• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Whoop whoop,  page 57!
GOOD deal on the steaks.  A   N.Y. strip is my second favorite next to a Ribeye!  I'm having a hard time deciding what kinda corn to grow this year.  Gonna have to do some research tonight I guess.  I wanna get it in before the rain that's rolling in on tomorrow night.    You know what they say, rain makes corn, and corn makes whiskey ;)   I enjoy eating it a whole bunch more than drinkin it tho :party:  At least most days anyways.  Do you just plant one crop for the year or do you plant every couple weeks?
Jamison said:
Whoop whoop,  page 57!
GOOD deal on the steaks.  A   N.Y. strip is my second favorite next to a Ribeye!  I'm having a hard time deciding what kinda corn to grow this year.  Gonna have to do some research tonight I guess.  I wanna get it in before the rain that's rolling in on tomorrow night.    You know what they say, rain makes corn, and corn makes whiskey ;)   I enjoy eating it a whole bunch more than drinkin it tho :party:  At least most days anyways.  Do you just plant one crop for the year or do you plant every couple weeks?
oh, I know that song well! ;)
I just plant the one crop, it's too hot here for multiples. But nothing as far as corn goes is better than fresh to the table corn!
THE best steaks I ever ate were ribeyes from my bosses ranch, Angus beef, they own  10% of a bull that has 100% of the "perfect" genes. Fed out the last 6 weeks at a grain fed feedlot. That ruined me, just can't by beef like that in a store!
Tonight's dinner:
Solem22 said:
I'm jealous of your view behind the garden, and also all your plants! Everything looks awesome!
We bought this place 25 years ago, before land prices went crazy. I have to thank LB, my wife for having the vision. I don't know how after all these years how we could handle suburban life. Or maybe them handling us, we would be the ones the home owners peeps would be wanting to run off! :D
:rofl: When I saw the 1st picture, I thought you were sautéing the corn worms.  
Then I read the text   ;)
Great foodie, bud!
TrentL said:
Damn, dude. That garden looks fantastic!
Thanks Trent!
Early start, early end. What's pleasing me is I'm on day three since watering Thursday. The last two days were 89-90°, today it's already 92°, they say we'll hit 96-97° today and tomorrow. They will get a flood later today, If I was off tomorrow I would see how things go. Beats the heck out of watering every day. Best $400.00 I've spent on the  garden!
PaulG said:
:rofl: When I saw the 1st picture, I thought you were sautéing the corn worms.  
Then I read the text   ;)
Great foodie, bud!
What you never had steak and worms?
Thanks Paul.
Things continue to improve, most of the plants are on track. I do have a few slackers though ;)
Sadly we noticed the corn already has worms hitting the Tassels, they haven't emerged just yet but if you look into the new growth they're ready. My BT was old so we went into town and bought some Dipel dust. Hope that works. Looks like we need to not plant corn for a few years; every year the worms are worse.
Took some pics.
 First up are the Manzano's I have 2 in 20 gallon bags.
This is a younger one, seed from Scarecrw:
Hmmm, seems I have feet...

This is the largest one, a few flowers have bloomed and fallen. Wider than tall. Seeds from Stickman.

Top shot:
Mo feet..LOL

OW JA Hab, it didn't notice pods on this gal the other day. It's loading up! I sure hope they reach full size.

Jigsaw with pods. Spank me, I posted this in the Jigsaw grow too.

Another Jigsaw plant:

My Chuncho "Winner".

My records show this as a Scotch Bonnet, store bought seeds. It has orange pods on the other side, so I guess a not.

Another Jigsaw:

Different pheno on this pod:

That's 10, pic popo's!
Thanks Paul!
Yellow Fatalii

One of the "Kurts" loading up.

Sweet Paprika, I moved that pod off the dirt so it wouldn't rot.


Costeno Amarillo

Jimmy Nardello, these gals all went right to it regarding setting pods!

Aji Pineapple

Dirt Manzano flowering.

White Bhut's!


That's it for now, thanks for stopping by!
Gorgeous! Nice pod setting, Scotty! Never grown the white bhut before this year . . . but have grown yellow, red--how tall do they get compared to those other two? Or how tall--bushy--are yours?
I hope the manzanos make it for you, hon: mine didn't like it last spring (and they should have thrived given the early chill) but dropped flowers until fall once heat set in. Hope yours make it! :party: Think Jamie was going for some in FL as well. Ya'll admirable!
Now, if we can just dodge tornadoes . . . seriously, N.C's already had more tornadoes this year than OK, not saying it's good for ANYBODY, but toddler killed in eastern NC a week or so, ago. It's definitely setting up as an El Niño pattern but not here yet, if happens. I keep saying that weather forecasting has become a sensationalistic "sport" so . . . hope am right in that for everybody.
Nice pods Scott... the Serranos look almost big enough for salsa. Did you plant tomatoes and cilantro too?
Nice to see the Sweet Paprika and Kapija peppers looking good too... I'm amazed to see the Paprikas ripening up for you this early.  :dance:    Continued success brother!
Man last two rounds of pics were fantastic. Your Chuncho looks great man I think you're getting the nute mix about right.

Love the white bhut pods. Do they get pointy at the end or stay rounded like that?

Steak looks go too. Could go for one of those right about now.

Cold dirt didn't slow you down much.
Wow, Scott, your plants are awesome, buddy!  I can't believe how big they are.
 I'm about two months behind ya   :rolleyes:  so I'll bring up the rear :rofl: 
Cheers, my friend   :cheers: you have a fantastic grow join' down in Tejas!
GA Growhead said:
:) looking good Scott!
Thanks Jason!
Can't wait to see some dirt around your pod setting beauties!
MeatHead1313 said:
Pods everywhere! Looking outstanding Scott! The nardello's I've noticed don't mess around with setting pods that's for sure. Are you going to get any of the slightly cooler weather that's predicted this week?
Thanks Chris!
Yes, Tuesday is a high in the mid 80's. Very thankful for that, today hit 97° and tomorrow is forecast to do the same. Looking good until at least Saturday. I just hope it doesn't involve wind ;)  I'm so done with wind here this year.
annie57 said:
Gorgeous! Nice pod setting, Scotty! Never grown the white bhut before this year . . . but have grown yellow, red--how tall do they get compared to those other two? Or how tall--bushy--are yours?
I hope the manzanos make it for you, hon: mine didn't like it last spring (and they should have thrived given the early chill) but dropped flowers until fall once heat set in. Hope yours make it! :party: Think Jamie was going for some in FL as well. Ya'll admirable!
Now, if we can just dodge tornadoes . . . seriously, N.C's already had more tornadoes this year than OK, not saying it's good for ANYBODY, but toddler killed in eastern NC a week or so, ago. It's definitely setting up as an El Niño pattern but not here yet, if happens. I keep saying that weather forecasting has become a sensationalistic "sport" so . . . hope am right in that for everybody.
Thanks Annie,
I was worried for a while, they sat there for 4 weeks doing nothing. My guess is they were at least setting deeper roots. My Goodness, I went 3 days between watering, and it was 89° or above. I would push for 4 if I had the day off tomorrow. Beats the everyday schedule from last year!
First year growing the White Bhut, Ramon sent me the seeds.
If the Manzano's don't produce during spring, and that's an iffy thang. I will run them until fall and OW them. I just HAVE to taste some of the pods.
Hope you don't see any tornadoes, scarey stuff! 3 or 4 years back we had some right down the road. I saw them from school, 2 of them just south of us like 2 miles away. I drove to the beginning of our road, looking up I saw the sky swirling and boiling. I got the heck out of there; went back into town and the sirens were going off. Found LB and stayed with her until the bad stuff went away. Last year one hit just west of town and ate up several houses. The devastation was amazing. My son and I hauled my tractor in and worked a day helping clean up one place.
So no naders for you!
stickman said:
Nice pods Scott... the Serranos look almost big enough for salsa. Did you plant tomatoes and cilantro too?
Nice to see the Sweet Paprika and Kapija peppers looking good too... I'm amazed to see the Paprikas ripening up for you this early.  :dance:    Continued success brother!
Thanks Rick!
I planted 2 types of Cilantro, one bolted behind my back this week, from what we read they're toast flavor wise. Maters, heck yeah! Cut way back and just planted 30 this season.
All the Annuum's are kicking it, and the Chinense are starting. We have a fast spring and a long summer. Start early and end early ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
Man last two rounds of pics were fantastic. Your Chuncho looks great man I think you're getting the nute mix about right.

Love the white bhut pods. Do they get pointy at the end or stay rounded like that?

Steak looks go too. Could go for one of those right about now.

Cold dirt didn't slow you down much.
Thanks Adam!
First year growing them, so time will tell. They look fatter than the reds I grew last year.
I just started hitting the Chuncho's with ferts. Going to work them hard with nitrogen, well a couple to experiment. I have several ;)
PaulG said:
Wow, Scott, your plants are awesome, buddy!  I can't believe how big they are.
 I'm about two months behind ya   :rolleyes:  so I'll bring up the rear :rofl:
Cheers, my friend   :cheers: you have a fantastic grow join' down in Tejas!
Thanks Paul!
As you know our seasons are way different. I'll be pulling up tomato, potato, garlic, onions, you name it in June. The peppers, if they survive our traveling, I'll run to fall. Hope they can go 4-5 days without water..gulp :eh:
Spicegeist said:
Nice to see some action over there... I like this pepper here...
Thanks Charles!
That plant looks like it's going to produce some nice pods. Those seeds are from pods Annie sent me last season.
"Yall have a great week!
Nice job Scott. The plants are lookin better. I'm not going to have that kind of action until August I'm guessing. Nothing like strolling thru the garden and munchin on fresh fruit and veggies. Thanks for the update.