• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
thirdcoasttx said:
I've been waiting to see a pic of a funky reaper. What is the cross that makes up a funky reaper?
Here's last years F Reaper

These seeds were sent to me when I ordered Carolina Reaper seeds from PepperJoe. I planted 5 seeds, 4 had the true pheno and one came out like this. Small (tiny) elongated pods, that were better IMHO than the true Reaper pods.
Devv said:
All the MoA's look the same, got the seeds from Ramon. OP and I know he had JA Habs too. So that's my guess ;)
It seems likely... I have 3 plants from his seeds, so maybe that's what I'll get as well. Hey, it's all good, right?

It's been a dark cloudy day here, and cooler than normal :party:
Welcome to my world... :confused:    This spring has been either cold and wet, or cold, dry and windy for the most part. Things are moving, but slowly. I'm glad to see your plants doing so well though. It gives me hope. Drive on Scott!
jedisushi06 said:
Boom goes the dynomite! Nice pods! How'd you like that Sam bush?
Thanks Mikey!
I haven't tried it yet, but will soon.
stickman said:
Welcome to my world... :confused:    This spring has been either cold and wet, or cold, dry and windy for the most part. Things are moving, but slowly. I'm glad to see your plants doing so well though. It gives me hope. Drive on Scott!
I saw yesterday that your plants have started putting on new growth, so you should be fine!
Can't believe June is just around the corner, just 5 weeks (if that) left for most of the garden and we're mostly done.
maximumcapsicum said:
Funky Reapers looks wicked. I got two from the seeds you sent me. One is about two feet tall now with dozens of little buds on it. I sure hope they look like the ones in your photo.
Happy growin' man.
I have one growing from the seed and a couple of Reapers from seed. I'm interested to see how they come out this season. I also have the OW's from each as well. Please post pics once they set pods :party:
Yeah, I don't think the FRs are a cross so much as just a reflection of the instability of the true Reaper.  My one FR last year was one of four or five plants where the others were all true to type.  I didn't realize the FR pod sizes were so much different between mine and yours.  I transplanted 5 of each into the garden on Friday.  Hopefully they will produce.  I think I have some true Reapers (from my own seed) to plant out, too.  The next couple of days are all about plant out for me.
Devv said:
That's a Kurt (OK have to look the rest up) Kurtovska Kapija. Rick sent me the seeds. Freezing them and saving them for a sauce ;)
I haven't tasted one yet. Rick advises to make a sauce, so we're saving them until we have enough.
You must have the patience of Job!  
A little over a third of what I'm growing I've never tasted before.   You can bet the first ripe pot of all those will be meeting my molars!   For that matter, the first ripe pod for each variety will be tasted fresh.
I deserve that reward after the interminable wait for them to ripen in the first place!
stc3248 said:
Damn...a lot going on over here! Ripe pods all around! I am going have to catch up...small bites though. Will be back. I sure do miss them South Tx hunts...
Hey Shane!
Yeah, I do too. It's just gotten too expensive to lease, and then if you say you saw a nice buck the other members hunt there when you're gone...so I'm done. There was a time I went 6 days a week, I could get out of work hit the shower and be in the stand before 4PM. I even used to have my own walk in cooler ;)
Nowadays I get to hunt after Christmas on a buddies place. Just spikes and does, but I get some meat.
Sawyer said:
Yeah, I don't think the FRs are a cross so much as just a reflection of the instability of the true Reaper.  My one FR last year was one of four or five plants where the others were all true to type.  I didn't realize the FR pod sizes were so much different between mine and yours.  I transplanted 5 of each into the garden on Friday.  Hopefully they will produce.  I think I have some true Reapers (from my own seed) to plant out, too.  The next couple of days are all about plant out for me.
I agree. I saw so many different looking pods on the community grow last year.
Good luck with your grow!
jedisushi06 said:
jedisushi06 said:
Okies, I tried them ;)
Some awesome pickin' there! I wish I could play, gonna give it a whirl when I retire, hopefully I'll have some free time!
cone9 said:
You must have the patience of Job!  
A little over a third of what I'm growing I've never tasted before.   You can bet the first ripe pot of all those will be meeting my molars!   For that matter, the first ripe pod for each variety will be tasted fresh.
I deserve that reward after the interminable wait for them to ripen in the first place!
Oh I taste them fresh, I just wanted to have enough of these to make a sauce.
I'm in the same boat, many varieties I've never tasted. Last week I brought 5 new pods to work and we sampled them.
Essegi said:
Great looking pods!
I thought Jigsaw would have been more wrinkled, Still looking evil btw! :D
Thanks Essegi!
Jason's pod looked way gnarlier, and I have 2 plants that have smooth pods that look like they will be white. One never knows what they will do ;)
A few pics of the garden as a whole:
These plants are 2.5-3' tall, hoping they load up soon! And the pathway is getting narrower.

The Tom's are taking over!

The area where I did not add manure is coming along after some serious nute treatments.

Manzano is getting huge.

Ants in a Manzano flower, they need to go!

Sunflowers are blooming. This is my first time growing them.



At least the ants are pollinating right?
Got some great looking pods starting on your JA Habs. I hand pollinated a couple to try to isolate some seed... thinking I should just go pick up some tulle or organza pouches to be sure. They look very nice... I am fishing back through your 2013 glog but having trouble finding some pics... do they mature to brown?
At least the ants are pollinating right?......
No , the little bastadges are settin up to start aphid ranching! Be swift and merciless. :hell:
The garden is looking really great , and thats me being all "understately".
Awesome sunflower pics.
My reapers from last year all looked like that.."F shaped"-good pods though....
Whats the canine , a "Sharpy"?
MeatHead1313 said:
Amazing pictures of the sunflower! Garden looks outstanding too.
thirdcoasttx said:
Dude your garden kicks ass! Very nice pics of the sunflowers

Thanks, it's starting to be a jungle in there.
maximumcapsicum said:
At least the ants are pollinating right?
Got some great looking pods starting on your JA Habs. I hand pollinated a couple to try to isolate some seed... thinking I should just go pick up some tulle or organza pouches to be sure. They look very nice... I am fishing back through your 2013 glog but having trouble finding some pics... do they mature to brown?
As Dave says below they will farm the Aphids, I've been baiting the nests when I find them.
Here's a pick of a few from last season. Glad they're producing! And they won't stop either ;)

gnslngr said:
At least the ants are pollinating right?......
No , the little bastadges are settin up to start aphid ranching! Be swift and merciless. :hell:
The garden is looking really great , and thats me being all "understately".
Awesome sunflower pics.
My reapers from last year all looked like that.."F shaped"-good pods though....
Whats the canine , a "Sharpy"?
Thanks Dave,
I'm working on the ants. This place used to be owned by an exterminator, still no fire ants here, but other small ones have been showing up the last few years.
I'm using bait, not sure what else to try. Any recommendations?
Yes the Funky pods are really tasty, and not quite as hot as a true Reaper, but still hot!
That's Otis, a Bull Mastiff/Pit Bull cross. No one comes in the yard unless he's told it's OK ;)
Got some rain!

It's about time it started raining again around here, that's over 4"s this month. Now it just needs to keep doing it!
Let's all remember what day it is and the people who paid the ultimate price for our freedom:

God bless America!
It's raining, and more on the way.

LB moved the dog food under the overhang so it wouldn't get wet.
It's providing some cheap entertainment being I'm stuck in the house ;)

5 Squirrels working the dog dish.



Now I wonder where the 3 dogs are?
I think I figured out how I mis-named so many plants. I made a spread sheet and at least 5 rows were backwards, plants on the West were on the East. Can you say dumbass? Can't wait to have a look after the rain stops.