• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CMPMAN1974's 2010 Growing Log

Well, I created a different thread, but I can't find it. It was in the wrong section anyways so I'm starting over.

The season is on. Here's a peek into early activity. It's no AJ set-up, but....




Lee. yes, I'm growing some wild ones. Tovarii, Buforum, Parvifolium,Galapagoense, Praetermissum, and a weird one called Cumari Filibu. I always have to try them. I love the rarity of them and their beauty.
These Red Fataliis are the best I've ever grown. Giant and tons of heat. I'm thrilled with the way they turned out. It's nice to see them stabilized from an oddball plant 7+ years ago!




How's the taste on that Zavory Hab? Is it nice fresh? I was considering it for next year... Maybe use it as a way of toning down Habanero powder so that it's fit for non-chilehead consumption...
The Zavory Hab has excellent taste IMO. Unique fruity pear type taste. I liked it.

Harvest is picking up now!! This 7 Pot Barrackpore is an impressive one. If I didn't enjoy diversity so much and wanted one major red 7 Pot, this is is. It out produces the others by far. Super hot pods too.

The White Fatalii is cool looking.





It took me 3 years to grow this one correctly. For me, it has nostalgia. I'll always remember the first time I heard of a super hot pepper from Bangladesh from the Chileman himself. I thought to myself, yeah sure hotter than a Caribbean Red? :) it came from a legend in the pepper kingdom.


This thread is like walking through a pepper museum. All the beautiful pics up on the walls. Chris you grow some of the most interesting and gorgeous peppers I've ever seen. It's easy to see you have a passion for this. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Regarding your yellow Scotch Bonnets if you didn't say that's what there are I would bet money they're Scorpions. Here's a pic of one of my yellow SB's, they don't look anything like yours. Why are yours so different? Thanks.

Patrick, those look to me like annuum bon-nots or mushroom/squash peppers
Nice pods and pics as always Chris

Edit: They actually look like "Yellow mushroom" or "Jamaican gold" annuums
They're supposed to be Scotch Bonnet Jamaican Yellow POTAWIE. I've got red ones that are similar that look exactly like the photo in the Chiliman's data base.

It never ends does it.

Sorry for the temporary hijack Chris.
Patrick - This is my 2nd year growing Jamaican Scotch Bonnet- Yellow and mine look exactly like yours. A tasty, good sized pod, but not much heat.
These are what I believe the true Red Savina to be, not the Caribbean Red pods. These are much thicker walled and seed came from pods from an authorized grower. I'll need to taste them to see if they are what I remember. I really liked the taste of Red Savinas before. Nice meaty pods.

