food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

Yes, yes I did! But they aren't nekked anymore, no siree!

I just turned the heat off....gonna let 'em rest for a while.

No wait, I'm gonna let ME rest for a while! :)
Here they are! (I didn't want to post 3 times in a row...)

The holy trinity...onions, penos, & garlic. Plus, I couldn't resist adding some epazote for luck...


Crockpotting outside....


And finally, the prize! They turned out a bit on the soupy side....but really tasty!!!!!


Scovie's bowl...all hot sauced up!


Thanks for the inspiration TB! Can't wait to come home to a bowl of beans this Winter after a long, cold day's work.....! :D
Damm TB, this was awesome. We do a lot of beans, but never in this way.
We have added "TBeans" to our go to repetoire.

We'll work on thickening them a bit, no biggy, they were kickass.

"It's sometimes the simplest things that pass you by and are the tastiest."
~Scoville DeVille
First, the beans look really good.

But what kind of chips are those? They look restaurant quality!

Down here we know epazote as "the boner herb".
Don't know why. Never had it (epazote, not a boner)!
Now those are a couple of pudo pimped out chingon frijoles!

Y'all didn't need no help from me at all.

Those look awesome.

Where in the hail in Twisp do you find epazote?

That's not exactly the center of the former Aztec empire.
Our local Mexican grocery store 'Caso's' 35 miles away carries Epazote whole.
We sometimes get it, but unlike Acapulco Gold, you have to pull out the stems and seeds.
CJ was finally able to get her hands on some seeds, so now we have it in the garden.
Epazote is an absolute in Mexican cooking, FD, especially fresh Salsa. At least for us.
We use it fresh, dried, whole and powdered.
If y'all want some seeds, I'm pretty sure CJ can hook you up.

Here's her baby...


Chips, yes. These are better than most "have-a-seat-and-enjoy-some-free-salsa-while-we-get-your-menu's" Mexican Joints.
NOT hard ass cement-like Tostitos. Crunchy, crispy, and perfect. $2.99 a bag, and a drunk Seniorita on the front.
Need I say more?


mrs. blues has requested I dutch up another round of pinto's this week but with no TB weirdness.

In the mean time, Ima' gettin' mah shrimp taco on but I added and removed some chromosomes.

Black Betty with olive oil, garlic, fresnos, and red onion.


Got some 16/20 Texas Gulf shrimps. Fresh.


Sweated the onions, garlic, and fresno's, then tossed in some shredded cabbage, sea salt, and BP.


Here I injected the bad DNA with some Bone Sucking BBQ sauce. Weird.

Like a warm shrimp salad.


Did the smack down on some corn tortillas and topped with a crema bbq sauce splooge.


Dang if the weirdness didn't satisfy but it was still weird.

As much as I eat and love tortillas of all kinds, I really should make my own more often.

I've stopped buying the evil butter made flour torts that I was addicted to.

I should try whole wheat (don't judge me) olive oil small street taco size.

I have to figure out how to make my Tex-Mex more healthy n' sheeit.

So I can still eat queso!
How did you warm your tortillas?
There's no burn marks on them.

Corn tortillas get nuked for 10 seconds.

They stay more moist than heating on a comal.

I never have to double them up that way to keep them from falling apart.

Flour torts on the other hand.

Comal only. They have enough moisture and density that they won't fall apart.
I am liking your weird tacos TB. Weird is good. Especially when it's on a tortilla.
I admit, i nuke corn tortillas, half the time.
The other half, it's 10 seconds each side on a "surface of the sun" hot CI fajita pan.
Nice job on the healthy weirdness.
Shanks man.

I'll probably go country Tex-Mex tonight with just refried bean, 'peno & cheese tacos tonight.

No foo foo.

Perfection. A glass of V-8 with it, and you have the perfect food pyramid, that dates back to the Tenochtitlin, I'm sure.
Cheers on ya!
Lookin' good TB, I am glad to see that you are still eating at least. What gives with the no alchy thing though?
Lookin' good TB, I am glad to see that you are still eating at least. What gives with the no alchy thing though?

Oh you know.

I'm getting old.

Can't eat like I used to.

Can't drink like I used to.

And I was drinking too much.

My BP was creepin' up.

Once its back down to around 120/75 I'll allow myself just a wee bit of vino or tequila.

Just a little bit.
So you quit the wine to? No wonder you have been such a grouch lately. The TB, you take a break and get yourself some cheap box wine pronto. Sit back and wait for the oven rib pics. They are coming soon.
I found myself craving some of my pork n kimchee quesadillas today...






I guess this would be one of those Tex-Mex fusions that The TB was talking about. Tex-Mex meets Korean.
Oh hail yeah!!

Tex-Korean has 'sploded big here in Texas.

'Specially with the korean fusion trucks.

That looks like Tex-Korean money to me Jay.

Don't worry about moi.

I have an unopened of bag-o-wine in a box in case of 'mergantsies n' sheeit.