• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


bentalphanerd said:
lol - remember to put fresh batteries in the camera

I don't have a digital camera. I have a Sony video camera that can take stills, but they never seem to turn out very well. The colour is usually a little off, and often they don't turn out at all as they are either way too bright, or way too dark...I am sure there is a way to adjust the light, but I haven't figured it out yet. I'll give it a whirl, but with it being outdoors on Saturday, I may wind up with just a bunch of white squares...:oops:
DEFCON Creator said:
"you threw away a wing theres a 1 minute rule"

Depends on the location. H*ll, if something like that fell on the floor in the lab, I'd have to hone my reflexive timing to compete with the fuzzy little green guys with the red eyes that live under the cryo unit.

Sounds like my Kitchen almost:lol::lol:
Success. I burned a number of people out, myself included. From reading another thread, I decided to mix UBK's Killer Wing Sauce with DM MKII. I did not respect the latter, and probably used twice as much as I should have. A couple of people had some issues for some time after getting a wing down. Pics as promised...


The ingredients.

theHippySeedCo said:
that looks Great, might have to give that a go :)

For 50 wings I used two bottles of UB's wing sauce, and a third of a bottle of a bottle of DM MKII. They were flat out blistering, though I managed to get 10 down yesterday, but I wasn't just sweating, I was leaking...Man they were hot...:mouthonfire:
Hot Canuck said:
For 50 wings I used two bottles of UB's wing sauce, and a third of a bottle of a bottle of DM MKII. They were flat out blistering, though I managed to get 10 down yesterday, but I wasn't just sweating, I was leaking...Man they were hot...:mouthonfire:

God bless you, son. :shocked:
DEFCON Creator said:
God bless you, son. :shocked:

Wife looked at me completely drenched in sweat, muttered 'wings one, Ken nothing', and just shook her head and walked away...lol...

Absolutely awesome sauce oh mighty Creator...It's going to be a good summer for BBQing wings...:cool: