• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Essegi 2015

Here i am with my humble growing!
That year only superhots, there were just too many that i wanted to try.
The seeds, all form Semillas:

I gave 5 of each to a friend of mine. So i have 6 of all but TSMCaramel (7), BrainStrain (5) and Jay Peach (5).
Total 59.
I plan to keep 2 of each + 1 for another friend of mine. If more, giveaway.
Today i started that seeds:


7pod on left (maybe i'll give it to an aunt of mine), rocoto on right. Maybe i pruned it too ealy... I hope that year to harvest something from that one.
Well... Now let's see who germintates...
Since i have no sprout to show i start with some pizza of yesterday.
Tomato passata is homemade from tomatoes of 2014. Also I used fatalli and moruga powder on some. Toppings: pepperoni, bacon, red onion marinated in evo and bp and salt, olives, mozz (thick slices).






Airiness looks very irregular and mostly bad (the third one is the only decent in that regard), at least taste was good.
Tonight i'm too lazy to take pics, other 2 Jamison hooks and now i'm at 13 out of 26 after 12 days. Also i've lowered temps, thery're probably around 25°C at max, since i'm ok with that plants (maybe just a couple more for some giveaways...).
Also parsley is sprouting too from other trays.
Now it's really too crowded and i've yet to repot!
EDIT: other hook, 14 now!
Things are looking good Giancarlo!  I found some Farina "00" flour the other day along with some canned San Marzano tomatoes.  I made dough the other night and it should be ready by tonight to make a Napoletana style pizza.  I'll post in the pizza thread later!  Glad to see the MoA's and Bahamian Goats sprouting.  Your gonna love them for sure!
Thanks! I'm looking forward to those peppers and pizza. Also i'm curious about wich flour you found.
Now something unfortunate: my plants have fallen from the worst predator possible: the cat!
My damn Lupin was able to sneak up the room, being close indside and of course jumped on the table...
I was really lucky: just 2 glassed where there are no sprouts have fallen, 1 moa and 1 caramel moruga, maybe 1 is ok... I am always careful with cats but that time not enough.
Not a problem for the loss, i'm ok with the plant i have now.
Essegi said:
Thanks! I'm looking forward to those peppers and pizza. Also i'm curious about wich flour you found.
Now something unfortunate: my plants have fallen from the worst predator possible: the cat!
My damn Lupin was able to sneak up the room, being close indside and of course jumped on the table...
I was really lucky: just 2 glassed where there are no sprouts have fallen, 1 moa and 1 caramel moruga, maybe 1 is ok... I am always careful with cats but that time not enough.
Not a problem for the loss, i'm ok with the plant i have now.
Ouch! We don't have any animals but I can feel your disappointment. :confused:
Thanks all!

Oven arrived:

It spams up to 842F. Pyrometer had a spike over 950F.


Caramel Moruga from Jamison (so it's the 2nd wave)


San Marzano Lungo

Parsley (other trays are like this).
They aren't getting much light but it's reserved for peppers and tomatoes.

Also i've discarded capers and peppers not grown as i need space.
Trident chilli said:
Great photography ... wishing you all the best for this season
Thanks all!

tctenten said:
Looking good....is that a new oven for your pizzas?
Yeah, this evening i'll see. Already kneaded and formed balls (earlier than they should have but i couldn't do otehrwise). :D

miguelovic said:
I bloody well hope so... never seen one of those before.. my mind is going nutters thinking of all that heat for the pizza without a huge oven...
It's a pro oven just small, they say it's good to be used intensively. :D
From the color of the light in your pics it looks like you're using LEDs to grow your plants under. If so, could you talk a bit about them? I'm curious, and want to learn as much as possible about them so I can make my pepper starting operation as efficient as possible. Thanks!
Sawyer said:
Great glog, Giancarlo.  Your close-up pictures are amazingly good.
stickman said:
From the color of the light in your pics it looks like you're using LEDs to grow your plants under. If so, could you talk a bit about them? I'm curious, and want to learn as much as possible about them so I can make my pepper starting operation as efficient as possible. Thanks!
Yeah, that light was for half a present of friends of mine...
The pro is that it's comfortable and just needs the plug, if you see here how i hung it: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/44498-essegi-2014-1st-grow-winter-is-coming/#entry937360 . Now i keep it higher than last pics of that post.
That year is the same (i said i used a different setup, then i returned to that one).
180W, 60*3 leds, over 9k lumens. It seems enough to grow my plants. Last year some plants were tanned... That year less.
I can't compare it with T5 tubes since i've never used them.
It should be that one:
Old link points here, i didn't remember that actual wattage is 90W... Btw i am sure about lumens, i asked to vendor and said 9680+-10%
Also yesterday and today i've sunbathed my biggest plants. Sun is not very strong so they won't hurt and i have a spot in a window that on shade is over 60F and no wind so in Sun is ok.
EDIT: some photos of outside things.
Peppers, basil, San Marzano




7pod classic that i'll give to an aunt of mine, red rocoto.
Fig bud:

She's watching me:
I plan to use oven soon, first try was a disaster, but not for oven fault but mine (also some bad luck with time...). Dunno if that week since there's the TD and i am going in (hope to see you too Rick!).
Yesterday i bought that:

I know that a friend of mine used it and peppers grew really good.
Repotted big plants and reorganized table:

Parsley and bigger tomatoes are on another place:
Nice photos Essegi. I particularly like the Fig bud. I love figs, but difficult to find good ones in Ireland. I've never seen a growbag designed for Peppers. Hope it works out for you. 