commercial-kichen Commercial kitchen project


Time to kick off this project!

I called the electric company today to have them come out and tell me what it's going to take to get the new service. County tells me that because of my agricultural zoning, this counts as a farm outbuilding so isn't subject to the permit requirements something like a house or commercial structure would be (YAY!). Especially since it's an existing structure being converted. That means I'll be able to use the existing well and septic, too. All the major hurdles are out of the way.

Next I need to get ahold of Ag department and county health to see if there's anything I need to do for them before I start. Obviously I will need a water test and probably some sort of filtration or purification.
It's an Eaton panel so may not be compatible with the Square D lockdown, but at least I know what i'm looking for now.

Yeah, isolated neutral. Got the grounding bus yesterday.

We'll see how the rods go, didn't get a chance this weekend. Going to try the water in the hole trick, and maybe see if the tractor bucket can help. From what I've seen, I want to avoid pounding.

Progress update: walls going up, about 2/3 done.
Aight...after looking....again... i see one SqD breaker which led me to saying the panel was a Homeline. From what you say, it is a CH BR panel, which will accept a HOM breaker. Understood now...

Cutler Hammer BR series.
Is CH the same as Eaton? I've seen some item listings that show the names together but the breakers & panels seem to be slightly incompatible. (My house main is CH).
Also just learned last night that mix&match breakers & panels is not ideal.
There's no brick in my walls but I suddenly seem to have hit one.

For some reason the last couple days have slowed down massively. It took 3 hours to put up 3 panels today. No idea why it's going so slow all of a sudden.

BUT, it's almost done Hoping to finish that part off tomorrow then I can start on the wall and ceiling finish!
Eaton/Cutler Hammer and SquareD are the 2 main brands we work with.

Each brand has 2 product lines.
Eaton has the CH line and the BR line
SqD has the QO line and HOM line

SqD Homeline breakers will fit into Eaton BR, Siemens and other older panels. But BR breakers will not fit into Hom panels.
Hope this helps...

Keeeeeeep Chuggin'!!!
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Put up the pony wall on the side of the mop basin and started the wall tiles!

Rain today, which I took as a sign to put in the grounding rods. The water in the hole trick worked quite well except for the last ~9 inches where I resorted to old-fashioned pounding. While I was there I worked on finishing up the panel rework.


NEC permits drilling holes for ground busses as long as there are at least 2 threads of the screw in contact with the metal. So I verified that was the case and mounted the new bus. Looks like I need another lug to attach the feed ground to the bus, but I'm getting really close! Loose hanging hot wire is waiting for its breaker.

Going to make sure that main is WELL LABELED since I'm going against convention by putting it at the bottom.
The feed ground can land under any of the ground screws, no need for an additional lug.

Panel looks good, glad to see that main breaker.
Haaa..le..lujia!!!! (Insert musical refrain)!

Dayumm, doesnt it feel good to hit that switch...and it works?!?!??? :lol:
Haaa..le..lujia!!!! (Insert musical refrain)!

Dayumm, doesnt it feel good to hit that switch...and it works?!?!??? :lol:
Even on the small projects it does, for this one, it was quite the rush!

Working on the tiles now, need to take some pics soon. They're not going up as neatly as I had anticipated, but fortunately there is vinyl tile grout to fill in the gaps. It's surprisingly hard to get them all straight.

Also turns out that they don't stick all that well to walls. Not surprising since they're really designed for floors. Liquid Nails fixes that :)
Already proving their worth on how easy they are to clean (Adhesive that gets on them wipes right off with a damp rag)
So even the liquid nails is having some problems sticking, so I ordered a better adhesive. In the meantime I turned my attention to plumbing.

Got the heater installed on the wall. Not plumbed yet as I need some parts. And I finished the entire water supply line from the well except for the tee that taps the well. It was getting dark and I don't want to mess with the well in the dark...

Pics tomorrow.
friends of mine that were tile setters used to get blazing drunk the night before grout day, then do grouting hungover.... I think they hated grouting so much that was the only way to get thru it... 🤷
There's actually a grout specifically made for vinyl tile. I'm starting off with that one and will see how it works. Got a quart of it for trial. @The Hot Pepper thanks for that suggestion, if the vinyl grout doesn't suit I'll be looking at that next.

friends of mine that were tile setters used to get blazing drunk the night before grout day, then do grouting hungover.... I think they hated grouting so much that was the only way to get thru it... 🤷
We redid our guest bathroom with marble tile, so had to do a grouting job. Can't say I blame them. Might have to remember that come grouting time :)
The spray adhesive worked wonders! Tile installation has sped up by at least double and they're sticking! No sliding off. Downside - have to be very precise when placing because there's only a few seconds open time before you can't move it anymore. But then - YOU CAN'T MOVE IT ANYMORE!

Finished the back and side wall except for the spot where the propane guys need to install a valve for the stove. Then was able to move on to the water heater, and the mini-split!

There's a weirdness with the mini-split though: it's a 220v system so I got a 12/3 to connect, but when I opened up the panel it has two connectors and ground, not 2 hots & neutral. And the wiring diagram says to connect black and white! That's hot and neutral, so only 110v. Is a neutral required on a 220v circuit or just hot to hot? Looks like I may need to call the manufacturer. Still need to get it charged so can't use it just yet anyway.



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