• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


Made them on Thursday using Defcon 2 - my wife is still talking about how great they were and telling everyone about it now... only sauce she wants from now on.... When I first bought Defcon 1 it was just right for me but for my wife and son it was too hot but 2 is in their happy zone -- Nice work Creator
rabbit said:
That's the big bottle I've got as well. I'm tending to use it on more than just wings as well. I must say it's REALLY good on Mac and cheese with some sliced hotdogs in it!;)

I usually just toss in chopped jalepenos...never thought of using a sauce...Seems obvious now that I think about it...I must be going senile...:think:
chilehunter said:
I know defcon 3 is milder than 2 or 1 & 1 being hotter than 2 or 3. but I was just asking roughly what the heat level compared to cajohns 10 sauce.

is defcon 2 about equal to 10 sauce for heat or 2x hotter & the same with defcon 1 sauce how does it compare to 10 sauce for heat ? milder,same,2x hotter, 3x hotter ?

I'd say 10 is similar in heat to Defcon 1. Maybe 1 is a little hotter but not much. Very different in taste though. 10 is an excellent hot sauce, but 1 is a WING sauce. While I do use it on other things it is the perfect wing sauce IMO.
JayT said:
I'd say 10 is similar in heat to Defcon 1. Maybe 1 is a little hotter but not much. Very different in taste though. 10 is an excellent hot sauce, but 1 is a WING sauce. While I do use it on other things it is the perfect wing sauce IMO.

I second that...Though for pure burn, Defcon 1 seems to last longer. Maybe because it's thicker in consistency. Without question these are two of my top five favourite sauces.
Hi my name is Rabbit.......................

........AND I'm officially a Defcon 1 mixed with DM MKII adddict!!!! I mixed a tablespoon and a half or so of DM MK II with the Defcon 1 sauce and made 9 wings. (1 fell on the floor and it made 9:() Anwyways, before you taste the first bite you get that slight cough. Then you eat one and it's really good, the second really good and getting hot. Then the rest of my six. Nose running, watery eyes,endorphin rush, and incredible flavor. I can't wait to eat the rest for a snack tonight at work. I'm sooooooo buying more stuff from you in the future Defcon!!:hell::D:D
thanks to those that replied, to help give me some idea as to what defcon sauces are heatwise compared to the 10 sauce. since I dont recall ever seeing some type of comparison (heatwise) giving for the defcon 3/2/1 sauces against another sauce.

DEFCON Creator said:
If you are worried about something being too hot, go for the #3 and #2.

by the sounds of it, I'd go with #2 & #1

rabbit;88656and made 9 wings. (1 fell on the floor and it made 9:() [/QUOTE said:
you threw away a wing :shocked: theres a 1 minute rule ;):lol:
chilehunter said:
thanks to those that replied, to help give me some idea as to what defcon sauces are heatwise compared to the 10 sauce. since I dont recall ever seeing some type of comparison (heatwise) giving for the defcon 3/2/1 sauces against another sauce.

by the sounds of it, I'd go with #2 & #1

you threw away a wing :shocked: theres a 1 minute rule ;):lol:

You've never seen how messy my apartment is have you?:lol: Normally I'd be ok with it, but my kitchen floor needs a mopping. By the way........I really like your avatar!!!...lol!!
rabbit said:
You've never seen how messy my apartment is have you?:lol: Normally I'd be ok with it, but my kitchen floor needs a mopping. By the way........I really like your avatar!!!...lol!!

nothing some running water cant fix or just pick the dog hairs off :lol:

the avatar!
yea its nice, it'd be nice to see that more often at the ranges :lol:
chilehunter said:
nothing some running water cant fix or just pick the dog hairs off :lol:

the avatar!
yea its nice, it'd be nice to see that more often at the ranges :lol:

Oddly, you sound like me when it comes to just looking the other way with a couple little bugs in a chanterelle or oyster mushroom. If they are REALLY buggy I throw them out. If it's one or two.......extra protein:lol: Also, why don't I see that practicing more?:lol:
"you threw away a wing theres a 1 minute rule"

Depends on the location. H*ll, if something like that fell on the floor in the lab, I'd have to hone my reflexive timing to compete with the fuzzy little green guys with the red eyes that live under the cryo unit.
DEFCON Creator said:
It's being shipped out in about 1/2 an hour. You should have it by Thursday or Friday.

Got it yesterday...you are the shipping king...just in time for annual family day this Saturday ( ranges between 80 and 120 people )...cousin Willie still brings the welding gloves and glasses, after rubbing extract sauce into his eyes a few years ago...I wish I had it on tape...lol...
Hot Canuck said:
Got it yesterday...you are the shipping king...just in time for annual family day this Saturday ( ranges between 80 and 120 people )...cousin Willie still brings the welding gloves and glasses, after rubbing extract sauce into his eyes a few years ago...I wish I had it on tape...lol...

Awesome stuff man! We are actually throwing our Annual Summer House Party Blowout on Saturday as well, lookin' at about 120 people as well. I'll be kickin' on the fryers early Saturday morning. Good luck!
bentalphanerd said:
Nicely said. You obviously know what your doing :hell:

When done right the most I can have is 5. Most of the guys are willing to have one, but there is a big spike in beer drinking for the next 15 minutes...:flamethrower::beer:

Some of the grandkids are hitting their late teens, and are jumping into the fray...it's great to see the enthusiasm for heat...a couple of the boys are tough little buggers...:D
DEFCON Creator said:
Awesome stuff man! We are actually throwing our Annual Summer House Party Blowout on Saturday as well, lookin' at about 120 people as well. I'll be kickin' on the fryers early Saturday morning. Good luck!

Thanks John. I've been out of Defcon 1 for about a month...going thru withdrawal...geez, I see a test batch in my future tonight...:hell: