seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

Wow, well I hope nobody got screwed.
The LAST person to post in this topic THAT ALREADY posted in this topic, on the 9:00 (ET) timestamp gets a FREE 6 month Extreme membership (or extension).
Just adding some value back to the train. That's 33 minutes from NOW!
catherinew said:
Magicpepper and jedisushi - you are so very generous to offer your seeds. There's no hurry in sharing seeds just yet and I so appreciate your willingness to share what you have. Thanks to jedisushi I'm growing a few Assam red bhuts and also shared plants with beerbreath and another. So jedisushi, your generosity has traveled many miles. Thank you both. And meathead, too. A bit slow in typing!

It's nice to hear the best in people.
you are welcome. i have 54 different types, i dont have as much as some of these other guys (jedisushi) or any one. but i am more then happy to help a fellow thp member out that got screwed by some scammer.   
thp you are awesome. have an awesome site, and 99%  people are awesome  on the site. glad to be apart of it!
did i win lol  
This seems sooooo freaken awesome and I may want to try this in one of my carnivorous plant forums too! Till the day when I have some seeds to offer! I'll be watching! This sounds so cool not to be a part of.
The Hot Pepper said:
Wow, well I hope nobody got screwed.
The LAST person to post in this topic THAT ALREADY posted in this topic, on the 9:00 (ET) timestamp gets a FREE 6 month Extreme membership (or extension).
Just adding some value back to the train. That's 33 minutes from NOW!
Very generous offer boss! Quick question though, should a possible warning type message or something be sent to all participants that came after BSPH on this train that what they received from anyone up to and including him may not be as labelled? I'd hate to see Vincent get an undeserved bad reputation due to this leach wrecking the train.
So is there a new 2014 train happening this fall? If so, I'd like to get on it again. Though I think the last time I was on a different train.
The Hot Pepper said:
Wow, well I hope nobody got screwed.
The LAST person to post in this topic THAT ALREADY posted in this topic, on the 9:00 (ET) timestamp gets a FREE 6 month Extreme membership (or extension).
Just adding some value back to the train. That's 33 minutes from NOW!
Damn, Guess I wont know til the pods grow out.
I'd like to get in on this, if I can. I can add at least a few hundred seeds to the box, and if it's okay, will include a few ounces (vaccum-sealed, of course, so nothing gets moldy) of homemade 7-Pot jerky for whoever ends up next in line.
Coheed, hope the IRL things are working out alright.
catherinew said:
Magicpepper and jedisushi - you are so very generous to offer your seeds. There's no hurry in sharing seeds just yet and I so appreciate your willingness to share what you have. Thanks to jedisushi I'm growing a few Assam red bhuts and also shared plants with beerbreath and another. So jedisushi, your generosity has traveled many miles. Thank you both. And meathead, too. A bit slow in typing!

It's nice to hear the best in people.
Catherinew, if you PM me an address, I'll hook you up with a bunch of seeds. I've got some pretty cool stuff, and happy to share.
Well I have not read the last however many pages there are but here goes: My wife and I lost our house to foreclosure (it happens, we'll get over it). Move nearly 100 miles down the Rd to the in-laws house. Start new job, everything going well. My father has a heart attack and stays in hospital for a few but is ok now. After all of that, my father loses his house and his father in a fire.

I still have the box of seeds and am not trying to keep them. I will send them to whoever is supposed to be getting them after I read all of this craziness.
WOW, Very sorry to see you going through all that. just one of those issues would be enough to have to deal with. Things will get better for you though, you have to know that.
coheed196 said:
Well I have not read the last however many pages there are but here goes: My wife and I lost our house to foreclosure (it happens, we'll get over it). Move nearly 100 miles down the Rd to the in-laws house. Start new job, everything going well. My father has a heart attack and stays in hospital for a few but is ok now. After all of that, my father loses his house and his father in a fire.

I still have the box of seeds and am not trying to keep them. I will send them to whoever is supposed to be getting them after I read all of this craziness.
WOW, so sorry to hear that. Just remember several of the richest men in the world have gone bankrupt many times so it's no big deal as long as you don't give up. Will say a prayer for your father and your family. No one in America can plant anything until late December anyway so I don't see time being of the essence at the moment. And I won't have any fresh seeds until October anyway, the rate my garden is going.
Hang in there Vincent, sorry to hear about the rough patch. Congrats San Pat, been loving the Jimmy Nar's I got from you on this train! Please count me in if this train continues, I have bunches to share, it's been a great train.