food Everythang' Tex-Mex!

MissyLou... that dog. TB is a slave to her.

TB, I must ask, I know you like this new hippy diet you are on, but you COULD have healthy protein choices to go along with all that rabbit food too. I mean even if you don't really like chicken breast, it is a healthy alternative as would be most fish (as you know). I can't bring myself to make tacos with no meat.
MissyLou... that dog. TB is a slave to her.

TB, I must ask, I know you like this new hippy diet you are on, but you COULD have healthy protein choices to go along with all that rabbit food too. I mean even if you don't really like chicken breast, it is a healthy alternative as would be most fish (as you know). I can't bring myself to make tacos with no meat.

Ambien is the devil!
Greetings and salutations from The Blues Kitchen y'all.

Here's some piccy's of mayhem and tomfoolishnessessess from recent goin's on.

I'm a dang fool for tacos. I was cleaning out my freezer of unidentifiable food stuffs and came across some ground beef. Not my first choice to eat these days but I ain't throwin' it away. Might as well turn it into tacos.



Turned into this.


And then.


Some greasy pie holin' goinz on.


Exit the tiger and enter the dragon.

Another night...whacked & hacked button mushrooms, onion, garlic, and homemade sun dried toms.


I hit that sheeit with some mango hab mojo sauce and just a lil bit o'scheeze.


And still later...

I had some beans to use up, along with some hatch chile's.


Stuffed into the chile condom was black eyed peas, garlic, some onion escabeche from a can of jalapenos and and handful of pickled chiletepins.

Might as well throw that on a taco and eat it like I was mad at it.


What's that word I use?


Damn right!
Forget Texas Blues. TB should stand for TACO BOSS.

Popper stuffed Relleno Taco.

Damm brilliant!

Makes me mad at myself that I have never thought of that.

The TB has spoken the truth. Speak! Speak!
even the meatless stuff looks pretty good ... but mostly, i'm jealous of betty's healthy looking sheen ...

GM I have several cast iron pans. All are well seasoned but not to the point of my liking, which would be a smooth mirror like glaze. That just takes time but is helped by the fact that I cook in those pans everyday.
GM I have several cast iron pans. All are well seasoned but not to the point of my liking, which would be a smooth mirror like glaze. That just takes time but is helped by the fact that I cook in those pans everyday.

caring about my CI now - soon to be wearing socks in the house, I'm afraid ...
What a badass idea on the stuff'd chile taco... Got damn!

I love tacos as much as the next guy. But damn, TB, you'll throw anything onto a tortilla and turn it into taco. and I say why the hell shouldn't you? I need to open up my taco horizon and just spend a week tacoizing everything I can get my hands on.
I've eaten corn and flour tortilla's my whole life and for daily eating.

For many years I didn't eat much bread at all due to the carb factor.

Hard to beat corn tortilla's for low carbs.

Recently I have gotten into making my own whole wheat tortilla's as I have a self imposed ban on white flour products simply for health reasons.

Thus far I can make the ww tortilla's much better than you can find in the store although I'm constantly playing with the recipe to improve them. Using whole wheat often leads to a chewier cardboard like tortilla which is just blech. Baking powder and using olive oil definitely helps. I can also add heaps more flavor by incorporating chile powders and other flavors into the masa.

I reckon there is no food that can't be eaten on a taco, chicken or rib bones excluded. Leftovers go great on a tortilla. I've rolled up ever 'thang from leftover chicken fett alfredo to leftover chinese.

I've said it before.

Tortilla's are God's food.

Jesus might have been a Jew, but he has Mexican name.

True story.
What a badass idea on the stuff'd chile taco... Got damn!

I love tacos as much as the next guy. But damn, TB, you'll throw anything onto a tortilla and turn it into taco. and I say why the hell shouldn't you? I need to open up my taco horizon and just spend a week tacoizing everything I can get my hands on.
no joke when i was single every thing i ate went into a burrito shell,even cheap 99 cent microwave dinners. i would dump the whole thing into a shell,lol. i still eat most of my meals in a shell the wife will cook dinner and i just make a burrito out of it.

t.b are you going gluten free? if so my wife was gluten free for 2 years we have so many awesome recipes its crazy.
Damn TB that's the finest Tex-Mex post in here yet!
TB that is some HB&R stuff right there! Glad to see you cooking some meat once in a while anyway. I had some Tex-Mex at a fast food joint here called Robburitos yesterday. I know it is a chain, but not sure how widespread it is. Anyway, it was DAMN good. Anyone else ever heard of it?
...well accept for the "sprinkling" of cheese but I think that's because of your diet. But wasn't the diet out the window anyway here? :lol:
Not sure I would pull into a place that had "Rob" and "Burritos" in the same name 'round here.

They helicoptered out over a million pounds of "Mary" and "Jane" within 50 miles of my house this year.
I am going to attempt to make some real Tex-Mex tonight. This would be steak and chicken fajitas. As Tex-Mex as it gets around here in Yankeeland. I marinated the steaks (flatirons) in McCormick's Fajita seasoning, olive oil, a little vinegar, and water. I sprinkled the same on some chicken breasts. I then grilled both of them on Medium High until barely done for the chicken, and rare for the steak. I chopped up and sauteed slightly, some bell pepper, cubanelle, and sweet onion, with some more of the seasoning and some olive oil. I let the meat rest then cut it thin and piled it on some warm flour tortillas. I added some of the peppers and onions, and some cheddar jack cheese. I microwaved them for a minute to melt the cheese. (I have nocast iron commal to serve this on sizzling right out of the kitchen like in the restaurants) I then added guacamole, sour cream, black olives, salsa, and a salsa verde sauce of which I am working on a review. KAA-YUM!!!









The holding a glass of wine while taking the closeup shot.