food D3monic "Can" Cook but Allergies Suck!

D3monic said:
     Oh HELL yes. I love the magic you've been working on rolled-up food items lately. Sushi rolls, tamales... Mmmmmm!
D3monic said:
Onion buns turned out ok. Didn't rise as much as I expected. 

Took me a few recipes that were not very good before asking wafflebum for his, and his is nirvana. It does require a starter culture. Just keep trying one till you get what you are looking for.
Made some sushi for Jennifers lunch tomorrow

Just my standard fixins, avocado, cucumber, apple, cream cheese some toppings like aji omni colors, criolla sella, spicy mayo, green onion



Enough left over I get one for myself to snack on yay! Put a little crunch and powder on this one

We have put on way too much weight and are starting to try and eat healthier. We are going to try and transition to Paleo again. I did it for a year or so a while back and lost lots of weight. I've quit drinking pop and switched to coffee for caffeine instead. Learning to like it lol. 
Also been hitting the stationary bike and trying to do insanity work outs but i'm so out of shape and with my shoulder injury I have to modify significantly.
for breakfast we had bacon egg muffins
Take a muffin pan, wrap a piece of bacon around it, fill with scrambled egg, spinach, zuks, onion ect. bake at 350 for like 30 min. I ended up pulling mine and transferring to a baking sheet to crisp up bacon a little bit more because the wife can't stand flabby bacon


Made enough to have some for breakfast next few days. 
For dinner I made chicken kabobs and the extra couple breasts. Marinaded with Olive oil, rosemary, basil, garlic and seasalt. 
Kabobs had mushroom, peaches (wifes girl friend gave us a big bag), zucchini, yellow squash, chicken and onion. 


Served with a 1/2 cup white rice and some applesauce. I know rice isn't paleo but it's cheap and we are poor. 

Have plenty for us to take some for work tomorrow. 
Current weight in 214lbs 
You may be poor in the wallet, but you eat like a rich man because you know how to cook so well! That is something that I have believed in for many years. When I was young I went out to eat all the time, as I got older, more responsibilities meant less money for that. Luckily over that same time I had been learning to cook (to the point that it went from a job to an obsession). I got to the point that even when I could afford it, I would rather cook at home than go out. Now, I rarely eat out though I could all I want. I cook nearly every meal better than I would get at the restaurant, simply because I know how I, and my family like things. Then there is the part where that meal you just made for $20 or so would cost you $50 or $75 at the restaurant.
Looks real good D3. Very simple, yet very good.

JayT said:
You may be poor in the wallet, but you eat like a rich man because you know how to cook so well! That is something that I have believed in for many years. When I was young I went out to eat all the time, as I got older, more responsibilities meant less money for that. Luckily over that same time I had been learning to cook (to the point that it went from a job to an obsession). I got to the point that even when I could afford it, I would rather cook at home than go out. Now, I rarely eat out though I could all I want. I cook nearly every meal better than I would get at the restaurant, simply because I know how I, and my family like things. Then there is the part where that meal you just made for $20 or so would cost you $50 or $75 at the restaurant.
I completely agree with all of this, except the time factor and having the necessary ingredients on hand. I spent most of the day doing various pepper/gardening chores and I baked some sourdough bread. At about 5 pm, the wife and I looked at each other and had no idea what to do for dinner. So we went out and the best part of the dinner was when my daughter told me that my bread was better than the restaurants.
Well, that is cool as hell! I always have a well stocked kitchen so I can make whatever comes to mind whenever. If I need to buy a few fresh ingredients, there is a store five minutes away. Makes it nice for cooking everyday dinners from scratch rather than out of a box.
Looks killer D3.... im about to embark on a similar goal of health conciousness.... but for the life of me i dont think i could give up rice, potatoes and beans completely....
I hold similar sentiments JayT...