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CMPMAN1974 Growing Thread - 2009

cmpman1974 said:
Tried Bob but the 4 seeds I sowed didn't come up. :( I'll try next year. :)

I hate to hear that.

I do remember when I germinated some similar red chiletins that somebody gave me and they took about a month to germinate. Anyway, my plant's doing well so far and I will send you some more when they come in.

Little did I realize there were two army groups gearing up in my backyard...the Pubescens vs. the Chinense. THe Pubescens are larger in size, but the Chinense have them clearly outnumbered.

There's a small group of Annuums, Frutescens and miscellaneous background lurking in the corner in case the two main armies get out of hand. :)



Beautiful plants in that herd Chris. Looks like you have some nice weather there as well. Been a beautiful sunny week in Virginia. Actually got to play some golf and work on some cars - lovin' it.
I'm a bit wiped out - put 100 plants in the garden today permanently. :) Fun stuff. Temps are forecasted at 70+ F for next 7 days. Outlook is nice.

Every year I tell myself I'm cutting back with these plants a bit - I NEVER do. lol. Next year, I will. I promise.

I didn't realize I started so many Douglahs and 7 pot Jonahs...lol. WTF do I do with them all? Wish I could've sold some and financed my 'hobby.'

cmpman1974 said:
I'm a bit wiped out - put 100 plants in the garden today permanently. :) Fun stuff. Temps are forecasted at 70+ F for next 7 days. Outlook is nice.

Every year I tell myself I'm cutting back with these plants a bit - I NEVER do. lol. Next year, I will. I promise.

I didn't realize I started so many Douglahs and 7 pot Jonahs...lol. WTF do I do with them all? Wish I could've sold some and financed my 'hobby.'


Hey Chris, I'll buy some douglah seeds off you if your got any to spare, or a trade perhaps
cmpman1974 said:
I'm a bit wiped out - put 100 plants in the garden today permanently. :) Fun stuff. Temps are forecasted at 70+ F for next 7 days. Outlook is nice.

Every year I tell myself I'm cutting back with these plants a bit - I NEVER do. lol. Next year, I will. I promise.

I didn't realize I started so many Douglahs and 7 pot Jonahs...lol. WTF do I do with them all? Wish I could've sold some and financed my 'hobby.'


Dave im cutting back next year honest..Chris didn't believe you then lol..The bug bit again i see,looking great buddy hope the sun shines ;)
Talas, ummmm...I caved in to temptation. I couldn't resist. I was hearing echos of seeds in the fridge saying 'grow me grow me grow me - you know you want to' at night. I tried to ingore their voices, but they never stopped. :) I'm sure you and others have these episodes too.

No black pearl being grown this year.

I haven't had time to update pics. Nothing spectacular really to report as they don't even show growth in MI until early/mid-July. Now, they are just establishing root systems underground. I always get impatient. The weather needs to warm up. This ain't TX or the Bahamas. :)

The Chocolate Habalokia is looking nice. I struggled a lot to get some to germinate, but at the end produced some good lookin' plants. :) I'll keep reporting. I'm excited.
yeah i got none to germ and then all the seeds rotted beacuase they were in there so long. I'll probablty trade a bit later for choicolate habolkia
Chris,this is the year of the Rocoto/Manzano here.
I've got Plants that were sprouted 2 months ago with buds and most have fruit.
I never had the manzanos take off like they did this year.
The 2 yr. -3 yr old yellow plants are 4-5 ft. wide and 7 ft. high-full of pods(some are almost in the Baseball league in size).the ecuador pubes are really kicking out the pods more than the other pubes.
Might have to send you a few pods.
Franken Manzano is living up to it's name.Wierd looking plant when set next to the others.
Peru Baseball is only 6 or so weeks old and budding,trying to keep up with the others.Different looking plant than the Mex. Manzanos.
Building a wall of manzanos.It'll be about 25-30 ft. long.
Even though the lots empty they still might have to move a few coaches.LOL
300 varieties potted outside.Still got about the same or more in sprouts inside.
Time to start giving away the doubles,only have room for 1 of each.
I think the manzanos are eye balling the ladders on the back of the coaches to use as trellis...

I'll post some pics when I get my pots in order.