• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Essegi 2015

Here i am with my humble growing!
That year only superhots, there were just too many that i wanted to try.
The seeds, all form Semillas:

I gave 5 of each to a friend of mine. So i have 6 of all but TSMCaramel (7), BrainStrain (5) and Jay Peach (5).
Total 59.
I plan to keep 2 of each + 1 for another friend of mine. If more, giveaway.
Today i started that seeds:


7pod on left (maybe i'll give it to an aunt of mine), rocoto on right. Maybe i pruned it too ealy... I hope that year to harvest something from that one.
Well... Now let's see who germintates...
Since i have no sprout to show i start with some pizza of yesterday.
Tomato passata is homemade from tomatoes of 2014. Also I used fatalli and moruga powder on some. Toppings: pepperoni, bacon, red onion marinated in evo and bp and salt, olives, mozz (thick slices).






Airiness looks very irregular and mostly bad (the third one is the only decent in that regard), at least taste was good.
Interesting tree.  I like that it has edible fruit, too.  I have a few red mulberry trees here, Morus rubra, that have edible fruit.  In years with a heavy fruit set, the birds and squirrels will be thick in the trees eating fruit.  I've also seen three box turtles at once under one of the tree eating fallen fruit.  They looked pretty silly with their beaks stained purple.  The fruit is tasty and is used for jams and jellies, and wine.
I've noticed here, too, that city planners often fail to anticipate what a tree will do when planted in a too small space.  It's like getting a puppy and being disappointed when it grows up to be a dog.  What did they expect?
Hi Giancarlo! How are the Kapija seeds working out for you? Mine are working on their third set of true leaves now, and I can't wait to get them into the ground, but the weather isn't cooperating...
Hey, Giancarlo, how's it going, my friend?
they can lift a concrete slab in short order.
We have the sidewalk breaking problem here,
too, but it's usually Norway Maples of various types.  
I hope your grow is proceeding well.
Thanks all sorry if i reply now but i got a bit busy those day (more in mental way).
grantmichaels said:
Oh, i like that for sure! I've seen also the author cooking something for 48hrs, that's a lot!
Speaking about long cooking i've never done it. But yesterday my uncle (he had a pizzeria trattoria and knows how to cook) gave me a tip about cooking and rolling a bacon piece, salt, sage, black pepper and rosemary. Cooking for 2-5 hours, depending on temperature... It's one of the next things on my to do list. It seems simple but really good.
stickman said:
Hi Giancarlo! How are the Kapija seeds working out for you? Mine are working on their third set of true leaves now, and I can't wait to get them into the ground, but the weather isn't cooperating...
Hi Rick! All is great! I had a germ of 8 out of 11 and maybe if i had waited more on the last 3 they could have germinated too! They are really growing really well, they have aesily surpassed plants of Calabria pepper in size in short time. And now 4 are on the ground!
Here the best one:

It's really promising considering it's not even a month old!
PaulG said:
Hey, Giancarlo, how's it going, my friend?
they can lift a concrete slab in short order.
We have the sidewalk breaking problem here,
too, but it's usually Norway Maples of various types.  
I hope your grow is proceeding well.
Hey Paul! All fine thanks! In my streets there are lindens now.
Pepper are doing great. Much better than last year. They're much bigger and more green.
Now temps should be above of 50 as minimum, so planted something. Next days should rain also.
Here an overview of my peppers at my aunt's place, planted on gound yesterday evening:


Same pic, 2 differents points of view.
From near to far:
First 3 are Jamison's: MoA, Bahamian Goat, Caramel Moruga.
Then Semillas: Caramel Moruga, Jay's Red, Primo, Brain Strain, Moruga Chocolate, Butch T, Bhut Peach, Moruga Yellow, BBG7, Jay's Peach.
There are some flowers, maybe a photo another time.
After those, in the same row, there are some Roma VF tomatoes.
On the left there are San Marzano lungo tomatoes. On the right some zucchini (i hate those! but my dad wants them), pumpkins, cucumbers.
Potatoes left from San Marzano.
Here an overview of the back of my home:

Beans and green beans

Here are various peppers, some cherry like, some yellow bell or quadrato, Stickman's (the 4 on the second row on left).
Garlic and onions.
4 plants of marzanini tomatoes (small marzano).
Then some tomatoes of another uncle... Some should be pink colour and the other heart shaped. One of those should be from China or a place near it.
Now some better photos:

No idea of what is that... Or i lost a seed on the soil or it was already inside the soil i bought... I haven't put much care into that since it's of some months but still small.. We'll see.
There was another one that i planted near it but was eaten by snails.

Basil... That one was suffering becaus it's old and was in a small pot... Now they should be better on ground. I have many other smaller plants.

Figs and apricot (Vitillo)

They're really loaded, both plants are covered with fruits. Too bad i didn't shot when there was flowers, they seemed covered with snow.

And trees at last. I fear oaks of one of my last post are dying... Probably taproot has been damaged.
Btw gingko biloba is really growing well, and i had other 2 oaks from some acorns. I keep the one of the photo, i've planted somewhere the other one... It seems like the one i shot previously. Probably it's a quercus cerris but it's not easy to understand, i say that because i've found a photo of a small plant (damn difficult to find!) and leaves were like those... On grown plants they're quite different.
Btw i'm planning to gather that spring some acorns of quercus pubescens and try to plant them.
I'm not done with planting stuff, i have some other basil, other 4 Kapija, tomatoes, pumpkins, also yet another uncle gave us many pepper plants (it should be a big sweet pepper from Romania or at least east Europe).
I'm lovin' the look of your plants at your Aunt's and your back yard Giancarlo! We're some weeks away yet from being able to set out the tender plants like peppers, eggplants and basil but trying to be patient while waiting...
Glad the Kapijas are doing so well for your. your soil looks an awful lot like my Mom's. She has a fair amount of clay in hers. Are your gardens in a floodplain?
Thanks CH and Sawyer, it's a nice place, near the hills but still getting full Sun and near some plantations.
stickman said:
I'm lovin' the look of your plants at your Aunt's and your back yard Giancarlo! We're some weeks away yet from being able to set out the tender plants like peppers, eggplants and basil but trying to be patient while waiting...
Glad the Kapijas are doing so well for your. your soil looks an awful lot like my Mom's. She has a fair amount of clay in hers. Are your gardens in a floodplain?
Woha, i forgot eggplants, there are some in my garden too!
Soil is sand. It's not the original so i don't know if below it's clay, silt or what....
You are right, here it's a floodplain. Air is quite wet so summer it's quite unpleasant. But often there's drought since sometimes doesn't rain for long in summer (and air it's still so wet and unpleasant).
Btw yesterday i gifted other 4 plants of Kapija to some friends... Also i've given some seeds to another friend. I've still plenty for next year for me and for a friend of mine. :D
Essegi said:
Thanks CH and Sawyer, it's a nice place, near the hills but still getting full Sun and near some plantations.
Woha, i forgot eggplants, there are some in my garden too!
Soil is sand. It's not the original so i don't know if below it's clay, silt or what....
You are right, here it's a floodplain. Air is quite wet so summer it's quite unpleasant. But often there's drought since sometimes doesn't rain for long in summer (and air it's still so wet and unpleasant).
Btw yesterday i gifted other 4 plants of Kapija to some friends... Also i've given some seeds to another friend. I've still plenty for next year for me and for a friend of mine. :D
By all means, share the love... that's what we're about here at THP. :)    I love eggplant... it's one of my favorite vegetables.
Could it be worse? No, because it was raining! :D
Plants are doing bad.
As i planted them temps lowered a bit, no sun and quite some rain...
Hopefully the worst moment is passed, these days it's sunny and hot.
Unfortunately some peppers on the back of my home died... Of 4 Kapijas just one lived and something else died:

Hope now it starts to grow.
Also peppers at my aunt's lost some leaves and get more yellow though youger leaves seems ok. Also maybe i've spotted some aphids (for sure some ants). Here the worst of all (maybe Butch T, i don't remember wich plant number).
But i've seen just 2 or 3 aphids and just on one plant! And a couple of ladybugs around on other plants! So i transferred one in the plant i suspect has some. So, possibly, bye bye aphids!
I'm a bit worried cause my dad put some calcium cyanamide, i hope it won't be too much.
Now the good sides.
First, i have pods!!!
Bhut Peach

Moruga Chocolate

Brain Strain

Moruga Caramel from Jamison

Also, tomatoes are doing great.

That one is sick, it was one of the smallest some weeks ago and now it's the biggest! It's one from my uncle.
Bigger basil seems to struggle a little, younger seems to fare better...

Some flowers from my aunt's place:
The weather variates so much this spring, it's hard to follow... the plants are having a hard time to adapt... I can relate, already replaced a few sweet peppers because of severe sunburn, but luckily got enough backup plants to cover. I made a simple shader for my Chocolate Habanero, but the other day I decided to take it off, and today I noticed just a hint of sunburn... I don't remember the sun being so hard on plants before... it kinda sucks
Anyway, you have a nice looking tomatoes growing OK. Pods in creation... that's the point where I envy you. I have a long time to go for pods to start growing. Basil looks good, just try topping them, they'll get more bushy and strong...
Gee, it sure looks dry out your way Giancarlo! It is here too... we've only gotten 5mm of rain in the last 3 weeks. Sorry to hear you lost most of the Kapijas, but at least you have ladybugs to groom your remaining plants and take care of the little aphid bastiges. Rain would be nice too... :rolleyes:  Good luck buddy, we're pullin' for ya!
tsurrie said:
Anyway, you have a nice looking tomatoes growing OK. Pods in creation... that's the point where I envy you. I have a long time to go for pods to start growing. Basil looks good, just try topping them, they'll get more bushy and strong...
Thanks for the advice, now i'm doing that as i need basil. ;)
cypresshill1973 said:
Pretty flowers Essegi!
stickman said:
Gee, it sure looks dry out your way Giancarlo! It is here too... we've only gotten 5mm of rain in the last 3 weeks. Sorry to hear you lost most of the Kapijas, but at least you have ladybugs to groom your remaining plants and take care of the little aphid bastiges. Rain would be nice too... :rolleyes:  Good luck buddy, we're pullin' for ya!
Thanks Rick! In the meanwhile i've retrieved a Kapija plant i gave to my friend (ha has still 2 and something more to plant...). The one taht survived seems fine but still have to restart to really grow. Btw i've still got some sweet peppers to plant. That evening i went to water at my aunt's, peppers have still to recover. I'm confident they will since on the same place those peppers grew fine... But i must say that the growing has moved by some meters and soil is a bit different... It's not the native soil but something someone put above. Still an hard soil that keeps humidity.
Btw there are more ladybugs! :D
A small update!
Plants are recovering... Still a bit yellow and seems a bit naked... But are growing.
Caramel Moruga from Jamison

Maybe a bit strange for a Moruga, but it's younger and have more pods than others (4). Also that one is big, like nearly 3" long and probably will still grow. Nice!
  not a beaty, but 16 days ago was like that: 

Also BBG has set a pod.
Some cherries...

Hopefully things will be good from now.
Good to hear the plants are getting better. The temperatures in southern Europe are supposed to go higher in the near future, so we can both expect some progress in the growth.... It better be true :)
Mmmmm cherries... just had them today for the first time this year. Not from our city cherry trees though, they're gonna go ripe in about 14 days.
The rain and the warm temperatures finally came here this week, hopefully you're next! :pray:  Cherries are at least a month away here, but strawberries should start ripening in a couple of weeks. Cheers!
Thanks all!
I purchased 3 new plants: Aji Amarillo, Acrata (Goat's Weed) and a Bishop Crown. I don't know why first 2 have been pruned and i have to wait a month to repot/plant on ground...  I don't have much room but i thought that if i grow those this year i can avoid next one. Of course this'll end that i'll pick some other varieties to replace those lol.
Here respectively:


Also, my quick dinner:

Basil, garlic, ricotta, moruga red, choco bhut, hazelnuts, almonds...
Blended with a bit of evo like a pesto.
Used for a couple of bruschette: