• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
PaulG said:
Just too good, Scott!  Your plants are huge, my friend.  Looks like the season is well
under way in your neck o' the woods.  Good luck going into the summer!
Thanks Paul!
It took them longer to kick than I expected, another lesson learned.
HabaneroHead said:
Hi Scott,

Plants are looking awesome!
My favourite (at least on the 55th page :-) is the OW JA Hab. That plant is a real beast! :-)

Thanks Balázs!
That one was in a 5 gallon bucket all last year and never missed a beat all winter despite being stuck in the cold shop for weeks at a time. It was flowering when I stuck it in the ground a few weeks ago, but most dropped. I feel it's coming around now!
Vegas_Chili said:
WhooHoo!!! Pods!!

Glad to see you got the ladies in the ground ;). How do you feel about getting ripe pods before the heat comes in? I still feel that the best time is and always be in fall season. I only have about 3-4 plants with pods but climate is too nuts... not that stable weather like in the fall season.

Hi Walt!
My goal this season is to get a nice spring harvest. I really pushed things so I'm hoping that's the end result. I'm also hoping all the heavy soil I added makes for an easier summer as far as watering goes. I'm NOT wanting the hour watering session everyday when I come home. I'm shooting for every 3 days. We'll see. The fall harvest was really good, new territory going for supers in the spring!
Jeff H said:
Wow, what an awesome update Scott. THe plants are getting huge and looking really good.
I hope the weather stays cool enough for your monzano to set some pods. Do you have any of them in partial shade?
Thanks Jeff!
FINALLY they are responding, I didn't know the Chinense were so sensitive to cool weather. Just my second season growing them, so I am hoping they do well. I have 4 or 5 Manzano's in varying degrees of sunlight. Trying to figure them out!
Is it normal for high temps this time of year? Might be time for a little shade. My Chinese did the same thing last year. Slow growth until I put some shade on them. Thanks for the pics. OW Hab has beautiful formation. Hope you get some milder temps. Sounds like your felling it as much as the plants. LOL.
maximumcapsicum said:
The ow JA hab looks amazing! I have high hopes for the one from the seeds you sent me... Very early fork on that guy and a fun shape. May make a good bonchi.
Thanks Adam!
I planted the seeds really late, Walkgood sent me them in April I believe. Cool thing is they grew like crazy and set pods in the 100° heat until December. So that's some most excellent stock there!
OCD Chilehead said:
Is it normal for high temps this time of year? Might be time for a little shade. My Chinese did the same thing last year. Slow growth until I put some shade on them. Thanks for the pics. OW Hab has beautiful formation. Hope you get some milder temps. Sounds like your felling it as much as the plants. LOL.
It's a little early but not uncommon. Hoping it cools back down again, the forecast shows around 90° for a few more days and then cooling. No shade yet, the heat of the day is still kind of short. Soon, in the next 30 days we'll be in the heat from 11AM until 7-8PM. And temps will be hitting around 95°, that's when the sunshades go up. This is a slow ramp up time, but I still have to play it by ear.
And yes I'm feeling it, it takes a few weeks to get acclimated ;)
Devv said:
FINALLY they are responding, I didn't know the Chinense were so sensitive to cool weather. Just my second season growing them, so I am hoping they do well. I have 4 or 5 Manzano's in varying degrees of sunlight. Trying to figure them out!
Yup, that's what I've found too. I'm still getting a handle on just how much cold they can take, and hope to put the knowledge to good use when I get dialed in to conditions here. This is the coldest spring we've had since moving to Greenfield, and it's looking like dirt-day may have to wait until after May 10th. I'm hoping to have 2 nice Manzanos this year... one OW that's beginning to put out more leaves after shedding them all in early February and a seedling I started around Christmas that should begin putting out flowers any time now.
stickman said:
Yup, that's what I've found too. I'm still getting a handle on just how much cold they can take, and hope to put the knowledge to good use when I get dialed in to conditions here. This is the coldest spring we've had since moving to Greenfield, and it's looking like dirt-day may have to wait until after May 10th. I'm hoping to have 2 nice Manzanos this year... one OW that's beginning to put out more leaves after shedding them all in early February and a seedling I started around Christmas that should begin putting out flowers any time now.
Rick, Next year I'm going with soil temps, and the Chinense are going out April 1st. Unless it's warmer next spring. Since they have been in the dirt it's gone into the low 40's just a few times and that was enough I guess.
Here's the garden April 1st:


The color is nice on the supers again, and some pods here and there.



Forecast keeps getting hotter:

Sunday and Monday are crazy!
That's some nice growth Scott! And hope the temps stay low enough for you for a while yet. Crazy how much of a difference is between there and here. The hottest we have predicted here on the forecast is 85 on Tuesday. Hope you can get some rain from the predictions as well.
jedisushi06 said:
Your garden is awesome!
Thanks Mikey!
Not looking forward to the highs Sunday and Monday, but I'll deal with it!
HillBilly Jeff said:
Looking really good there man.  Continued success
Thanks Jeff!
Things are finally coming along!
jojo said:
Thanks Jojo!
MeatHead1313 said:
That's some nice growth Scott! And hope the temps stay low enough for you for a while yet. Crazy how much of a difference is between there and here. The hottest we have predicted here on the forecast is 85 on Tuesday. Hope you can get some rain from the predictions as well.
Thanks Chris!
The weather is crazy this year! We seem to have this perpetual high pressure dome that sucks the life out of everything over us. I'm ready for some El Nino type weather. Unfortunately if we get those rains people tend to drive into high water...sigh...
I've given up on trying to predict the weather year by year here. Up until this year it's always been for the best time to start fishing again, and for the 5 years I've been here every one has been different. 
It's strange to me seeing someone asking for an El Nino weather pattern. Back in Australia El Nino weather patterns mean drier than average weather. When I first moved over here we'd had quite a few years straight of El Nino weather patterns and were experiencing one of the worst droughts we'd ever seen. Hoping you get some rain this year, and hoping we can dodge some hurricanes as well.
Chinese slowdown wasn't so bad! Everything is looking really great now. I definitely think I'll move them out a little later next year.

I've noticed that bhuts and reapers didn't seem to care about the cool temps at all, while Habs and 7pots really took a hit. Any similar observations on your end?
Your garden looks awesome, Scott - I'm envious of the space you have to work with!
I wouldn't mind a bit of your warm weather, either.   One of the problems is that Spring
lasts so long here.  Generally from mid-April to June.  That means sporadic foul weather
and an occasional freeze until past Mother's Day.   Good days are a mix of clouds and sun.
Exceptional days are sunny.  I'm going to plant out starting first week of May.  The long
range forecast according to a couple of sources says May and June are supposed to be
warmer and drier than normal, so I'm hoping for good luck!  Next week looks like good
weather.  Maybe I'll try to sneak a few in early depending on the 10 day forecast.
I have some Ajis and Manzanos out in the weather now, and they seem to be tolerating
the cold (mid-30's to low 40's) nights and rain okay.  Lots of little new growth showing up
even though some of the older leaves are looking pretty ragged.  I have hope!
Have a super weekend, Scott.  Enjoy that Tejas sol!
Well the likes popo's got me early...
MeatHead1313 said:
I've given up on trying to predict the weather year by year here. Up until this year it's always been for the best time to start fishing again, and for the 5 years I've been here every one has been different. 
It's strange to me seeing someone asking for an El Nino weather pattern. Back in Australia El Nino weather patterns mean drier than average weather. When I first moved over here we'd had quite a few years straight of El Nino weather patterns and were experiencing one of the worst droughts we'd ever seen. Hoping you get some rain this year, and hoping we can dodge some hurricanes as well.
The El Nino here is flood time, I remember 1998, 50"s of rain in July over a 2 week period. The Medina Lake, now at 5% or less was over the spillway as were many others. I could go on about when it REALLY rains here. ;)
Been lucky with the hurricanes here, what's nuts is the locals are hoping for one, just so we get the rain. I don't want that kind of weather around here...
Pulpiteer said:
Wow, those two shots comparing April 1st and today are something else! You're taking off. I'll be planting out in a month, so it's crazy how far ahead you are. I'll say it again - what an awesome looking garden space! That's going to be a jungle before too long!
Thanks Andy!
It's that time of year when things go nuts garden wise. You have the cold up there and we have the heat. By July the only thing left in there will be peppers, and that's if I choose to keep them alive over a 90 day period of 95-100° temps. If I do, I will have more peppers than the law allows...LOL
OCD Chilehead said:
I hope you get a cooling trend. It's amazing how resilient peppers are. When they're ready. They will shine. Hang in there and stay hydrated. Every time I see that garden it makes me envious. Thanks for sharing. Have a good weekend.
Thanks Chuck!
It is supposed to cool back down after Tuesday, I just hope the wind doesn't get out of hand. If it cools, that means Northern weather blowing in..
You too! Enjoy the weekend!
maximumcapsicum said:
Chinese slowdown wasn't so bad! Everything is looking really great now. I definitely think I'll move them out a little later next year.

I've noticed that bhuts and reapers didn't seem to care about the cool temps at all, while Habs and 7pots really took a hit. Any similar observations on your end?
Hi Adam!
I still have a few that haven't kicked in yet, but most have. Here Habs are indestructible, that and the Funky Reaper. They're the ones that didn't care about the heat, and just flowered and set pods all summer. But thinking about it, the Habs are more cold sensitive. My deal is the dirt was too cold, I tried to push them, but they wouldn't have it. Lesson learned ;)
PaulG said:
Your garden looks awesome, Scott - I'm envious of the space you have to work with!
I wouldn't mind a bit of your warm weather, either.   One of the problems is that Spring
lasts so long here.  Generally from mid-April to June.  That means sporadic foul weather
and an occasional freeze until past Mother's Day.   Good days are a mix of clouds and sun.
Exceptional days are sunny.  I'm going to plant out starting first week of May.  The long
range forecast according to a couple of sources says May and June are supposed to be
warmer and drier than normal, so I'm hoping for good luck!  Next week looks like good
weather.  Maybe I'll try to sneak a few in early depending on the 10 day forecast.
I have some Ajis and Manzanos out in the weather now, and they seem to be tolerating
the cold (mid-30's to low 40's) nights and rain okay.  Lots of little new growth showing up
even though some of the older leaves are looking pretty ragged.  I have hope!
Have a super weekend, Scott.  Enjoy that Tejas sol!
Thanks Paul!
Country living and land has its trade offs, but we love it. I would be a terrible neighbor in a subdivision. Example: My wood shop, a neighbor came over one day to see what the heck the noise was. I was running my 5hp thickness planer. His house is a 1/4 mile away. ;)  The cool things are privacy, and no restrictions. I can do what I want as long as it's legal ;)
I have to say this, you have your climate down to a science. To have such nice plants and produce in your local takes diligence and tenacity. I guess I may be doing a bit of the same, as my extremes go the other way ;) 
You don't need good luck, you make your own!
I have several Manzano's growing, and they're in different exposures regarding sun and shade. I'm hoping for pods this spring. It may be fall. We'll see. I will nail them down this season and figure out how to best grow them. And this is the fun part of gardening for me; learning and moving forward.
Enjoy the weekend!

Today I built the last (4th) raised bed, filled the bottom with 30 gals of mulch, added a 1/2 yd of heavy top soil mixed with a yd. of potting soil. Didn't have enough plants to fill it. I still have 3 tiny Chuncho's but they're too small. So pretty much I'm all in.
The garden is impressing me with how little I'm having to water. I last watered Thursday afternoon and everything looks fine, and that's with weather hitting 90° with young plants which have small root systems. My plan is to water tomorrow regardless. I won't be home Monday if they show dryness. So it seems my investment in heavy topsoil was a good one. Normally I would have to hit them every day.
AACT: I was trying to figure out the nutritional value of the AACT, and went "Doh!" Now I mix full strength Hasta Gro (6-12-6), full strength Seaweed Extract, full strength Molasses, some Mycos, and a pinch of dried Molasses. I'm going to let this brew 2 days, cut it by 33% and rip.
Will have some pics tomorrow ;)
Jamison said:
Looking good Scotty boy!   Unbelievable difference in less than a month.  What kinda corn you have growing this year?
Thanks Jamison!
Growing G90, it did really well last year. It's starting to tassel, the bad news is the worms are there already. In the morning I'm running to town for some BT. Every year they have gotten worse. Organically I can't beat them, so the next 2 years no more corn. Maybe the bad guys will go away. It started out as no worms, and has just grown every year in the amounts.
But the peppers are a kickin'!
On the stove:

Shrimp seasoned with Jericson's yellow powder and a mix LB came up with.

A while back we bought New York Strip Steak in bulk for cheap, we cut it into 1 1/4 to 1 1/2" steaks. I think we got like 13 steaks for like $3 a pound. Just gotta grab the sales ;)