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Dorset Nova Strain World Wide Environmental Evaluation Thread

I actually plan on getting my pop a grow light for his b-day. He likes to grow tomatoes and cucumbers, but hey I MAY be able to slip a pepper or two under the light as well ;). I just wish I could get a deal on the setup from a police auction or whatnot.
Good idea on a po po auction. Best deal I heard of so far is around a hundo US dollars for a decent single plant light.
srin2 said:
hi joe

Between your first set of leaves to second and third , how long did it take ? did you use peat pellets ? i want to know when to do the first transplant.

On 7/5/09 I took them out of the peat pellets and moved them into promix. That was the first sign of true leaves. Now those leaves are over an inch big, they are under flouro's!:cool:
joeknowsjolokia said:
On 7/5/09 I took them out of the peat pellets and moved them into promix. That was the first sign of true leaves. Now those leaves are over an inch big, they are under flouro's!:cool:

thanks joe

so it took about 5 days from true leaves to 3rd set of leaves. do i put any nutes in as my seedling is just with the first set of leaves. near its root there is some light cotton like thingy there . fungus ?
Probably a little wet if there is fungus i would say. As for the nutes a lot of people start them on 1/2 strength when the first set of true leaves appear.
I've been using PlantProd's 10-52-10 Root Stimulator on a few of my seedlings. According to the instructions you should wait until they get the start of the second set of true leaves. I have been pretty impressed with it so far. I already have roots sticking out the holes in 4" planters on some Bishop's Crown plants I potted on June 24th (18 days ago). I plan on using it for all of my starts in the future. Seems to me that if you build a good base, the rest will follow.
Novacastrian said:
Probably a little wet if there is fungus i would say. As for the nutes a lot of people start them on 1/2 strength when the first set of true leaves appear.

what would be best nutes to use ? (n:p:k + trace elements) use organic seaweed solution mix ?

Nova did you change your avatar ?
You want the "n" to be higher than the others when in the vegatative growth stage and then you can change it so you are using more "p" and "k" than "n". Trace elements are usefull thoughout life of the plant as far as i am aware.

Yes i did change my avator, i just wanted to play the villiage idiot for a little while :P
Well they might not be has big as some, but they are off to a great start! The coytolinden(?) leaves have been removed to promote energy to the other leaves. Started in Promix for seedlings and fed Superthrive with a weak fertilizer.

No seeds yet btut theres hope for tommorow. I'll see if theres any in the mail. If not there's always next week.Joe your plants look so good.
peppermanbaha said:
No seeds yet btut theres hope for tommorow. I'll see if theres any in the mail. If not there's always next week.Joe your plants look so good.

Hey baha the postman must really hate the Bahamas! I resent those seeds around 1 1/2 ago so they should be knocking at your door pretty soon.
Today I found the first two of my DN sprouting. It's been two weeks after planting but I started them in pots on the balcony and the weather wasn't too friendly in those two weeks so that's absolutely fine.