food D3monic "Can" Cook but Allergies Suck!

D3monic said:
Scored some bhuts at the local grocery when I was TD shopping. Had two lil yellow ones in there as well. Saving them for seeds if they taste good. 
If you like the yellow's and want some seeds that will definitely be viable just let me know.  I saved a bunch last year and the 3 plants I have started from them are doing well.  Just shoot me a PM and they will be on their way.   I liked them so much in powders and sauces that I am growing a few other yellows this year.  
Made us some sushi for lunch tomorrow, tried something different again. 
Cilantro lime rice sushi style with the seasoned rice vinegar, braeburn apples, cucumber and avocado. 



Extra roll as a snack, i'm in love with the apple in there. Adds a nice texture and the flavor really pops. <3
Simple stir fry
sauce of soy, ginger, garlic, pepper, brown sugar, orange juice n zest
sauteed chicken, removed chicken, deglazed pan with sherry. Added broccoli, onion, mushrooms, clamshell bhutlah and 3 aji limon. 
Sauteed for a few mins, added meat back and added sauce, Reduced. 

Some meats going into the smoker before Justin gets up this way.
1lb prime fillet and a thick boneless ribeye (maybe i'll have a little to take to lunch tomorrow...maybe)
Also doing some poppers and some fresh spinach. 
I'm bacon wrapping the filet, to keep the ribeye from drying out should I put it on a little foil or maybe drop a piece of bacon ontop?
The marinade (my secret recipe)-not going to marinade as long as I would like since I just got it going and he's on his way already. 



Story of my life, thing where looking great on the smoker but taking a little to long

Moved them over to the grill to finish off and came inside to start the side items... suddenly my termometer started beeping. Well shit , instantly I knew they was on fire, no way it got to temp that fast.. sure enough. Too much bacon fats, fat on the ribeye was up like a candle and the poppers where ruined.... hate my fcking grill. Almost have to stay at it the whole time cause the second you walk away BOOM 
The steaks where still edible, hell the filet was pretty much perfect for how I would want it. Nice and tender. Ribeye had some crispy fat 
Did a balsamic reduction and fresh spinach from the garden

Poppers where toast.... I couldn't even get the fire out from them :'(
Deseeded some superhots and dehydrating them outside. Smelling heavenly 
grantmichaels said:
Oh snap ... sweet ... hope you're making that sauce! ...
I did, also added some aji omni color to it. Was thinking about making sweet potato fries and using it as a dip too but wifey wants salad and the poppers. 
Sauce is Mayo, lime juice, chopped cucumber, dill and omni color