food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

Nothing with raisins visible is worthy of any title including these letters "super wombat chingon".
Not many letters left. You are one hell of a chef Sir TB, but I could not choke that down.
That's just me. The color, texture, and plating look awesome, tortilla should be a little more burnt, but hey,
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

TB made something I don't like. I am sad now. :(

Well, you certainly have my interest piqued!!!!!

Scovie eats raisins all the time - he jus' don't know it. heh heh. They just add that perfect little hint of earthy sweetness!
Capers I can wrap my head around...but the green olives are throwin' me!!!!! But the whole chingadera looks like it's bursting with flavor!

Dang me...I'll have to give that a whirl someday soon! Scovie won't get to have any of it either...unless he begs in just the right way! ;)
Well today ain't goin' all that bad.

It rained a little.

Its a cool 92 degrees.

I fixed my a/c myself and only cost me 20 bucks for the part.

And I started this pot of pinto beans.

Soaked a pound of pintos for 24 hours and then cranked up Jezebel the Red Crockpot.

Been slow cooking since about 8 this morning.

Added some dice onion, 2 'peno's, and a heaping tablespoon of minced garlic.

I'll let this go for a couple more hours.

Lookin' pretty nommy there TB! Will you show pics when it's done?!

We're at 94, no a/c, and no one's allowed near the stove! haha

You're the only one I know, other than myself, who names their appliances!
My food processor's name is Charlie. He changed my life. ;)
And I have a pair of cement board shears named Frank (as in Sinatra) cuz they're soooooo smooooooth! haha
Tb that picadillo looks awesome! Nailed it!
While I personally don't make it with raisins, many people do.
I like to go heavy green olive.
On occasion I will mince and deep fry red potatoes and throw them in the pool too.
Damn I love picadillo!
Cj, look up a Cuban picadillo recipe and try it! It's kinda like a Latin chili.
Don't know bout the tortillas and cheese, but that's your thang.
We only eat it with black beans and rice.
But of course I'll posty up serving pics.

That's funny there girl.

I have names for everthang in my kitchen.

The KitchenAid mixer is rightly named "kitty".

All of my cast iron skillets, dutch ovens and comal and tortilla press are named "Black Betty".

My drum smoker and gas grill on the back porch are also named "Black Betty".

Kinda' like George Foreman naming all his kids George. Even his girls are George.

The mini-chief smokers I have are all "Chief".

The cuisinart is of course "the queeze".

Ahhhhrghhh...gettin' a cramp in my arm.

Its hard to type in this damn straight jacket.

Tb that picadillo looks awesome! Nailed it!
While I personally don't make it with raisins, many people do.
I like to go heavy green olive.
On occasion I will mince and deep fry red potatoes and throw them in the pool too.
Damn I love picadillo!
Cj, look up a Cuban picadillo recipe and try it! It's kinda like a Latin chili.
Don't know bout the tortillas and cheese, but that's your thang.
We only eat it with black beans and rice.

I ate that sheeit like I was mad at it!!

Awesome is not a big enough word to describe it.

Next time I'll use beef though.

I felt dirty hippy n' all using ground turkey.

I was going to go all Cubano on it and whoop up some black beans and rice but since mrs. blues won't eat it, I thought it'd be too much food.

Picodillo rocks a tortilla.

Been a while since I made a big ole pot of beans. Some would say they are poor man's food but in reality, they are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. The fiber in beans is a mean bad cholesterol fighter.

So I slow cooked these pinto's all day. Then I put the potato masher to 'em, but only a few strokes. I didn't want to mash 'em completely, but just enough to thicken them up somewhat.


Tossed some in a bowl and topped with a little shredded scheeze, salsa and green onion and POW!

That's supper right there! Had a creamy texture and a buttery flavor and so dang good.


Git yer' pinto's on y'all.

I got mine.

You better get yours!
Oh hepp meh lawd!

That bowl of beans and scheese is M O N E Y !

That looks to me like one of the best things you have ever made. It's always the simplest things.
Soooooo comforty food. I wish there was a 'LOVE' button. (there's a sig line for ya) LOL
That right there is a bowl of Complete Comfort!!!!! And heart healthy to boot! Double WIN!!!!!

Summer just got started and you've got me craving Fall already TB!

....but if I set the crockpot outside.....hmmmmmm.

I'm predicting my time off is going to be filled with Tex-Mex!!!!!!! :dance:

:edit: pinto beans currently soaking....... :D
Thanks y'all.

It seems you can't go to any respectable joint in Texas that doesn't have beans on the menu.

Pinto's are pretty much the standard bean.

One of the more popular way's to do them is what is called "ranch style", where the beans are cooked up in a chile sauce.

In Texas we love our beans.

But don't even think of putting them in YOU KNOW WHAT....
...and shenanigans!!!! hahaha

So....I added a bit of beef broth to my beans......hope that doesn't screw the whole batch up!!!!!!

I've not made beans like this before, and the broth thing was just an automatic crockpot reaction. Didn't even think about it until it was too late! haha