Espechilis Season 2010

I started my season this saturday by watering the seeds in chamomile tea. On sunday the seeds went in the soil. This year I tried something new as a germination box. I got a big plasticbox with a cover on it. In the box I filled some water and but an aquarium heater in it. I levelled the temperature to 27 degrees Celsius, which should be the best conditions for germinating. On the water I put the little greenhouses. On the bottom of the greenhouse I placed some flaggings to make them heavier, so that they are surrounded by some more water. I hope the temperature will be transfered more easily by going this way. Right now is the hardest thing for me: I have to wait until the first seedling will appear. I hope that the first one will show his head in 2009.

OK here you go for some photos:
Watering the seeds:

Swimming gardens:

I made some cuttings from a Fatalii and a Limon some weeks ago and so far it went quite well:

The Fatalii is going very well, already producing some flowers. It seems that someone forgot to tell her, that theses days there is the shortest sunshine-period in the whole year in Germany:
Btw: I forgot to tell which sorts I want to grow this year:

7Pot Jonah-Strain
7Pot Yellow
Aji Cristal
Habanero Orange
Naga Morich
Numex Suave Orange
Paprika Madzarska
Peru Scarlet Lantern
Rocoto Cusco
Rocoto de Seda
Pimenta da Neyde
Sweet Paprika
Trinidad Douglah
Hungarian Paprika
Salmon and Aji Cristal sound pretty cool to me would like to leatn more about it. Cool germiantion box swimminin. Have any popped. i always keep mine at arounf 30c, I still need to master and get my germination rates higher anyway. Did you use root stimulator on those cuttings? and did you keep a tent/lid over them for extra humidity? Those cuttings look very very happy. And the watering in the chamomille tea i have not done this yet but i suppose it helps with the germination by letting the seed soak up some of the moisture to revive the cells/Awaken them.? looking really good theyre espechili keep us updated on how all works out!
Salmon is an annuum and pretty similar to Thai red hot, but a little bit hotter. The plant is quite profitable, I got 229 fruits from one single plant. Here are 2 photos, on the first, it's the one on the left side:

They got a 8-9 heat level and are very good for making powder.

The Aji Cristal is a baccatum, but 2010 is the first year for me growing it. You can find more about it here:

For the cuttings: no, I just cutted them und put them into water, nothing else. I placed them where they got light, but no direct sunshine. After 3-4 weeks they got enough roots, so I got a pot and some soil for them. Very easy with the Limon and the Fatalii, the 7Pod seems to be a little bit more difficult.

So far the seeds had not germinated, but they went into soil only yesterday. I will report how the germination rates are. You are right, the watering is good for the seeds to get some moisture. Another point is, that the chamomille tea works a little bit like a fungicide, so I hope to avoid mold.
Looks good Espechili. I am interested in how that germination box works. The water should help to keep the box at a more stable temp, but I would be concerned about it being too moist in there and increasing the chance of damping off if the seedlings are in there too long. Does the box have lights, or will you move them out immediately ater germination?

Good luck on the upcoming season!
The box is only for germinating purposes. As soon as they put their heads out of the soil, I will move them to a window place with some extra lights on them.

At the moment I am lifting the top of the box 2-3 times a day to get some fresh air in it.
Nice list there Espechili.Will you be growing these indoors or outdoors?
I was worried that there might be too much humidity/moisture in the germ box but since you said you will be moving it out straight away it should be ok, just don't want to shock them if the temps drop too much.
I was thinking of trying this method once, will keep an eye on this thread and see how you go with it first ;)
peppermanbaha said:
great pics espechilli .How does the salmon taste. Its an ornamental right.

No, its just a normal annuum, changing the colour from green to red. And it has the normal annuum flavour, similar to Thai Chilis. I would say they are just hot with a little paprika-flavour in it. I like them, because they got some good burn but stay quite neutral.

I hope, that the first seedlings will show their head today or tomorrow, looking about 3 times a day if anything has happened. :lol:

Most of the plants will stay indoor, I got my parents to place about 6-8 plants in their garden, but not more, so I will have about 19 plants in my flat. Was quite green last summer :cool:
You got some really beautiful pictures there.
I like the water bed idea.
Every time I try to get anything to root in a cup it fails. I need to start a bubbler I guess.
Espechili said:
Btw: I forgot to tell which sorts I want to grow this year:

7Pot Jonah-Strain
7Pot Yellow
Aji Cristal
Habanero Orange
Naga Morich
Numex Suave Orange
Paprika Madzarska
Peru Scarlet Lantern
Rocoto Cusco
Rocoto de Seda
Pimenta da Neyde
Sweet Paprika
Trinidad Douglah
Hungarian Paprika

Hey, Espechili,

Paprika Madzarska (Slovak for Hungary) and Hungarian Paprika means the same - that they are Ungarisch. :)
Thank you all. Yesterday, fresh in the new year, the first 3 seedlings made it (Habanero orange, Masquerade and Peru scarlet lantern). Today another one joined them (Lim贸n). I moved them this morning under the light. I will post some pictures later on, when there are some more plants. The superhots decided to stay a little bit longer "downstairs". Man, I am really waiting for the first Douglah to appear.

@Bence: hehe, didn't know that, but the sorts are different. The Hungarian Paprika is from a trip to Budapest and has some heat in it (4), the other one is an elongated paprika from a supermarket and has no heat at all. Quite funny, that the supermarket gives them a name for the country, but in another language :crazy:
Business got me, but now I found some time to give a little update. I got a germinating percentage of about 75%, I am quite satisfied with that. All sorts sprouted, so there is no real loss. I got all the plants I wanted, so the made plans could now become true. But I will stop telling about plans, here are some photos of my new kids.
These are the ones I will keep for myself:

And these will be adopted by some friends:
Thank you.

How the Masquerade tastes I could not say, it's just the first year I am growing them. I planted them for my girlfriend. She doesn't like the taste of hot chilis, so when she is at my place, at least she has something nice to look at.;)
Haha, that's cool. Beside the Masquerade I wanted to place the Peru Scarlet Lantern & the Pimenta da Neyde. As my girlfriend sometimes likes gothic-style, she should love the da Neyde, but we will see.

Btw: the Black Pearl is looking very cool, too! Did you have it before ?