mr ED, you did not word for word threaten a legal suit, you left that to your legal counsel, similar to the way you refuse to address any other issue with your pepper. Your use of advocates is very wiley. One can never say you say anything, as long as you have other speak for you.
Rodney lets get real. You and I are friends but lets be truthful here. You have had NOTHING good to say about the reaper for months, pretty much from the get go and LONG before any of this legal mumbo jumbo. Your a friend which is why I haven't said much to you but you and I both know what I'm saying is true. You've been an opponent of this pepper and Ed for whatever reason since day 1.

I'm curious also why the person selling the jigsaw hasn't got this much grief. Prices were the highest I've ever seen and reported germination rates are crap. He also put a, and I'm paraphrasing, "you may not sell this pepper in any way shape or form" on his site AFTER he sold them and yet the few people I see ripping on Ed and the reaper aren't saying a word about that scam. Why is that?
And what "issues with your pepper" are you talking about? Again hundreds of thousands of seeds sold and I've seen very few pics of the wrong peppers. Is there any pepper or pepper company out there that has 100% perfection? If so let me know who because I want to buy seeds.
armac said:
If I say I have a protected item and I do not want it reproduced and you come along with questions and purported intentions of reproducing my product, why would I put you in touch with my lawyer unless iI was looking to use legal means to protect my.product?
If you use an accountant to do your taxes and you get audited, are you going in alone or are you defaulting to your accountant? He's a grower, not a lawyer. Ed's operation is extremely large and doesn't get into all the legal crud. That's why he has lawyers.
I could ask you the same question Mike, for somebody who has no 'dog in the fight', you are pretty focused as well.

there is a saying 'light is the best disinfectant' basically saying that be open and upfront, it kills controversy, nothing then to fight over.

every time anybody asked for info, from the beginning, this pepper was handled in a strange way, it seemed to attract controversy, from the marketing, to the end product with multiple final forms of the pod, to the present licensing.

it is, what it is.....reality
@Dshlogg, this is what we want to see!
Why wasting time and read comments of official or unoffical spokesman of a person that isn´t able to spend 10min per days to answer mayor questions.
I took my rare time and read this Facebook Thread from the beginning to the end. God bless me!
The 7pot Primo is stable, you get the seeds to a reasonable price, there is no difference to the Reaper and if it were you´d need a biochemical laboratory to check this.
Primo is a nice guy and if you mail him, he answers.
So why sticking on something that stinks like a 5 days old fish in the sun?
Answer what Rodney? A dozen people that may not have even bought his product? Did you buy reapers?
To my knowledge you did not. So what fight do you have in this? Yet I see you all over the Internet bashing it.
At least I would admit, that I am in league with my accountant, the accountant gets their information from, their client. Just like Ed's lawyer gets his marching orders from Ed, you cannot distance yourself from the advocate relationship you have with your lawyer.

I did not initiate legal proceedings, I was in the field, my lawyer did.....I am free and clear
And the only fight I have is that the whole reaper thing is getting old. Every time someone comes out with a new pepper it's the same thing. If you don't like the reaper or you don't like Ed, it's simple...don't buy the reaper and don't buy from Ed and move on.
Personally I think myself and other got hosed on jigsaws but I'm not all over the place bashing jukka. Shit happens. Move on.