• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

A few members including myself are growing seeds for this variety ASAP. I and a few others here on THP thought it would be fun to have a "community glog" strictly for this variety, a fun thread about the HP22B and growing this pepper for the first time.

I think we should start a community glog like this anytime there is a new pepper with alot of attention and alot of people growing it, possible world record holder or not. It would be fun, and this should be fun! That's why we all love this hobby is it not?

Therefore, this will be a drama-free, controversy-free, fun glog for all of us growers and others to enjoy. If you grow, please chime in. If you're growing this variety, please post pictures and chime in about your observations.

Again.. This thread is ment to be fun and informative, but mostly fun :)
Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.. lol. Keep it drama-free.
I, and many others would really appreciate this thread to stay that way.

Now lets get to growing!


I went with the paper towel method for this guy just like I have with all my mid-season starts. It is far from my favorite way to germinate seeds but I'm in no hurry this time of year which is why I went this route. I've had the seeds in the paper towel for about a week now on top of my HOT5 lighting closet. The seeds should be showing root tips soon, then they will be visiting some real soil :D

How's it going for everyone else?

TylerInNiagara said:
Don't chop it plant it or give it away.

Maybe I'll plant it outside. I'll have to take a bit off it I think. Its over six foot tall now, and about as wide.

That a 400w? Nice plant :cool:

Na only a 250. It really is too big for that light. I've got a little 150 MH next to it, just during daylight hours to help get a bit more light on it.
I need to put the light higher to get more light on more leaves, but at the same time I dont want to get too far away. There is a bit of a burnt out spot on the plant from being a bit close.
I should have trimmed it a bit and kept it a nice size for the 250 but it kills me to cut any branch with flowers on it!
picked over 250 pods off it just now.
Too bad most of them are only the size of a finger nail!
that and these dont even look like reapers
You got the smooth hab pods, so far we have habs, bhuts, and yellows variations in addition to the advertised version. And it seems like the amount of variant pods is still on the increase, these vendors sold thousands of seeds, only a small portion of those folks post on here...a tiny percentage. Must be a lot of different levels of happiness with the pod shapes.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I was gifted with exactly what I ordered. I can say with what I have drying currently it is a bit overwhelming!
Gifted would infer you did not pay, might be more reasonable to say "you received what you paid for"
Well, I was waiting to share my story until I had some pods forming and do now so here goes.  I ordered seeds from Pepper Joe after the huge hype about the next biggest thing.  I had only 3 of 12 seeds I received germinate.  1 of the seedlings (a very weak one) died early on in its life.  The other 2 made it to plant out but were smaller than my other superhots.  One of my plants finally has pods forming and as can be seen below, they are far from 'as advertised' just like many others on this grow log as armac has pointed out.  Here are a few of the pods:



Due to the obviousness that these are not as advertised, I received a refund from Pepper Joe for the unstable seeds he sent me.  It was like pulling teeth, but I finally got it.  Maybe some of you who have been taken by Pepper Joe should also ask for a refund.  I plan to keep up with this glog and will report when my other 'reaper' plant puts out pods.
It's a shame when you plant and wait, and finally you have flowers and then the pods aren't correct.
Sorry for you.
On taste of Reapers vs Primos.
I`ve had multiple peppers of both, all "correct" phenotype and posted reviews on Youtube. They taste very differently and cause different effects in me.
The Reaper is the only pepper that caused me to experience severe nausea for around 15-20 minutes right after eating it. I don`t think it is as hot as the Primo, in general, but the Reaper did a huge number on my stomach and I felt like I`d been punched in the stomach for 4+ hours. My stomach wasn`t right for a few days, truth be told..The Primo neither caused the initial nausea or hurt my stomach. Both peppers taste very good, but I prefer the Primo for slightly more sweetness and the hint of cherry-like flavour. 
In cooking I prefer the Reaper. The flavour is intensified and while it is a strong flavour, it is extremely good with fruit-based sauces/salsas. Reaper+tomato - based sauces are wonderful on Tamales. 
Both are great peppers, though. 
Oh, and the throat burn is in a very different place. The Reaper is the only one I`ve had where the throat burn moves down the throat and finishes behind the adam`s apple. Primo was right at the very back of the tongue.
Nigel said:
On taste of Reapers vs Primos.
I`ve had multiple peppers of both, all "correct" phenotype and posted reviews on Youtube. They taste very differently and cause different effects in me.
The Reaper is the only pepper that caused me to experience severe nausea for around 15-20 minutes right after eating it. I don`t think it is as hot as the Primo, in general, but the Reaper did a huge number on my stomach and I felt like I`d been punched in the stomach for 4+ hours. My stomach wasn`t right for a few days, truth be told..The Primo neither caused the initial nausea or hurt my stomach. Both peppers taste very good, but I prefer the Primo for slightly more sweetness and the hint of cherry-like flavour. 
In cooking I prefer the Reaper. The flavour is intensified and while it is a strong flavour, it is extremely good with fruit-based sauces/salsas. Reaper+tomato - based sauces are wonderful on Tamales. 
Both are great peppers, though. 
Oh, and the throat burn is in a very different place. The Reaper is the only one I`ve had where the throat burn moves down the throat and finishes behind the adam`s apple. Primo was right at the very back of the tongue.
Thanks for that!
Yeah. Honestly the hottest pepper I've eaten are still Trinidad Scorpions in the mouth and Brainstrains in the gut. Primos are almost as hot but no gut fire. I can't imagine the Reaper is any hotter. Someone send me a fresh pod or two. I'll reciprocate with a nice fresh mix of things I have going on this year :)
Personally, and it is only my experience, Reapers wouldn`t come in the top 10 of the hottest I`ve eaten. Primos would, though. There are quite a number that are Reaper-hot, but only a small number that are Primo-hot. Just my 2c. I`m talking about the peak heat I`ve experienced from either pepper, but the hottest Reaper and mildest Primo would overlap. 
jbeer32 said:
Well, I was waiting to share my story until I had some pods forming and do now so here goes.  I ordered seeds from Pepper Joe after the huge hype about the next biggest thing.  I had only 3 of 12 seeds I received germinate.  1 of the seedlings (a very weak one) died early on in its life.  The other 2 made it to plant out but were smaller than my other superhots.  One of my plants finally has pods forming and as can be seen below, they are far from 'as advertised' just like many others on this grow log as armac has pointed out.  Here are a few of the pods:



Due to the obviousness that these are not as advertised, I received a refund from Pepper Joe for the unstable seeds he sent me.  It was like pulling teeth, but I finally got it.  Maybe some of you who have been taken by Pepper Joe should also ask for a refund.  I plan to keep up with this glog and will report when my other 'reaper' plant puts out pods.
Are those growing upward?  I would say that is a completely different pepper than a variant.  I don't know how big those are, but they look similar to tobasco or Hungarian Wax that I grew last year.
Pepperhead said:
Are those growing upward?  I would say that is a completely different pepper than a variant.  I don't know how big those are, but they look similar to tobasco or Hungarian Wax that I grew last year.
No, they are growing sideways, not upwards.  The angle of my camera on my phone which took these may seem that way.  They are around an inch long.  Different pepper, variant, either way, they were supposed to be from 'reaper' seeds and are obviously not.
jbeer32 said:
No, they are growing sideways, not upwards.  The angle of my camera on my phone which took these may seem that way.  They are around an inch long.  Different pepper, variant, either way, they were supposed to be from 'reaper' seeds and are obviously not.
Either way I'd want at least new seeds, if not a refund.
Damnit Mill!!! I wanted to catch Rich's reciprocal! :rofl: 
Here are a couple on my real deal plant...





and some on its Primo neighbor...



Looking more and more similar as time goes on...I have some Primos with the long curly tail too, none ripe yet though. Both such cool yet terrible looking pods!!!
TylerInNiagara said:
Disappointing what about taste/heat?
The taste isn't too bad, didn't enjoy it at first but I'm ok with it now, since I've been having a sauce I made out of them daily.
They are very hot, they burn the stomach like a reaper.

My indoor plant came from the same pack of seeds as my outdoor reaper and that outdoor reaper put out a few pods that look like the traditional reaper pods I was expecting.
Since most of my pods are only fingernail size I'm fairly certain they didn't get to do what they wanted to do. Its winter here so I guess temperature and me mucking with the nutrient ratios all the time might have something to do with it.