• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


Well said id do a test of this..

oh dear,, Don't Do a Tablespoon if you are gonna Try it

wow its Hot, and Ripssssssss

Creamy . Tangy a bit weird tasting (but i had a Lot and if a Litttle with Foood be diff) But Heatwise !#@% :hell: the Extracts stick and Sting for a while but if you can go till the peak and manage,, its semi Ok..

Sense of taste went haywire for bout a day and Next Morning was most unpleasent

hope ya enjoy......
you know I watched that again and man you handled that real well, I wonder if anyone else is game to do it for comparison, I think somethings broken in Neils mouth lol
A "normal" human would have freaked out lol
the creator should get you over to the US for the wing comps....
;) Andrew says he's gonna do it..

i have pleaded with him not tooo, "do a teaspoon if gonna do"

"No, im going to do just as you did"

oh well, i tried :onfire:
Your testing technique is excellent. I really don't see how you could stand a tablespoon of the DM MKII, it would have absolutely killed me...

Poor Andrew...
Nice test review there THSC. I think I may have to order some sooner than what I said now:lol:. I think I'll pick up that Horseraddish Habanero stuff for flavor as well. That sounds interesting.
hey thanks all, id say was fun but wasn't and next morning felt like like a Big guy with a Baseball bat was trying to turn me into a Popsicle

How are ya actuallly suppose to use it ? without semi killing yaself lol

and the Horseradish Habanero stuff souds excellent, i might have to get me some of that :)
I simply use the DM MKII to add heat to other sauces or put it in when I am cooking...also, 2 little dolops of it makes a great bloody mary...

The habby horse is good in bloody mary's too. I use it anywhere I would normally use horse radish...like on a roast beef sammich or use it for making seafood coctail sauce...it's great with oysters on the half shell
Dang...hope you stocked up on refrigerated TP eh?

Good one...I'm planning to get some soon I hope, have to compare. :)


I love the comments around the 6 1/2 minute mark. "breathing actually hurts" and "whoop tee whoop". Yes THSC you did very well that stuff if HOT! You amaze me that the only time you swore is when you spilled it. I'd be cursing like a mad man if I ate that much.
THSC, well done, very well done. Great video! Most would not have fared as well as you did. The DM MKII is more of an additive than a straight user. Many folks are mixing it with various BBQ sauces, and wing sauces, to bring it to the Exquisitely Painful Bliss stage.

For a moment, I thought you had gotten some in your eye. Been there, trust me to say I'm glad you didn't.
DEFCON Creator said:
THSC, well done, very well done. Great video! Most would not have fared as well as you did. The DM MKII is more of an additive than a straight user. Many folks are mixing it with various BBQ sauces, and wing sauces, to bring it to the Exquisitely Painful Bliss stage.

For a moment, I thought you had gotten some in your eye. Been there, trust me to say I'm glad you didn't.
I want to see him taking a spoonful of ZERO. :lol:
All I have to say is, if Deathmatch Mark II was hot enough to break THSC, you did a wonderful job. now work on Mark III. ;)
ill give it a go next BBQ or just make a mix in a bottle i have spare,, to tame it a touch...

i try not to swear if possible, but can't help it sometimes and if i do , there is usually a good reason (new keyboard required this time after spillage)

the sweat put an eyelash in the eye but had to think if touched the stuff on the table 1st as yes, be not to goood if got in eye, WOW

Next weekend, cruising the sauce samples with Bent should be fun and we shall heat up where we are stayin :D will be a most Excellent Adventure