• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


AlabamaJack said:
Too bad the only people coming for our cookout don't like heat...

So, I am going to make something special for myself....thinking of using a naga, two orange habs, some cayenne, a couple of jalapenos that are dried in the oven (so toasted if you will)...make a powder, add some salt, garlic powder, a little chilantro, a tad of rosemary and tarragon, and rub two racks of ribs with the concoction...

I will take pictures through the day of cooking I am sure....

That sounds like an awesome combo AJ!

THSC......I just did what you said not to!!:fire:.....I took a tablespoon full and yes I didn't video tape it. It's the 4th of July and I drank a bit. Liquid courage.........Yeah I did it. I give you credit on the discipline. I'm insane, but I took a tablespoon in front of my wife........HOLY SH#$!!!.....Yep.....no filter there. That was the most intense pain I've felt. Actually the equivalent or worse compared to when I crashed my bike before I started racing on the street when I was going about 140 and braked to late yet and crashed at about 90 MPH on the street. I fealt every bump, bounce and the ditch then. I actually missed a month of work. I have the most major adrenaline rush in the world.........I did it and if I have to I'll do it again, but you'll have to wait a couple days....LOL!! That HURT!!:lol::lol: Respect man, but between me and you. I can relate!!! I did it and it's NOT easy!

P.S. and edit....I did drink some milk......Yep I did......LOL!!!! Not if it's mixed with wings, but straight up that's HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: I bleeped out my swearing now. I didn't get complained to, but I corrected it.
heh, ya was warned..lol

Welcome to the insanity that is us. :)
Soon, you'll miss that feeling...well, hopefully with real pods..they are much tastier. :twisted:

I just ordered like 20 pods from THSC, ...ya,. will be fun to come I promise.
And, I'm gona order some DM MKII just for kicks...I wanan see how it is now. :)

GJ, rabbit.
QuadShotz said:
heh, ya was warned..lol

Welcome to the insanity that is us. :)
Soon, you'll miss that feeling...well, hopefully with real pods..they are much tastier. :twisted:

I just ordered like 20 pods from THSC, ...ya,. will be fun to come I promise.
And, I'm gona order some DM MKII just for kicks...I wanan see how it is now. :)

GJ, rabbit.
Yeah, I probably will later...lol!! Right now I'm just thinking why did I do that? Why do I have a headache..........and why did I drink so much last night?? I think I'm hungover:lol:. Time to go back to bed to wear this one off.
DEFCON Creator said:
It's being shipped out in about 1/2 an hour. You should have it by Thursday or Friday.


I ordered the big boys of '1' this timne to make sure I don't run out so quickly. We have a few events coming up, so this order, along with the four Defcon 2 bottles I have, should make for a great variety of heat levels. First personal batch though is 50/50 DM MKII and Defcon 1...Geez, I can feel the burn already...

Just a side note. The wife tolerates and benefits from my variety of sauces, but never really says much unless she loves something. We had chicken breasts in Defcon 2 two weeks ago, and half way thru the dinner she says ' this is definitely the best sauce you buy. I just love this BBQ sauce '.


Hot Canuck said:

I ordered the big boys of '1' this timne to make sure I don't run out so quickly. We have a few events coming up, so this order, along with the four Defcon 2 bottles I have, should make for a great variety of heat levels. First personal batch though is 50/50 DM MKII and Defcon 1...Geez, I can feel the burn already...

Just a side note. The wife tolerates and benefits from my variety of sauces, but never really says much unless she loves something. We had chicken breasts in Defcon 2 two weeks ago, and half way thru the dinner she says ' this is definitely the best sauce you buy. I just love this BBQ sauce '.


That's the big bottle I've got as well. I'm tending to use it on more than just wings as well. I must say it's REALLY good on Mac and cheese with some sliced hotdogs in it!;)
Interestingly enough, I'll be shooting out an e-mail to everyone looking for the various recipes people have for our stuff. We're going to make up a recipe book in .pdf format so you can download it.
rabbit said:
THSC......I just did what you said not to!!:fire:.....I took a tablespoon full and yes I didn't video tape it. It's the 4th of July and I drank a bit. Liquid courage.........Yeah I did it. I give you credit on the discipline. I'm insane, but I took a tablespoon in front of my wife........HOLY SH#$!!!.....Yep.....no filter there. That was the most intense pain I've felt. Actually the equivalent or worse compared to when I crashed my bike before I started racing on the street when I was going about 140 and braked to late yet and crashed at about 90 MPH on the street. I fealt every bump, bounce and the ditch then. I actually missed a month of work. I have the most major adrenaline rush in the world.........I did it and if I have to I'll do it again, but you'll have to wait a couple days....LOL!! That HURT!!:lol::lol: Respect man, but between me and you. I can relate!!! I did it and it's NOT easy!

P.S. and edit....I did drink some milk......Yep I did......LOL!!!! Not if it's mixed with wings, but straight up that's HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: I bleeped out my swearing now. I didn't get complained to, but I corrected it.

Respect yeaaa same well done mate, ya can see why i don't recommend it LOL

It Sticksssssssss Don't it and don't go away, im thinking at 15 min "um i wonder if my throat is melting and WTF am i going to do if this doesn't stop"

1 heck of an Experience and yea the Rush :shocked: Whoooooop

might make me some wings soon yeaa
theHippySeedCo said:
Respect yeaaa same well done mate, ya can see why i don't recommend it LOL

It Sticksssssssss Don't it and don't go away, im thinking at 15 min "um i wonder if my throat is melting and WTF am i going to do if this doesn't stop"

1 heck of an Experience and yea the Rush :shocked: Whoooooop

might make me some wings soon yeaa

Yeah, I've never actually had a sauce hurt before so bad that I couldn't even focus:shocked::lol::lol:. Great stuff though. Definitely will make some phenominal wings!!
defcon or anyone else
I know this thread is about DMKII but I have a question for ya.
how would you rate your defcon 3-2-1 sauces for heat level compared to cajohns 10 sauce ? (I picked the 10 sauce because it seems like most people have tried it here)
3-2-1 are they close to,milder than, 2x hotter,etc... you get the idea what I'm asking for the heat level of your defcon 3-2-1 line of sauces. zero & DMKII I'm pretty sure they're way out of my league & I dont want to try them :lol:
My daughtor puts 3 on her morning eggos(dont ask why) so I suppose 2 is going to be hotter..I use 1 religiously on my wings and other things No one wants to touch my defcon 1 wings for some reason and that was before I got my hands on DMKII..DMKII Is the bomb..I mix it with defcon 1 for my wings now that I have it
Canuk Pepperhead said:
My daughtor puts 3 on her morning eggos(dont ask why) so I suppose 2 is going to be hotter..I use 1 religiously on my wings and other things No one wants to touch my defcon 1 wings for some reason and that was before I got my hands on DMKII..DMKII Is the bomb..I mix it with defcon 1 for my wings now that I have it

HA...HA...That seems to be the same problem at my house as well. No one eats my wings either:lol:
I know defcon 3 is milder than 2 or 1 & 1 being hotter than 2 or 3. but I was just asking roughly what the heat level compared to cajohns 10 sauce.

is defcon 2 about equal to 10 sauce for heat or 2x hotter & the same with defcon 1 sauce how does it compare to 10 sauce for heat ? milder,same,2x hotter, 3x hotter ?
1 is hotter than 10 in my opinion, 2 is milder then 10
1 is like a classic extract kinda burn imo kinda say around daves insanity heat but obviously tastier
I consider the #3 as kind of a newbie sauce, no much heat at all, but a nice tang. The #2 is our overall by far best seller, nice balance of heat & flavor. For the chilihead, we created the #1 and DM MKII. I've never had 10, so I can't be a good judge of which one is hotter. If you are worried about something being too hot, go for the #3 and #2.