• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Essegi 2015

Here i am with my humble growing!
That year only superhots, there were just too many that i wanted to try.
The seeds, all form Semillas:

I gave 5 of each to a friend of mine. So i have 6 of all but TSMCaramel (7), BrainStrain (5) and Jay Peach (5).
Total 59.
I plan to keep 2 of each + 1 for another friend of mine. If more, giveaway.
Today i started that seeds:


7pod on left (maybe i'll give it to an aunt of mine), rocoto on right. Maybe i pruned it too ealy... I hope that year to harvest something from that one.
Well... Now let's see who germintates...
Since i have no sprout to show i start with some pizza of yesterday.
Tomato passata is homemade from tomatoes of 2014. Also I used fatalli and moruga powder on some. Toppings: pepperoni, bacon, red onion marinated in evo and bp and salt, olives, mozz (thick slices).






Airiness looks very irregular and mostly bad (the third one is the only decent in that regard), at least taste was good.
Btw i'll use that just for the soil, not for the bag. But i could try just to see since i need more and iìll buy again. Maybe with annuum that i must plant since they should require less space.
Speaking about annums now i soak seesd of that, i was nearly forgetting:

Maybe it's a pepper from Calabria.
Nice work, Giancarlo!  Your plants and grow space are healthy and tidy!
I can't wait to see what comes out of your new pizza oven!
Thanks! Still haven't used again oven, can't wait!
So i bought other 2 packs of that soil.
I just planted 5 seeds of the above pepper after about 35h of soaking. Just not to waste seeds i planted the remaining on a bigger pot that i plan to give to my friend that gave me that pepper. Also i eaten it in a pasta dish and it's pretty hot for an annum.
Also 2 new additions from today:


2 apricots tree. First is Reale D'Imola and second is Vitillo. They should be above average in taste.
Also my best sauce till now is with apricot so i'm happy with those plants.
Oh and i spotted jujubes pots... Completely forgotten about those. Another year maybe.
apricot... nice!
it's too cold for an apricot tree around here .. well, some folks are having them planted by the south wall of the house and they grow, but they have to wrap them if very cold winter strikes
what about apples.. have any good apple trees? I was thinking of replacing some in our garden...
Sorry, dunno much about apples. There are some pro growers that sell some nice one around there. I like sour apples not fully ripen, otherwise i don't love it.

I've repotted Jamison plants.

Also older plants are doing great after repot. I don't know if it's the soil or some Sun, they are much more green and leaves are more regular. Some have still bad leaves but are improving!

Caramel Moruga

Brainstrain, that one is the bigger one

Butch T

Chocolate Moruga

Sorry for linked thumbs but i've problems with my usual host (that one is good too but i've had problem hotlinking image directly).
Plants look great!
And Apricots, I want some! We grow grapes (for the birds), Peaches (14-15 trees), and fight the birds for those too, and Pears. I've been trying to get a second Plum tree to live for a few years.
Keep it green!
Sorry to hear about the loss Essegi :( Especially to such odd circumstance. Old cats have slowly passed on in the last few years and now the house is cat-less. About time for a kitten or a puppy to run around making a mess of the floors.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat.  I lost my last one to feline coronovirus, a related disease.  That was a more than a decade ago and I can still get upset about it if I think about it too long.  It really is time to get another.
miguelovic said:
About time for a kitten or a puppy to run around making a mess of the floors.
Why not both?
Sorry for your loss essegi I know pets are just like family and can be very hard when you lose one. On a side note your TD entry inspired me to make bigoli with duck ragu tonight for family Sunday dinner. All the best
Your plants really look great, Giancarlo.  Very healthy and robust.
I's sad for your kitty.  You did the right thing by letting it die with
dignity rather than live in pain and suffering.  It's a hard thing to do,
but it's part of the pet ownership scene.
Thanks all for your concern, i really appreciate it.
I like to think that she had good time with me in her short life. For sure i had...
Back to growing.
FreeportBum said:
On a side note your TD entry inspired me to make bigoli with duck ragu tonight for family Sunday dinner.
Great, i am curious to know what you think about it. I bet you'll not regret, it's something special!

New hooks of the unknown annuum:

And also 2 on glasses.
I brought them to the Sun that wasn't too strong, still i was helped by a rosemary plant i a vase that gave them some shade in the 2 hottest hours.
As parsley, there was a position that things went faster, not the usual where i put seeds, where i thought it was hotter. Maybe in that new position is that a tiny bit of heat comes from below. For next season i'll experiment that again possibly with Giant Mexican Rocoto seeds.

Today i took a trip on the hills, there's loads of flowers. It has been a damn windy day, so it wasn't the easiest one to take pics... Click to expand.

Gorgeous flowers.  What's the fruit in the first one?  The third one looks like a Dodecatheon of some sort, though according to wikipedia they don't grow where you are.  I recognize the violets at the end, but what are the rest?