• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
stickman said:
Excellent! Did you get a roll of black poly to use for plastic mulch too? It's a crucial piece of the passive solar part of the experiment.

Gee, I never tried to make my red Hab sauce with fermented peppers... let me know how it comes out for you, would you?
My idea is to use the large black trash bags to wrap around the base. We didn't see any black in town, they didn't have white either, which why I had to settle for clear..
I posted this meal last year, but IMHO it deserves seconds, both in review and when it's dinner time.
This is Stromboli, some call it Calzone. I say Stromboli, besides it sounds more romantic, like a fine wine. If you ever make this dish, you will be hooked.
Here's how it goes:
Using bread dough spread it out and place on a pizza peel. Add sauce and meatballs, this is the sauce recipe I have posted here: http://www.devtex.net/recipe.html scroll down to find it...

Next add a layer of thinly sliced Stagionato Provolone, one gets to eat a few slices during preparation you know...

Now we add a nice layer of thinly sliced sandwich Pepperoni

On top of that goes a layer of Mozzarella, just gotta use whole milk Mozzarella

Next fold over the other half and seal it as best as you can with a fork, paint with egg whites, make a couple of slits in the top so it doesn't get crazy and explode..cook 20-25 minutes @350°

Plate shot. I used some of Jamie's Garlic-Red blend powder to kick things up a bit.
Love the foodie pic.  I will be making something like that tomorrow if I can get out and get the pepperoni.  Blowing snow bad here all day and tonight.
Your grow is really picking up steam, Scott.  Can't wait to see
your plant out.  That will provide me with vicarious thrills until
our plant out sometime in May!
That Stromboli looks really good!   :drooling:  :drooling:  :drooling:
Nice haul of garden booty from SA!  You're gonna be busy, busy in the ground for a while starting... NOW.
I never had 'spargras (as my grandmas called it)growing up either. But I'm making up for it these days.
Just keep it weed free, plenty of water, in a bed of super rich soil. Next year, according to my research they pick in a 10 day window, the year after a 3 week window, and there after a 6 week window. I've been mulching with a fresh layer of compost after I cut it back in the fall. We like to broil it in the oven with a splash of soy sauce and sprinkle of garlic granules too. I get to pick 3 weeks this spring. It makes a fantastic pickle. 
Great shots of the tree ice, Scott. I love the colors and textures of a winter landscape.
Are those mesquite trees?
PaulG said:
Your grow is really picking up steam, Scott.  Can't wait to see
your plant out.  That will provide me with vicarious thrills until
our plant out sometime in May!
That Stromboli looks really good!   :drooling:  :drooling:  :drooling:
Thanks Paul!
26° here now @ 7AM...again, but going to 60° today, and the ladies go out today and tomorrow before the cold comes back.
Here's a shot of my dilemma
No more room!

Blister said:
Is that ice or hoar frost?
Oh, that's ice, the whole region down here had ice storms. It was worse north and east of here...
maximumcapsicum said:
Looking good Scott! Stay warm!

Would love more info on the project with the Habs... Whatcha making?
Hi Adam,
After it sits about 45 days I'm going to use Rick's Red Hab recipe and bottle it. The recipe is on his 2013 glog.
MeatHead1313 said:
I'd say definitely ice. We got hit with the same weather here today. Crazy for down here.
Yes it is, and have you seen the latest forecast? Round two more of the same in the middle of the week. Coldest year I can remember being in Tejas since '78.
Thank goodness for auto restore feature, don't know what key I fat fingered but poof it closed the browser..
Jeff H said:
I've made calzones many times, but yours looks fantastic. 
Best part right there. Smother it in pepperoni :D
All those different ingredients really blend well together to make a fantastic meal, the powder gives it a nice kick without dominating the flavor.
maximumcapsicum said:
http://www.devtex.net/recipe.html is going to be an important resource...

I can smell the deliciousness through the pics...
I hope you give that sauce a try. Wife laughed at me yesterday as we walked down the tomato sauce aisle. I turned my head, made a fart noise and said don't even look to the right....not that she would ever buy any...
We make a double recipe (16qts.) and freeze it in meal size portions...
JJJessee said:
Nice haul of garden booty from SA!  You're gonna be busy, busy in the ground for a while starting... NOW.
I never had 'spargras (as my grandmas called it)growing up either. But I'm making up for it these days.
Just keep it weed free, plenty of water, in a bed of super rich soil. Next year, according to my research they pick in a 10 day window, the year after a 3 week window, and there after a 6 week window. I've been mulching with a fresh layer of compost after I cut it back in the fall. We like to broil it in the oven with a splash of soy sauce and sprinkle of garlic granules too. I get to pick 3 weeks this spring. It makes a fantastic pickle. 
Great shots of the tree ice, Scott. I love the colors and textures of a winter landscape.
Are those mesquite trees?
Thanks JJJ!
I'm be tilling this morning. And now I'm worried about brand new tender Onion plants with absolutely no hardening going out today. Supposed to hit 20° in the middle of the week...
I'm thinking of planting the Asparagus in a big old feed tub, this way we can manage it better and won't have to constantly worry about weeds..
The closer trees are Crepe Myrtle, the filed trees are Mesquite. They are everywhere down here. Ranchers hate them as they draw all the water. I like them for furniture wood and the BBQ.
Stay warm!
BTW the likes Popo got me again:(
Jeff H said:
Just did a quick count and it looks like about 100 plants you have there, no wonder you are out of room . Are those all hots or do you have the sweets in there too?
Yeah, I got my likes back..guess that's what happens when it's cold and I stay inside for 2 days...
Almost all the large ones are hots. The shelf with the solo cups is packed, mostly with the Annuum's. A quick count was around 125 peppers, 20 tomatoes are in the dining room...they're taking over!
I took 2 pics this AM, here's the other, it's with the lights on:

Everyday I rotate, sigh....just the big ones which go under the T5.
The ones on the floor go up, the ones on top under the lights. The ones on the bottom go up and on the floor. The window faces south..lucky for me ;)
DAYUM, Scott!! :shocked: (Stromboli looks kick-butt too.) You could prune and clone in order to have more :rofl: . Rotating has to be no fun but plants look gorgeous!
I think you're gonna do just fine once the "cold that ate the country" backs off. Was -35 with windchill here the other morning. Wood stove's getting a workout!
But dude, seriously, if you prune, you can clone . . . ;) Just kiddin' hon! I think you're in for an immense grow this year! You've irrigated a desert so anything is possible! You :cool: .
annie57 said:
DAYUM, Scott!! :shocked: (Stromboli looks kick-butt too.) You could prune and clone in order to have more :rofl: . Rotating has to be no fun but plants look gorgeous!
I think you're gonna do just fine once the "cold that ate the country" backs off. Was -35 with windchill here the other morning. Wood stove's getting a workout!
But dude, seriously, if you prune, you can clone . . . ;) Just kiddin' hon! I think you're in for an immense grow this year! You've irrigated a desert so anything is possible! You :cool: .
Thanks Annie!
I thought about cloning, but then nah! :rofl: :rofl:
I can't wait for the cold to blow out, but then I'll just whine about the 100's ;)
So I'm the moron who goes and tills when it's 34°, I just had to do something to get out of the house.

I just went deep enough to tear up the clover and rye.
LB and I talked over the planting of the Onions and we agreed to wait until mid week. That 20° forecast worries us.