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CMPMAN1974 Growing Thread - 2009

cmpman1974 said:
Thanks Josh. I believe Red Rubin. There was one other red/purple basil I grew. I'll have to look up the name. I have like 10 red varieties of basil. lol. :)


They certainly catch your eye. Let me know which one tastes best. I want to get a red variety or two for next season. Thanks.
cmpman1974 said:
Thanks Josh. I believe Red Rubin. There was one other red/purple basil I grew. I'll have to look up the name. I have like 10 red varieties of basil. lol. :)


Josh said:
They certainly catch your eye. Let me know which one tastes best. I want to get a red variety or two for next season. Thanks.

Like Gin? Like Basil? Then I've got a badass drink for you, and it looks awesome with red basil.

Take a nice fistfull of basil leaves (Red or green), I'd say about 10-15 depending on size and muddle in a cocktail shaker with 2 teaspoons of sugar and the juice of 1/2 a lime. Pour in 3 or so ounces of gin, some ice, and shake like hell. Strain through a tea strainer into a rocks glass full of ice to remove all the bits of plant material.

One hell of a great drink on a hot day. And the gin, lime and basil work well together. The coolest part is the color. Either bright gree, or bright purple depending on the basil used.

I make mine with Red Rubin...
FiveStar said:
Like Gin? Like Basil? Then I've got a badass drink for you, and it looks awesome with red basil.

Take a nice fistfull of basil leaves (Red or green), I'd say about 10-15 depending on size and muddle in a cocktail shaker with 2 teaspoons of sugar and the juice of 1/2 a lime. Pour in 3 or so ounces of gin, some ice, and shake like hell. Strain through a tea strainer into a rocks glass full of ice to remove all the bits of plant material.

One hell of a great drink on a hot day. And the gin, lime and basil work well together. The coolest part is the color. Either bright gree, or bright purple depending on the basil used.

I make mine with Red Rubin...

Would this work with anything besides gin? Ever since I had a bad experience with the stuff as a teenager, it just tastes like pine needles someone pissed in then set on fire. And makes me gag to just smell it.
Txclosetgrower said:
Would this work with anything besides gin? Ever since I had a bad experience with the stuff as a teenager, it just tastes like pine needles someone pissed in then set on fire. And makes me gag to just smell it.

haha I am actually not a fan of gin either. Although, I never had any bad experiences. It reminds me of celery which I do not like.
Stuff other than peppers....herb garden and more... Scoville, something look familiar in the tan pot?





great looking plants Chris...and no, I can't see any aphids :lol:

do you have any lime basil growing with all the basils you have?...I am growing it and can't believe how much the lime taste comes out...I am growing genovese, lime and spicy saber leaf basil....

I assume that is mexican oregano in one of the pics...I ordered 6 plants from some where in california and 5 are surviving good but growing slowly...

best wishes for a great season my friend...
AJ didn't grow lime basil this year, but did the last two. It's quite nice. I may buy one plant. You're not kidding about the scent. Mrs. Burns lemon basil rocks too.

Fineexampl, no need for your herbs to bow. lol. :) I enjoy trying different herbs, especially tropical types. I love all unusual stuff as you can probably tell.

Sweet! Everything looks good, Chris.

I love Kiffir lime especially in Tom Yom soup (sp). Good stuff!

Are you growing the Chiltepin Amarillo this year?
