• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
DudeThtsBad said:
Post pictures of the Tio as well! I'd love to see how it's doing! :]
Hey,I don't grow Tio's my friend (: but I do have a pic :P

Here is something that's supposed to be a habanero..looks a little different
not a hab, too early to tell what it could be..  almost looks like a immature aneheim, if it stays that size i would think a italian cayenne.
You know that Thai Dragon I got that looked so dead?

howardsnm1 said:
not a hab, too early to tell what it could be..  almost looks like a immature aneheim, if it stays that size i would think a italian cayenne.
Hey howardsnm1
Yea I realy have my doubts that its a hab. But hey,either way I'm excited.
I also have a lot of other coming along,also a few other types
Ok,I managed to get a few pics

Slowly growing

This pod looks funny (:



A few pods :D

Remember that hab that survived all the way in our move? Here's its pods! :D

Here's the plant

Here is a mozambique periperi,it just DOES NOT want to grow! Why is it so small!?
Hey J, things are starting to happen for you there. Looks great! That PeriPeri does look very small. The Haba does not look like a Haba to me either... time will say for sure!
Hi J, I think you may need to check your post pox. Sounds like there is quite a few parcels waiting for you. I know my parcel is there and it's been a month. They may well return to sender if these are not collected ;)
PeriPeri said:
Hi J, I think you may need to check your post pox. Sounds like there is quite a few parcels waiting for you. I know my parcel is there and it's been a month. They may well return to sender if these are not collected ;)
I sent yours on the same day as his, and yours finally arrived, so i am really hoping that its there too. :)
Heeeeey,ook,post office hasnrt been open yet,gonna call them to get my mail and cancel the post box..why? Cuz 1,De Rust post office sucks,and 2,I'm MOVING and getting a NEW adress!!!! Yes,so now I have to get 20l cans and plant the chillies out,to take them to the new house at the end of the month!
chilli whisperer said:
Heeeeey,ook,post office hasnrt been open yet,gonna call them to get my mail and cancel the post box..why? Cuz 1,De Rust post office sucks,and 2,I'm MOVING and getting a NEW adress!!!! Yes,so now I have to get 20l cans and plant the chillies out,to take them to the new house at the end of the month!
Eish' man... good luck with that. Digg them out coolest part of the day and water well when putting them in containers. Try to disturb the roots as little as possible and maybe give seaweed to help them get over the shock of transplanting. Good luck!
Hey Lourens-thanks for the tip,I'll try my best.
Last night there was no water(again).
I'm excited about the new house cuz there water (without all the probs) and I also don't have to wake up at 5 am for school lol :p
But I did get the chillies watered -plant for plant,took me an hour.
But yea,I'll try to update q little later,right now I gotta start with my homework I got left! :(
Hey,so my parents finally got to the post office
and they were OPEN! Here's what I got (:

These came from PaulG

He sent me some awesome seeds :
Bonda Ma Jaques
Costeño Amarillo
Sepia Serpant
Goats Weed

I see Reaper,is this different from the Carolina reaper?

But thank you PaulG,I'll take real good care of them seeds :)

And for my birthday I got these from Lourens :

Thank you so much Lourens!
Now I'll be doing a taste test,but not for the next 2/3 weeks :(.
I'm very busy atm,I already finnished 1 project yesterday,still got 1 left and some homework,then I gotta study everyday from monay on,on the 5th I start exams,so when I get free time I'll shoot a video! (:
Ah man I didn't see my package, Hope it didn't get taken as I had a lot of seeds in it, if it didn'd come let me know and I will send you some more and this time I will put a traser on it. Bad mail people, Bad, Bad. 
Sounds like You will have your hands full, when you move which reminds me that you will need to PM me so that I can get your new address that way I can send you some more seeds.