So we was grocery shopping and I had the sudden idea to try my hand at a pho or ramen. Now that I have ramen I looked up a recipe and it seems really easy to make from scratch.
I was short on some ingredients and the wife really fought against ox tail (probably a good thing since it was $10 for 2)
I got the lil sirloins thinking I could cut them up thin but after I got home I had the idea to use my left over carnita meat. Maybe fry it up in some bacon grease tomorrow night with a little bit soy and garlic chili sauce.
simmer the store bought broth with some ginger, soy sauce and maybe a handful of the pork for a little flavor.
I got bean sprouts, those thin mushrooms, green onion, spinach ,ginger... not sure what else I could use in it. I forgot bok choy though