• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

A few members including myself are growing seeds for this variety ASAP. I and a few others here on THP thought it would be fun to have a "community glog" strictly for this variety, a fun thread about the HP22B and growing this pepper for the first time.

I think we should start a community glog like this anytime there is a new pepper with alot of attention and alot of people growing it, possible world record holder or not. It would be fun, and this should be fun! That's why we all love this hobby is it not?

Therefore, this will be a drama-free, controversy-free, fun glog for all of us growers and others to enjoy. If you grow, please chime in. If you're growing this variety, please post pictures and chime in about your observations.

Again.. This thread is ment to be fun and informative, but mostly fun :)
Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.. lol. Keep it drama-free.
I, and many others would really appreciate this thread to stay that way.

Now lets get to growing!


I went with the paper towel method for this guy just like I have with all my mid-season starts. It is far from my favorite way to germinate seeds but I'm in no hurry this time of year which is why I went this route. I've had the seeds in the paper towel for about a week now on top of my HOT5 lighting closet. The seeds should be showing root tips soon, then they will be visiting some real soil :D

How's it going for everyone else?

I took one of my Carolina Reaper pods to one of the local pizzerias. I had them put a few pieces on my bacon pizza. I didn't want it on the whole pizza because that would be way too hot so I just had them put one piece of Reaper per slice. I had them put the piece near the crust. It was absolutely delicious and of course it felt like a little piece of the sun was on it.
dont know why my YT page got dogged on by a vendor.. all im doing is offering seeds....i got from him.....done... no more... still wondering... for those that didnt get the REAPER. shape.. please POST where YOU got the seeds FROM?? only PJ or PB... not thru trades
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
whoever wants the "FREE" seeds i got from pepperjoe... i stil have it unopened... since i no longer have interest in growing this hit or miss pepper
Just toss them out in the field, its where they belong.
I got some real reapers coming in the next few days. I look forward to trying to break the heat barrier with some chemistry experiments as its what I do for a living.
He dogged my yt channel as well. He's just mad that i called him out on his vendor vault page for being honest. I mean only having 2/10 seeds legit (20%) and i paid $1/seed plus $6 shipping I think i have a right to be upset.
TylerInNiagara said:
The seeds are from Pepperjoe.com all were started indoors then taken to the greenhouse and hand pollinated except that one from the last picture. The outside temperatures this year suck so I have had to move that plant into the outer greenhouse if you watched Mike's video he had a few with odd pod shapes.
Doesn't matter. Mikes untrue pods didn't happen because of environment, neither did yours, was my point. 
good to hear some one else voice that opinion Guru, i have heard 40 different excuses for all the differ3nt pod shapes.

one woman posted, in a conversation with Denniz on FB lately, she had 21 reaper plants, all had naga like pods, seems to me there is a problem.
I have no "dog in the fight" whatsoever. I've never paid for seeds or sold any for that matter. I haven't even grown this variety yet, so I'm not bashing or debunking. I just speak on what I see. I'm seeing many people that bought seed getting disappointed and the large scale, contracted growers, getting predictable rates of wrong seeds. 30 wrong seeds out of thousands isn't bad at all but home growers aren't buying thousands, they're buying very few seeds and getting trash thrown in at unacceptable rates. That's shitty. Either way, the seed sellers need to work on some things. Whether that's their breeding/isolation or their seed handling practices, is yet to be determined. 
As an aside to supplement this discussion:  Wonder what the contracted growers are doing with their plant's that aren't Reapers? Think about that. Those plants most positively multiplied exponentially out in the field. Now that 30/2500 ratio just became much bigger via open pollination. Those seeds going to be used to sell back to the public once the seed sellers get their product from the growers? 
There are lots of interesting questions and answers alike regarding this particular topic.....on this particular variety....why? Could another reason be this whole "hottest pepper in the world" thing is a poor paradigm to try and perpetuate? 
I no longer worry about the next hottest pepper. I eat super hots every single day of my living existence. I started at a young age as well. By this point, my brain practically produces its own capsaicin when I sleep, like DMT....lol Point is its a poor paradigm and marketing direction. Nature is going to produce what it can. I don't eat GMO, for many of the same reasons I won't buy this Reaper seed. You can't patent a plant (*see the last 60+ years of prohibition of cannabis and the total failure that is the "war on drugs"). SO  really what should seed vendors be focusing on that will ensure a long lasting and eager market? In one word "Quality". 
Pepper-Guru said:
I have no "dog in the fight" whatsoever. I've never paid for seeds or sold any for that matter. I haven't even grown this variety yet, so I'm not bashing or debunking. I just speak on what I see. I'm seeing many people that bought seed getting disappointed and the large scale, contracted growers, getting predictable rates of wrong seeds. 30 wrong seeds out of thousands isn't bad at all but home growers aren't buying thousands, they're buying very few seeds and getting trash thrown in at unacceptable rates. That's shitty. Either way, the seed sellers need to work on some things. Whether that's their breeding/isolation or their seed handling practices, is yet to be determined. 
As an aside to supplement this discussion:  Wonder what the contracted growers are doing with their plant's that aren't Reapers? Think about that. Those plants most positively multiplied exponentially out in the field. Now that 30/2500 ratio just became much bigger via open pollination. Those seeds going to be used to sell back to the public once the seed sellers get their product from the growers? 
There are lots of interesting questions and answers alike regarding this particular topic.....on this particular variety....why? Could another reason be this whole "hottest pepper in the world" thing is a poor paradigm to try and perpetuate? 
I no longer worry about the next hottest pepper. I eat super hots every single day of my living existence. I started at a young age as well. By this point, my brain practically produces its own capsaicin when I sleep, like DMT....lol Point is its a poor paradigm and marketing direction. Nature is going to produce what it can. I don't eat GMO, for many of the same reasons I won't buy this Reaper seed. You can't patent a plant (*see the last 60+ years of prohibition of cannabis and the total failure that is the "war on drugs"). SO  really what should seed vendors be focusing on that will ensure a long lasting and eager market? In one word "Quality".
Amen brotha, amen!
Pepper-Guru said:
Doesn't matter. Mikes untrue pods didn't happen because of environment, neither did yours, was my point. 
Pepper-Guru said:
Peppers not looking the same the following year would likely indicate a cross. Growing conditions don't change pod shapes.
Size, heat level, taste etc yes... But not shape.
Was what you said and I don't believe I have done anything to cause a cross unless the Butch T seeds and HP22B seeds from pepperjoe are at issue, 
1) All but one of my super hots are in a greenhouse without a fan/bees and were hand pollinated
2) All the seeds were from pepperjoe
3) All have been fed Kelp/Potash and are in new compost this year with some coir
4) The temperatures have sucked early on in the year and this month (Environment) and they received more shade this year because the tree is getting bigger near my greenhouse (Environment) so My butch T has pods have not really formed a tail neither did my first "HP22B" pod.
Now assuming the seeds are good the plants have nutrients and were not crossed (Open field bees/fans)  what's left?
Kelp contains:
copper, zinc, manganese, chromium. calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and others
Soluable potash folliar spray : potassium 

I moved this out to the outer greenhouse/storage area for the picture.
Ok...so I promised a side by side taste test of the Real Deal Reaper and a Primo...I decided to back off of that because, like the Reaper plants, I have two Primo plants and one appears to be a cross. The potential cross is the only one with ripe pods so I will wait on that until I get one I know is true...I did however eat a Reaper today...whole pod...not the largest pod I had, but no slouch either. 

Its the one on the left...
I will take you on the ride...I debated for a minute or two as I was sorting through today's pull if I was gonna do it. I pulled the stem and took a whiff. Strong scent and I could already tell it was gonna be a hot one. I tossed it in my mouth and just held it between my teeth for a few seconds, still debating...chomp, chew...
Could taste a slight sweetness out of the gate followed almost immediately by a strong bitter chinense flavor. It reminded me of the Barrackpores I ate last year. I could taste the potential for a sauce or powder in there before it really punched me in the face. By 10-15 seconds still chewing, but I knew I was in for a ride...hard hitting heat. I have eaten several Supers that teased you for a minute or so and had me wondering if I had eaten a dud...this was NOT like that. 30ish seconds swallow...followed by immediate convulsive hiccups. My system didn't like it...this is the first pod EVER that had me almost puke. Touch and go by second 45 and the throat burn hits...one of the worst throat burns I have ever had. The Monster Infinity was slightly worse, but was a much larger pod. Another first for me was uncontrollable saliva...I was drooling like crazy. Not a huge fan of the vids where guys eat a pod and then show themselves spitting and drooling...if I'd chosen  to vid this one I would have been "That guy." It was nuts...and nothing to do about it but stand over the trashcan and let it flow...1-6 minutes more of the same but getting worse. Crazy hot...no longer doubting test results...just...hold...it...down...Hiccups stop, a steady flow of explicit words flowing with drool...Peak...coming down...still searing my throat, drool subsiding. Sit in my chair with a few napkins to wipe sweat/tears/snot from my head/face/neck...after 15 minutes burn had come way down and I decided I better hit some milk to prevent stomach problems. Tongue partially paralyzed, hard to drink...another first.
30 minutes have passed...slight tongue burn remains along with a pretty good gut burn which still has me worried. Need to eat something...and take a tums or three. 
I have eaten MANY supers...Scorpions of all types, 7s of all flavor and color, this one was as hot or hotter than anything I have eaten. I have eaten primo powders and even primo poppers, but never a fresh one. Will now have to do that to compare. I no longer doubt the claims...and although I am not a calibrated spectrowhateveryoucallit...its hot, and not to be taken lightly.
stc3248 said:
Ok...so I promised a side by side taste test of the Real Deal Reaper and a Primo...I decided to back off of that because, like the Reaper plants, I have two Primo plants and one appears to be a cross. The potential cross is the only one with ripe pods so I will wait on that until I get one I know is true...I did however eat a Reaper today...whole pod...not the largest pod I had, but no slouch either. 

Its the one on the left...
I will take you on the ride...I debated for a minute or two as I was sorting through today's pull if I was gonna do it. I pulled the stem and too a whiff. Strong scent and I could already tell it was gonna be a hot one. I tossed it in my mouth and just held it between my teeth for a few seconds, still debating...chomp, chew...
Could taste a slight sweetness out of the gate followed almost immediately by a strong bitter chinense flavor. It reminded me of the Barrackpores I ate last year. I could taste the potential for a sauce or powder in there before it really punched me in the face. By 10-15 seconds still chewing, but I knew I was in for a ride...hard hitting heat. I have eaten several Supers that teased you for a minute or so and had me wondering if I had eaten a dud...this was NOT like that. 30ish seconds swallow...followed by immediate convulsive hiccups. My system didn't like it...this is the first pod EVER that had me almost puke. Touch and go by second 45 and the throat burn hits...one of the worst throat burns I have ever had. The Monster Infinity was slightly worse, but was a much larger pod. Another first for me was uncontrollable saliva...I was drooling like crazy. Not a huge fan of the vids where guys eat a pod and then show themselves spitting and drooling...if I'd chosen  to vid this one I would have been "That guy." It was nuts...and nothing to do about it but stand over the trashcan and let it flow...1-6 minutes more of the same but getting worse. Crazy hot...no longer doubting test results...just...hold...it...down...Hiccups stop, a steady flow of explicit words flowing with drool...Peak...coming down...still searing my throat, drool subsiding. Sit in my chair with a few napkins to wipe sweat/tears/snot from my head/face/neck...after 15 minutes burn had come way down and I decided I better hit some milk to prevent stomach problems. Tongue partially paralyzed, hard to drink...another first.
30 minutes have passed...slight tongue burn remains along with a pretty good gut burn which still has me worried. Need to eat something...and take a tums or three. 
I have eaten MANY supers...Scorpions of all types, 7s of all flavor and color, this one was as hot or hotter than anything I have eaten. I have eaten primo powders and even primo poppers, but never a fresh one. Will now have to do that to compare. I no longer doubt the claims...and although I am not a calibrated spectrowhateveryoucallit...its hot, and not to be taken lightly.
How Does it compare with the Douglah Shane?
Trippa said:
How Does it compare with the Douglah Shane?
I have eaten a couple Douglahs...but I ate them in small pieces with a meal, so I can't really compare. Even eating small bits at a time the Douglah was freakin painful. I would say they're about even...but even with the soapy aftertaste the flavor was much better with the Reaper. I have some MEAN Douglahs going this season...but I'm not standing in line to eat one fresh! I may make some sauces with equal weights of pods and compare heat of the sauce. Looking back I think the Infinity was more painful...but it wasn't hotter, just more of a concentrated throat burn. Some of the Barrackpores were more painful later on in the gut...I never had stomach problems with the Brains or Infinity...the Barrackpore, Rennie and this one tore my stomach up pretty good. I know I am rambling. I did experience a lot of firsts with this pod. The salivation kind of surprised me...and the nausea. So once it gets to a certain level, I am not certain I can really tell the heat difference. They are all freakin monsters...and shouldn't be eaten straight up.
As far as the aftermath of this one...after I posted I ate a banana and took a couple tums. 30 minutes later I had to lay down for a bit with terrible stomach pain and the nausea returned...I tried to ride it for a bit then decided to eat another banana...that did the trick. The stomach was much better and nausea gone...bottom line is they're freakin hot.