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Dorset Nova Strain World Wide Environmental Evaluation Thread

Well, I'm happy to say conditions seem to be improving! No more lost pods as of now. Fivestar (thanks man!) has led me to beleive (in a diff thread) what I thought was blight could be blossom end rot.

Here's a quick pic of my smaller, kinda sparser plant. Starting to fill out, shoulda transplanted her into a larger container awhile ago.


Here's my larger containerized one, not the best pics- but gives an idea...


Looks like she has one beginning to ripen!

Now my hydro baby!

From a far, with a can hidden in its branches-


Nice and girthy stem


I know she's from the same bag o' seeds- these pods look kinda Aji Limon-y? Or Naga? Either way- once ripe, they're going down the gullet, lol-



Will post better pics as they progress. Too much crap goin on here to get more pics at the moment!
Bro you HAVE to send me some seeds from the one that looks Aji Lemonish. I grew the Dorset and the Aji side by side thinking that seeing as though they are different species cross pollination would be kinda prevented but i spose there is a chance that i have given you cross pollinated seeds.

Naga cross Lemon Drop now there is something new and exciting if it's the case we have got (you got it first) a new breed, FANBLOODYTASTIC!!!

Care to jump the gun and name it??
boutros said:
Well, I'm happy to say conditions seem to be improving! No more lost pods as of now. Fivestar (thanks man!) has led me to beleive (in a diff thread) what I thought was blight could be blossom end rot.

Here's a quick pic of my smaller, kinda sparser plant. Starting to fill out, shoulda transplanted her into a larger container awhile ago.

Here's my larger containerized one, not the best pics- but gives an idea...

Looks like she has one beginning to ripen!

boutros said:
Now my hydro baby!

From a far, with a can hidden in its branches-

Nice and girthy stem

I know she's from the same bag o' seeds- these pods look kinda Aji Limon-y? Or Naga? Either way- once ripe, they're going down the gullet, lol-

Will post better pics as they progress. Too much crap goin on here to get more pics at the moment!

Great plants you have there boutros!!
my last attempt to get a healthy dorset naga from Nova failed.(after 4 leaves an insect just chopped the top of the plant!) After seeing your plants, it has gaven me new inspiration to start over again. :)
srin2 said:
Great plants you have there boutros!!
my last attempt to get a healthy dorset naga from Nova failed.(after 4 leaves an insect just chopped the top of the plant!) After seeing your plants, it has gaven me new inspiration to start over again. :)

You still have enough seeds for another go mate?
And yes forgot to say great looking plants Scotty :P
Novacastrian said:
Bro you HAVE to send me some seeds from the one that looks Aji Lemonish. I grew the Dorset and the Aji side by side thinking that seeing as though they are different species cross pollination would be kinda prevented but i spose there is a chance that i have given you cross pollinated seeds.

Naga cross Lemon Drop now there is something new and exciting if it's the case we have got (you got it first) a new breed, FANBLOODYTASTIC!!!

Care to jump the gun and name it??

Thanks Nova, hell yeah- you know you'll be gettin some of those seeds! Not sure if it's a cross yet, but we'll see! I'll be thinkin on names... Lemme know if you got some!

srin2 said:
Great plants you have there boutros!!
my last attempt to get a healthy dorset naga from Nova failed.(after 4 leaves an insect just chopped the top of the plant!) After seeing your plants, it has gaven me new inspiration to start over again. :)

Thank you srin2! And best to you gettin more goin'!
Just took a picture of Nova's Northern Naga. It's actually recovered to a point where I'm not so embarrassed to post pics of it. The aphids really took their toll on this guy. The constant spraying with home remedies didn't help any either. That and we've been having some really cool weather lately that's been dipping down to 3-8C at night. Funny thing is the days are still hitting the mid-20s. It's 29C right now. The cold weather really gave this plant a shot in the arm. Seems like there was about 1.5 inches of new growth as well as new shoots coming out of the sides after that. I wonder if there's any way that someone could do this artificially and stimulate growth throughout the year :think:.

Cool blister good to see it still kicking after the attacks! Hopefully you will get some pods before the weather gets too cold.
My big plant from Nova's seeds is branching out into a Y shape. I'll take some pictures when it's not raining. They are doing better now that they can tolerate the sun. I had one flower but it dropped off when it started storming, so maybe I will be able to get a pod indoors this winter.
It won't be producing anything this year. I'm at the tail end of the growing season and maybe have 30 or so half assed days left.
I do plan on overwintering them for next year Nova. It's about the only way I can get the superhots to produce anything in small part of Canada. with a 90 day season I simply don't have the time to grow them outdoors. Overwintering them will allow me to get rid of the foliage affected by the apids and mites as well. I've been mainly focussing on establishing a solid root system for the time being and should have a fairly decent plant for next year. I can't wait.

Nice looking bunch of plants you got there LV.
Cool blister pitty about the short growing season though..

@LordViykor (new mod) Geez mate they would have to be the plants i have ever seen in my whole entire life. You rock!!!
Novacastrian said:
Cool blister pitty about the short growing season though..

@LordViykor (new mod) Geez mate they would have to be the plants i have ever seen in my whole entire life. You rock!!!

:lol: You crack me up.
Nice lookin plant Blister. Girthy! LV's gettin underway for a good haul too.

Well, got a few ripuns' I picked last night!


A pic by a quarter- probably kinda lame for scale- I'll get more pics of the next fatties comin up with somethin more internationally standard for scale!


Had to get one in of old plant lurkin Boba though- was kinda hammered and had some time to kill while smokin fish...


NOW comes the real part! Eatin' it! I'm sure I got to do a raw one, but I'm kinda lame w/vids. Planning on putting one in a smoked Aji dip tonight. Thanks again for my first Nagas Nova, I'm one happy mofo right now!
Mate that's what it is all about!! It's so cool seeing pods that not so long ago were little seeds in a internationaly bound envelope :P That pic with Boba is too cool for school, looks like just landed on planet naga and is victoriously holding up his bounty! (yeah i have a good imagination,lol).

Great stuff, i hope you enjoy your fish...